Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 29: Angel's Taboo

Chapter 317 Angel's Taboo

Yu Xiaoshu brought the re-brewed tea.

Two cups of tea were placed in front of Alpi's attendants, but neither of them tasted it.

Qiao Xun took it for granted, and folded his hands into an inverted triangle,

"Two, are you dissatisfied?"

Alpi looked at Joe Tour. He really wanted to ask directly what was going on with the "earth" in the words.

But Qiao Xun's calm eyes made him unable to gain any momentum. Thinking about it, if you asked this question in vain, you would have lost your momentum. If you don't ask anything, you will put yourself in a very passive position.

After a short contact, Alpi deeply realized that his unintentional act of coming to taste tea pushed him into a bad situation.

A bit of a quandary.

He suppressed his impetuous mood. I thought to myself, how is it that I am also the lord of the fortress, in charge of the four survival cities, and it was hand-picked by Queen Phoenix. How could he not be fooled by the owner of a tea room.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Be careful and meticulous.

It is this meticulous care that makes the tea come into the mouth almost instantly, its wonderful meaning goes straight to the brain and refreshes the heart and spleen. It was as if the rot all over the body vanished in an instant.

Good tea!

No matter how much he was wary, Alpi couldn't help but praise him.

“Good tea!”

He understood what Mr. Cha Qiao Xun said before, "Tea is life". In the process of importing tea and entering his stomach, he experienced a revolving lantern of his life. It seems that all the harvests from the beginning of his birth to the present have been completely released at that moment.

This can be more prolonged and intense than the **** with the soul of a loved one.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"It seems that Alpi City Lord is very satisfied with his life."

Alpi gradually stepped out of the sense of savoring life. After he felt at ease, facing Qiao Xun, he was less wary and restrained. In his opinion, being able to brew tea of ​​this level would not be a laity. If it is not a layman, there is no need to doubt whether it is conspiracy or not.

The attendants on the side did not react as strongly as Alpi, but they were also immersed in the pleasure of savoring life and could not extricate themselves for a long time.

"Where is Mr. Tea from?" Alpi asked.

Joe Tour said:


This statement is broad and vague. In the east of the decaying world, only the figurative characteristics of the Forester fit. Looking at it this way, it seems to be the only possibility.

It only explains the orientation, but does not specify the specifics. It is also intended to indicate that it will stop when the point is reached.

Alpi knew this well, so he didn't ask any further questions. Mr. Cha is a mysterious and powerful person, and it's best not to get stuck in the relationship until he understands his purpose.

To make the four life-sustaining cities safe for a long time, Alpi relies not only on the two pairs of meat wings behind his back, but also on his shrewd mind.

"Why did Mr. Cha come to this extreme western land for the sake of meeting?"

Joe Tour said:

"Here would be a starting point for hope, wouldn't it?"

Alpi froze in his heart. The implication of this is... Do you know that Queen Phoenix will lead her army to Earth?

He thought that since Mr. Cha knew the existence of "Earth", it would not be surprising to know about it.

"What do you think, Mr. Tea?"

Joe Tour said:

"Do you think it's a good thing for fallen angels to enter the earth?"

Seeing that the other party directly revealed all the secrets. Alpi was not only not surprised, but relieved. At least you don't have to think about the other party's motives.

Still, Alpi chose to ask in surprise:

"Does Mr. Cha know about this?"

"You should know a lot. After all, Her Majesty the Queen set out with great fanfare."

"But... um, forgive me. Mr. Cha mentioned the word 'Earth's Yu Xiaoshu' when he was talking to this... miss." Alpi glanced at Yu Xiaoshu, who was in a daze beside him, "This is What's the meaning?"

"On Earth, there is a man named Yu Xiaoshu."

"Mr. Cha has been to Earth?"

Joe Tour said,

"I'm from Earth."

Alpi had to be shocked. He paused,

"But you just said you're from... the East."

"Yes, a place on Earth. A place called the Republic."

After speaking, Qiao Xun drank tea and looked at Alpi with great interest.

Alpi was really confused.

He knew the earth, and he knew that the earth was a world without decay, and it was their hope. But other than that, I don't know anything. There is no life, power or anything in there. Now, an earthling suddenly appeared in front of him, still so unpredictable.

Alpi wanted to make excuses and leave. But immediately realized it. Her Majesty the Queen is going to lead the army to the earth. To put it rudely, it is to invade this person's homeland.

And this person already knows, then he is equivalent to the enemy of the enemy camp... enemy.


Alpi doesn't have the confidence to treat Joe Patrol as an enemy.

Although Qiao Xun only said a few words from the beginning to the end, every word gave him a lot of pressure.

Qiao Xun knew that in Alpi's current state, he still had to introduce the topic himself. He laughed:

"City Lord Alpi, what do you think of Queen Phoenix's plan to invade Earth?"

Alpi was silent for a while. A pair of eyeballs covered with plaque slumped under the eyelids,

"Mr. Cha is from the earth, so tell me what you think."

Joe Tour said,

"It has nothing to do with me. The earth is a very complicated place now. I was born on the earth, but I don't belong to the earth. Moreover, the Alpi City Lord probably doesn't know, but it's not just the fallen angels of the rotten world that have their eyes on the earth and come from other worlds. Many of the gods are planning to realize their great wishes on Earth."

He paused for a while, then said in a low voice:

"Earth, it's a stage now. We are waiting for all the characters to perform. I just don't know what kind of drama the fallen angels will put on."

Qiao Xun's words were not long, but they contained a lot of information, which made Alpi digest it. He says:

"I don't know that."

"Don't worry, your Majesty the Queen knows."

"But why didn't Her Majesty choose to tell us these things?"

"She's a king. What you need is your obedience, not your knowledge. She has meticulously sketched for you that the earth is a place full of hope without decay. Of course I don't want you to know that the earth is actually a cruel competition field."

Qiao Xun's speech has a persuasive nature.

Therefore, Alpi did not doubt, but was stunned,

"Your Majesty, have you deceived us?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. She didn't lie to you. She does want you to live in a world free from rot. That's her mission as a king. What I'm telling you, as a king, won't tell you."

"Then why did Mr. Cha tell me this?"


Qiao Xun just paused for a moment, and was immediately grabbed by Yu Xiaoshu. She put her face on her hands and said:

"Because the young queen doesn't know, there is a more cruel road waiting for her. And you, as the queen's knight, need to help her at a critical moment. If you don't know anything, of course there is no help. qualifications."

Alpi was a little bewildered.

Qiao Xun glanced at Yu Xiaoshu,

"I remember that some people wanted to corrupt the queen."

Yu Xiaoshu admitted it generously,

"I corrupted her in order to keep her from dying. The Lord of Heaven will not tolerate the existence of a fallen angel without the fall."

"You didn't tell me these words."

"You didn't ask me." Yu Xiaoshu said dissatisfiedly, "Why should I tell you everything. I am working for you, not working for you."

"It makes sense!"


"Should I send you a little red flower?"

Yu Xiaoshu raised his eyebrows,

"One is not enough, two are enough."

Qiao Xun made two small red flowers at random,

"Come on, here it is."

Yu Xiaoshu followed with a smile on his face,


The two fallen angels, Alpi and the attendant, looked confused. Confused face, anxious heart.

Alpi complained in his heart, could he not flirt casually after talking about such an important thing!

In his opinion, Qiao Xun and Yu Xiaoshu were flirting.

However, for Qiao Xun and Yu Xiaoshu, this is a daily bickering.

Yu Xiaoshu had just arrived here, his will was imprisoned, his strength was exhausted, and he couldn't do anything, so he had to play tricks and flirt with Qiao Xun desperately, trying to find a place.

However, Qiao Xun doesn't care.

Let her play tricks, she can't go anywhere anyway.

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu,

"The rotten world didn't rot in the first place, right. Rot comes with the fallen angels."

Yu Xiaoshu carelessly repaired his nails,


"The reason for the birth of fallen angels is actually nothing to do with demons. It is the means of some angels in heaven, right?"

Yu Xiaoshu stretched out his slender fingers, admiring it beautifully,

"That's right."

"The reason why rot has soaked into the bottom layer of this world is also related to angels, right?"

"so smart."

The two were here to ask and answer questions in an orderly manner.

However, it seemed that Alpi was really anxious. Can you hurry up in my heart? But he also knew that it was useless no matter how anxious he was. This woman as a waiter is obviously not an ordinary character.

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes,

"Phoenix is ​​going to invade Earth. Heaven actually knows about this, right. And they want to kill Phoenix in the process."

Yu Xiaoshu nodded heavily,

"Yes! So, I'm actually here to save her." She asked expectantly, "For my kindness to save your team members, can you give me half a day off?"

"I believe you have good intentions." Qiao Xun said with a cold face, "Although I don't know what you're planning, it's just a conspiracy anyway."

Yu Xiaoshu complained angrily,

"This is prejudice! You just can't see me well. Qiao Xun, you have already put on tinted glasses to look at me!"

Qiao Xun... Yu Xiaoshu...

Alpi silently memorized the two names. Then he asked anxiously,

"Two...you said just now that someone wanted to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Yeah. Phoenix has violated some people's taboos, and even her existence itself is a taboo. Even if she doesn't plan to invade Earth this time, people will continue to assassinate her, and then support a fallen man with signs of decay. Angels take over."

"What taboo?"

Qiao Xun looked at Yu Xiaoshu.

Yu Xiaoshu suddenly became "arrogant",

"Yo, why did the omniscient Mr. Cha ask for off-site assistance?"

Qiao Xun drank tea casually,

"I'm a humble person who doesn't know just doesn't know."

In fact, it's not that I don't know. Qiao Xun can infer some content, but he is used to telling others after knowing the bottom line.

Alpi is in a hurry. But no matter how anxious you are, you can only be anxious in your heart.

Yu Xiaoshu will only play tricks on Qiao Xun, and will not waste time playing tricks on others. After feeling Alpi's eagerness, she spread her hands and said:

"Fallen angels have been a taboo in heaven since they were born. No one dares to really ask why there are fallen angels. It can only be attributed to the devil, but later, more and more people discovered that the curse of the devil is the same as that of the fallen angel. Falling is not the same. Therefore, it is no longer because of the devil, but some angels are willing to fall, betray the truth, goodness and beauty of the Lord, so they lose the blessing of the Lord and become fallen angels. But in fact, the reason why the fallen angels Appearing is just a by-product of the failure of some angels to seek the ascension of flesh and blood."

"Flesh and blood soaring?" Qiao Xun had never heard of this statement.

"This is a saying that there is only heaven. It's normal if you haven't been there and don't know. The so-called ascension of flesh and blood means that after life has evolved to the extreme, it has separated from the concrete image and turned into an abstract concept, realizing 'I am everywhere. ' Goal. Those archangels in heaven are almost all unrecognizable, and the birds are no longer like birds. They look as strange as they look. It is because of the soaring flesh and blood." Yu Xiaoshu said here, "I don't need to say, you You can also guess who proposed the soaring of flesh and blood, right?"


"Yes. Therefore, some of the angels failed their ascension of flesh and blood and were expelled after they became fallen angels who couldn't restrain their rot."

"What is the meaning of the ascension of flesh and blood?"

"In order to reach infinity. There are many worlds to seek infinity, and there are many methods, but the same goal. After the failure of the Ascension Plan, the Lord expelled the by-product fallen angels from heaven in order to prevent the faith from being polluted. Since then, no one dared to mention it. And the name of the fallen angel. Trapping the fallen angel in a world is the best way."

"Why not just kill all the fallen angels?"

Yu Xiaoshu smashed his mouth,

"Look, this is the gap between you and the Lord. If you kill them directly, who will kill them? In what name do you kill them? But if you use the title of 'let the fallen angels go to an undisturbed world to recuperate' , isn’t that more justifiable? You are alone, and of course you can say such things as killing them directly, but the Lord is the supreme heaven in charge of hundreds of millions of angels in heaven, how can there be no burden.”

Qiao Xun smiled,


Yu Xiaoshu continued,

"Phoenix wants to bring the secrets of fallen angels out of this rotten world. How could this be accepted by heaven. Besides, Phoenix is ​​very special. She was born in the rotten world, but she is an angel herself, and the most noble humanoid angel. Humanoid Angels are also called 'Holy Angels'."

"Alcott actually did."

"I know. The two sisters are connected by blood, but the elder sister bears all the corruption for the younger sister."

"Now that you know, you still plan to corrupt Phoenix?"

"Because I can cut their blood connection."

Qiao Xun was silent, and after a while he said:

"You protect Phoenix because of her doubts about her identity."

Yu Xiaoshu nodded,

"Yes. Why are the Sisters of Orpheus holy angels? Who are their parents, and why are they on Earth, I'm very curious. It's one of the few things that I don't even know about. Before I figured it out, they Nothing can happen."

Joe Tour said,

"Although your purpose is not pure, but the argument doesn't matter, you are kind."

Yu Xiaoshu smiled,

"I'm still arrogant. Is it so difficult to admit that I'm amazing?"

Qiao Xun ignored her and looked at Alpi,

"So, Lord Alpi, you know why we are telling you this."

Alpi was dumbfounded.

He shouted in his heart, I know a ghost, I can't understand a word of what you said!

The only thing I know is that Her Majesty Queen Phoenix is ​​in danger. He simply said directly,

"Mr. Cha, just tell me what you need me to do."

Qiao Xun immediately showed a smile on his face,

"What I want is your attitude."

Yu Xiaoshu teased next to him,

"The trick is successful."

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"If you don't know how to speak, please shut up."

Yu Xiaoshu laughed and turned back and forth,

"Boss Joe, I really like you more and more. Cute, I want to raise one."

Only Yu Xiaoshu can use "cute" to describe Qiao Xun.

Alpi sits no, stands no, says no, stays no, is in a dilemma, up and down.

Qiao Xun said ~www.readwn.com~ Please come back first, the time is up, I will tell you what to do. "

"Okay, there is Mr. Laocha."

Albel left with the attendant.

They flew into the air and quickly left the range of Cliff Living City.

In mid-air, Alpi suddenly said:

"Joel, what happened today is really scary."

Attendant Joel said nervously,

"Yes, City Lord. I... I have absolutely no idea what happened."

"I don't know what happened... Joel, I'm sorry, I don't know until I die."

With that said, Alpi's huge claws pierced from the back of the servant Joel's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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