Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 56: God will heal

Yu Xiaoshu flew higher and higher.

She swept towards the bright and sacred golden halo in the sky. The way of spiral upward makes her movements look very elegant. I don't know what kind of power it is out of, forming circles of blurred phantoms in the sky above Raphael Radiance Academy. Those phantoms couldn't see what it was, but there was an indescribable oppression vaguely revealed.

This leads to more people watching.

For the management of the college, it is a sigh of relief. At the very least, this "good friend" of Raphael didn't make any big moves inside the academy, but above the academy.

Qiao Xun gradually realized that Yu Xiaoshu was not simply "flying freely", but was doing something.

He approached her little by little and asked:

"What are you doing?"

Yu Xiaoshu looked at the golden halo in the sky with a radiant face and said:

"The Lord is there, and the glory of heaven is there. Are you going to see it?"

Joe looked around,

"Where is... heaven?"

"Some people say that there is the basic return point of heaven, and some people say that it is the point of heaven's will cycle. But what is certain is that the Lord is there."

"The Lord is conceptualizing life."

Yu Xiaoshu shook his head,

"No, the Lord does not conceptualize life, but concepts. The price of pursuing infinity is cruel, and maybe you cannot reach infinity yourself, but you can wait for it to come. This is what the Lord thought, and this is why the fallen angels were born... ..." She looked at Qiao Xun, and the corners of her mouth raised a mysterious arc, "Qiao Xun, you say, was Sister Ofi born because of this?"

"The Lord...is waiting for the infinite to come?"

"This is his idea, but whether infinity will come, no one knows."

Qiao Xun's eyes are calm, like a mountain stream,

"That's probably not what I care about. Didn't you tell me not to think meaninglessly? So, I won't think about it."

Yu Xiaoshu smiled and said,

"That's right." Then, her expression gradually calmed down, like Ye Yueyue, "Then, Qiao Xun, it's time for you to do what you should do."

"You always knew what it was, right?"

Yu Xiaoshu nodded,

"I can't understand you, but... just knowing you can make me guess. At the beginning, Xiaohong told you to create a world of your own and let you find the roots of other lost worlds... But she It is also not clear that no world has ever used the roots of the twenty-four worlds. So, Qiao Xun, you are making history. You are walking on this road." Her eyes softened, "I am history. witnesses."

Qiao Xun looked at her. He also wanted to see something in Yu Xiaoshu's eyes. But just as Yu Xiaoshu couldn't understand him, and he couldn't understand Yu Xiaoshu.

"I remember that the sand table of the world came from your hands."

Yu Xiaoshu nodded,

"You finally mentioned it. I thought you didn't say it, or forgot."

"Maybe it needs a suitable time to bring this matter up. Now, probably."

Yu Xiaoshu turned his back, the holy angel's wings swayed rhythmically,

"The world sand table was not created by me. In fact, I don't know who it came from, or, in other words, it has existed since the beginning. Since the birth of the self, there has been a world sand table. I even thought for a while, whether I It evolved from the world sand table. I have been thinking about this question for a long time, but I have never come across the possibility of it. Probably... Only the first finite world that doesn't know where it is will know."

she continued,

"In the early days of my ignorant world, I paid attention to the formation of one finite world after another. Faster and faster, more and more. But there has never been a finite world with the roots of twenty-four worlds. Therefore, No one knows what it will be like and what will happen when a world with the roots of twenty-four worlds is created."

"In the past time, someone should have tried to do such a thing."

"Yes, many people have tried, one after another. But none of them have been successful."

"But you are collecting the roots of the world."

Yu Xiaoshu smiled slightly,

"Yes. I collected sixteen from many finite worlds. Then you cut off the beard."

Qiao Xun was slightly embarrassed.

"I can give it back to you."

"Don't say such things. The world sand table and the root of the world have never had an owner, and whoever gets it is whoever owns it. Moreover, now, the world sand table is more important to you. In your hands, it can play better Effect."

"Why do you say that?"

"You are the devil, the devil is the unknown, and the unknown is everything possible."

This sentence doesn't sound logical, but Yu Xiaoshu obviously doesn't try to explain it. Qiao Xun thought that she probably felt that she couldn't understand for the time being, so she didn't want to let herself fall into the cage of meaningless thinking.

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, then said:

"Otherwise, where do we go shopping?"

Yu Xiaoshu was stunned for a while.

"Aren't you doing business? The 'light' is there, won't you go get it?" She pointed to the golden halo above the sky.

Qiao Xun looked up,

"But didn't you say, let me have a good rest first?"

Yu Xiaoshu tutted twice,

"You are really strange. In the past, you always urged me to do business, and you didn't want to hear a word of gossip. Now it's better, it's the other way around."

"I didn't change any tricks to hurt you."

"That's right. I was all ready to let you go to the Glory Heaven Rank." Yu Xiaoshu shrugged, "Since you said you were going to go shopping, don't blame me for delaying your time."

"Am I so immoral?"

Yu Xiaoshu showed a suspicious look.

"never mind."

After she finished speaking, she grabbed Qiao Xun's wrist, flapped her wings violently, and the two instantly disappeared in the air.

With the disappearance of Yu Xiaoshu, those indescribable and unknown phantoms created by her also disappeared. The angels watching on the ground were not able to know what those phantoms were from the beginning to the end, and they were even surprised to find that after those phantoms disappeared, they actually forgot what they had seen before.

Of course, the students who can study in Angel Academy are not ordinary people. After a little thinking, they realize that the reason why they forget those phantoms may be because the phantoms themselves are beyond the scope they can recognize. The reason why he could see it should be because of that holy and strange angel.

For ordinary students, they only know that there is a holy and strange angel in Raphael Radiance Academy. For the management, they are relieved, and there is no big news.

"I'll take you to meet someone. Oh no, see an angel."

"Who?" Joe asked.


"Is this academy symbolic?"

"Yes, it's her."

"Listening to your tone, I'm very familiar with her."

Yu Xiaoshu nodded,

"The relationship is not bad. I can live so freely in heaven because of her big backer."

Qiao Xun teased,

"With your ability, if you want to live freely, you don't need the help of others."

"The reason is such a reason, but as a person, I am relatively low-key, you know."

"Hehe, I believe it."

Yu Xiaoshu said dissatisfiedly,

"Just tell the truth. Don't think that the stronger the ability, the more unfettered it is. On the contrary, the stronger the ability, the more you want to live in a world with rules, and the more willing you are to abide by certain rules. On the contrary, those who can't go up and down and sway half a bottle. People tend to be self-righteous, and their hearts are higher than the sky.”

"You may be right. But you are low-key... I don't believe it."

Yu Xiaoshu said angrily:

"You just have always been prejudiced against me."

"Whoever sows the cause will reap the fruit." Qiao Xun disagreed.

Yu Xiaoshu sighed, unable to refute. She admitted that when she woke up on Earth as a pilgrim, her words and actions did leave some bad impressions on Qiao Xun. But she felt that she couldn't blame her, because at that time, she had just woken up, and many things had not yet entered the rhythm and state they should have.

She didn't say much, and took Qiao Xun to a high mountain on the sixth day.

After walking a few steps, the two stopped in front of a quaint old mansion.

"This is it."

Yu Xiaoshu deftly opened the door, and was accustomed to the road.

"Does Raphael live in such a place?" Qiao Xun said.

"Don't underestimate this place. It can hold a whole history of heaven."


"Well, the years library. Haven't heard of this place."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I haven't seen this place in fairy tales."

"Because this place is not recorded in the totem, naturally it has not spread to the civilization of the earth."

"So, is this the equivalent of heaven's history library?"

"Yes. Raphael rules the history of heaven."

"Then will she tamper with history?"

Yu Xiaoshu shook his head,

"To tamper with history is not just to tamper with the words in the history books. Don't think about it so simple. This is much more difficult than revising a person's fate. After all, tampering with history affects a whole limited number of people. world."

"I remember that historical revision is also a part of the underlying logic of the world."

"That's right. The history of mistakes will be gradually corrected because of the underlying logic of the world. However, if it is strong enough to interfere with the underlying logic, it will naturally be able to evade historical correction." Yu Xiaoshu said, "But, Raphael didn't do it. such a thing."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't forget, I am the 'world', I know whether a person has interfered with the underlying logic of a world. Just like you, I can clearly know the underlying logic of which worlds you have interfered with. "

Qiao Xun touched his nose.

He did interfere with the underlying logic of many worlds. Something like collecting the root "universe" of the world.

He also does not deny that, after all, his limited world journey is not based on the keynote of "doing good deeds". Everything first serves his personal preferences and wishes. That's the keynote.

"Are you going to let us know each other?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Learning and thinking are mutual. Only with good study can there be good thinking. And this library of years is a good place to study. As for you and Raphael...don't think about it, you and her It definitely doesn't fit."

"Why, do you despise me so much?"

"It's not that I look down on you... Raphael is known as the goddess of healing, the goddess of smiles, the goddess of grief healing... She can hardly tolerate all negative emotions. So, as soon as you meet, she will definitely chase after you to heal you and expel everything in your heart. Negative emotions, to put it bluntly, are to purify all the filth in you. I don’t need to say more about how unhealthy you are now.”

"...Well, then how did you get along with her? You're not much healthier than me, are you?"

Yu Xiaoshu laughed,

"That's why you don't understand me. When I first met Raphael, she said I was the purest person she had ever seen. Don't forget, my basic attribute is 'world', not ordinary life ."

"That's why you have a good relationship with her."

"Yeah, she's so charming, she took the initiative to get close to me."

"Don't show it off to me, I'm not interested."

The two walked into the years library. Everything inside has nothing to do with the "library". It is a conceptualized corridor of time. When reading history, it is not to read line by line on the paper, but to select a historical node for conceptualized immersive experience.

Qiao Xun quickly gained insight into this library. However, he also quickly discovered that there are many historical nodes that have not been opened up and cannot be easily understood.

Those, perhaps, are the undisclosed secrets of heaven.

At the end of the promenade of years, there is an angel holding a pen at the desk - "God will heal the one", the wise angel Raphael.

As an angel of the higher order, Raphael surprisingly does not show a high degree of conceptualization. Only her legs were turned into a swirling stream of stardust, and the rest was the image of the people of the world. Aside from the legs that turned into stardust, her distinctive translucent wings were the most conspicuous. Can't tell if it's wings or some other type of wings.

"Raphael!" Yu Xiaoshu happily stepped forward when he saw his friend.

Raphael raised his head and looked at the corridor of time. When he saw Yu Xiaoshu running towards her, a perfect smile appeared on his face.

Qiao Xun clearly felt that what was displayed on Raphael's face was a noble and sacred love.

This wise angel, one of the seven angels, has a vast spiritual world far beyond everyone else.

The stardust under Raphael became faster, she got up, hugged and kissed Yu Xiaoshu.

In terms of image, Qiao Xun felt that she was like some kind of carefully crafted artwork, showing a kind of spiritual and conscious beauty, rather than a popular visual beauty.

"Long time no see, Candice," Raphael said.

Candice... This is probably Yu Xiaoshu's alias in heaven.

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Raphael, are you still reviewing history?"

Raphael nodded,

"Well, recently, there have been problems with this long corridor, and some history has disappeared for no reason. I'm looking for the reason."


"I don't know the reason for the time being, whether it is annihilation or disappearance. Let's not talk about this, Candice, are you here today to introduce your friend?" Raphael looked at Qiao Xun.

Yu Xiaoshu nodded,

"Well, he just came to heaven, and I took him around."

Raphael's face showed a sublime love,

"Hello, my name is Raphael."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Hello, my name is Joey."

Raphael moved to Qiao Xun, held his face lightly, and looked into his eyes with a kind of love similar to a mother's love,

"I feel your grief and pain."

Because of the stardust under her body, she is very tall. She bent down slightly and touched Qiao Xun's forehead,

"Enter my arms, please let you relieve your grief."

Qiao Xun glanced at Yu Xiaoshu.

The latter spread out his hands. However, she had an obvious sullen look on her face. Because she couldn't approach Qiao Xun in such a way that suits her like Raphael.

Qiao Xun remained motionless, waiting for Raphael to purify him.

He wanted to know what was the principle of this cherub purifying grief.

But after a while, Raphael let go of him, stepped back a little distance, looked at Qiao Xun suspiciously:

"You... have no soul?"

Qiao Xun said,

"How can there be no soul."

"Am I wrong?" Raphael was about to approach Qiao Xun again and purify again.

Qiao Xun politely refused,

"Sir Raphael doesn't have to be like this."

"But your grief, your pain..." Raphael frowned, "I can't stand grief surrounding you."

Qiao Xun then found a reason,

"Grief is my strength."


"Yes, I rely on grief to move forward. Turn grief into strength."

"I... can't understand." Raphael looked at Qiao Xun lovingly, "Poor child."

Qiao Xun understood why Yu Xiaoshu said he would not get along with Raphael.

Raphael's love is too dazzling, too sublime, too pure. So that anyone with some ulterior secrets in their hearts, in front of her, has the feeling of a criminal being in the spotlight.

"Master Raphael doesn't need to understand it deliberately, just understand that the pain to me is your joy."

Raphael looked at Yu Xiaoshu,

"Candice, really?"

Yu Xiaoshu was a little hesitant~www.readwn.com~ She actually wanted to know what the grief of Qiao Xun was, and she also wanted to know through Raphael. But after thinking about it, that would only make Qiao Xun feel uneasy,

"Well, yes. He came from a special place. There, pain is joy."

"Lord, I've only seen this in **** before." Raphael frowned and said sadly.

Qiao Xun thought, this is probably the real angel.

in full sense.

Raphael paused for a while before reluctantly accepting that there was a "grief body" within his field of vision. she asked:

"Are you going to visit the days of heaven?"

Qiao Xun said,

"I want to understand the conceptual years of life in heaven."

Raphael's face changed,

"you sure?"

"Yes. It was a dusty time, right."

Raphael's eyes showed sadness,

"It has been a long time since no one mentioned that period of time, so that the angels now never know."

Her performance all proved that she knew about those years.

In other words, she knew how the fallen angel was born.

Joe asked,

"So, why is it dusty?"

"Because, that is incurable grief."


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