Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 97: visitor from heaven

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The sacrifice ended successfully.

Cangten Pavilion is reinstated. Only eight words were left in the air:

"God's will, Lanzhiwei Emperor".

Not much content is required. One providence, one name, one emperor is enough.

It is enough to break through everything that remains in Da Zhou and attack Lan Zhiwei.

A group of princes and generals saw these eight characters, and finally put away the last bit of unwillingness in their hearts.

Those eight words are enough to show that it is justifiable for Lan Zhiwei to become emperor.

Lan Zhiwei looked at the eight characters in the sky that were gradually turning into a lake, and could not forget it for a long time. He knew who wrote it because he had seen that person's handwriting.

Mr. Gokawa.

He murmured in his heart,

"Mr. Zuochuan, is this the second time you helped me?"

The ministers left, but Lan Zhiwei couldn't return to his senses for a long time. It was not until the **** urged him for the fifth time that he turned around and left.

He was waiting to see if Mr. Zokawa would show up.

But it didn't.

Lan Zhiwei suddenly felt that it didn't make much sense. It really doesn't seem like much to be a king. Because, today, he knows that the so-called Great Zhou, the so-called emperor, is nothing but the court of heaven. Everything in this world is under the control of heaven.

"The emperor in prison..."

He laughed at himself, shook his head and strode away.

The personal **** didn't know why, so he hurriedly followed behind and asked if he was uncomfortable.


Qiao Xun fully expanded the world of Moshan and completely integrated with the human world.

A large amount of immortal energy from heaven quickly spread to every part of the world.

He thought that on this day, there should be many people in the world, and suddenly there was a feeling of enlightenment, and then a huge breakthrough was ushered in. There are even some people who can understand the method of "cultivating immortals" in an instant epiphany.

The earth and heaven are connected.

Heavenly court's fairy energy, as transcendent energy, has sublimated the essence of the world on earth. At this time, to gain insight into the world, there is no need to worry about being locked and monitored because the power of insight is a transcendent ability.

For this day, Qiao Xun was fully prepared.

Therefore, in the first time, he completed his insight into the fairy world.

Then, he gradually understood everything.

Knowing why Heavenly Court was full, I had to block the passage between the world and Heavenly Court.

Because, something has occupied a large number of Immortal Classes, making Immortal World's Transcendent Grade load reach the maximum bearing limit. One more immortal may lead to the collapse of the limited boundary. In that case, everything that the fairyland has been in operation until now will no longer belong to the fairyland.

People from other worlds can come and go at will, and people from Immortal World can also leave at will.

And something like that...

Let Qiao Xun once again focus on the great existence in his consciousness.

The Great Being has not interacted with him for a long, long time. So that most of the time, Qiao Xun couldn't feel her existence.

Heavenly Court occupies a large number of immortal classes, which is exactly the same as his feeling and the great existence in consciousness.

Is it the same creature? Or the same existence?

Qiao Xun couldn't find out.

And he doesn't know how to communicate with the great beings in consciousness. She was just quietly silent in the deepest part of her consciousness, as if she had died, and as if she was waiting for a chance to wake up.

He is not obsessed with knowing what the Great Being is right now.

There are many things that I don't know.

Like "What is the greatness enshrined by the scavengers", "What happened to the dust Wang Liangyi of the finite world", "What does it mean for the original origin melting pot to call Gomo Saori"...

And so on, there are many doubts.

If every doubt has to bother people for a while, then there is no need to do anything else in this life.

Handling the current affairs well is always Qiao Xun's first choice.

So, he walked towards Junjun, who was being called by the heavenly court, and shouted with a smile,

"Your Majesty."

Jun Jun turned around in astonishment, and immediately shouted excitedly and tenderly,

"Uncle Master!"

She rushed over desperately, wanting to hug Qiao Xun like before.

Qiao Xun put a finger on her forehead,

"You're already a big girl, be more reserved."

Jun Jun was stunned,

"I'm only seventeen... I'm still a child."

"Look at your appearance, where are you related to children?"


She put her fingers on her chin and said aggrievedly: "Can't you even hug?"



"It's useless to act coquettishly."

"Then praise me."

“It was great.”

"What a fake!"

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at her,

"Your ears are popping out."


She quickly covered her head. Then blushed and said,

"It must have been so exciting."

"After so many years, still can't control your human form?"

"Oh, no. It's just that I'm very excited today. Anyway... it's good that the tail is not exposed."

The conversation between the two is no different from six years ago.

Qiao Xun looked at Chang Yan a little behind,

"Xiaoyan, long time no see."

Chang Yan, however, can't do what he did six years ago, so he said in a cramped way,

"Well, uncle, hello."

Qiao Xun gave him a deep look.

The look in his eyes made Chang Yan lower his head.

Qiao Xun didn't say much, then looked at Jun Jun and asked:

"How did you feel just now?"

"I'm scared to death! There are magical soldiers transformed from immortal arts everywhere! I just think, there are so many, how can I stop them, I am afraid that today is the day of my burial!"

"Ah? I saw that you were in high spirits when you were fighting, and you were incomparably brave."

Junjun widened his eyes,

"Okay! You are watching from the side, don't you come to help?! Do you still have my apprentice in your eyes!"

"..." Although he knew that Junjun said this on purpose, Qiao Xun explained patiently, "If I appeared at that time, the immortals would not use their own magic. They don't use their own magic. , you will not be able to break the barriers between the world and heaven, the gate of heaven will not be opened, and you will not be able to ascend."

"Ascension... My strange state just now was ascension..."

"Well. You are already an immortal, just because you didn't accept the call of Tianmen, so you are not a true immortal in the immortal class, but a fairy who belongs to the immortal world, but not the heavenly court... celestial being."

"Tianxian... eh, this sounds good. I like this."

"Don't be childish like a child."

Junjun said dissatisfiedly,

"I usually have to pretend to be an adult. I finally have the opportunity to pretend to be a child. Why do you always criticize me?"

Junjun is a "very assertive" person, so Qiao Xun knew that what he said was useless, so he simply didn't say it.

"Forget it, as long as you like it."

Jun Jun suddenly looked at Chang Yan and then at Qiao Xun, his tone became a little lower,

"Why... Xiaoyan didn't ascend to immortality?"

Chang Yan's shoulders trembled.

Qiao Xun looked at him,

"According to my calculations, both of you will become immortals today. But the premise is... you really follow the cultivation plan I designated."

He didn't say much.

But the meaning is already obvious.

Chang Yan chose his own path, so he failed to become an immortal. He took a breath,

"Uncle, I... let you down."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Why don't you say disappointment. I myself have put you in such a crisis. You should have an easier life, but my choice has changed your life. Therefore, if you choose your own life, you don't have to Say betrayal."

"I... can I still become an immortal?"

"Yes. Even if you go your own way, you can. But the premise is, Xiao Yan, from the beginning to the end, don't give up your choice easily. Sometimes, success lies in front of giving up."

Chang Yan's originally dark eyes gradually regained clarity, he looked up,

"That's why I feel that Senior Sister is really a perfect person."

"Huh? Why did you suddenly talk about me again." Jun Jun pursed his lips.

Qiao Xun looked at Jun Jun. The latter showed a big smile.

He thought, yeah, a perfect agent. There is no one more suitable than her...

Chang Yan bowed deeply to Qiao Xun,

"Thank you for your uncle's teaching...but I think, maybe I need someone to think about it. I will practice hard and try to catch up with you!"

"Xiaoyan, you..." Jun Jun couldn't bear his eyes.

"I'm going further afield."

Qiao Xun looked at him,


As the saying goes, don't say much, don't stay much, keep your shoulders firm, and gradually go away.

Looking at his back, Jun Jun complained:

"Uncle, don't you keep him? If you let him stay, he will definitely stay."

"His heart is no longer here, why should he stay?"

"Master, you are so heartless."


"Xiaoyan is your nephew. He was already injured, and he just fought against the gods in the sky again, which cost him a lot... If he had to go, at least he could have a good rest. You can obviously do this, but you didn't. Do this. I don't think even a little pity will end up like this."

"Compassion..." Qiao Xun looked at Junjun.

Jun Jun also looked at Qiao Xun,

"Master, will you abandon me too?"


"Ah!" Jun Jun angrily punched Qiao Xun, "Aren't you reluctant to say anything to make me happy!"

Qiao Xun took a step forward,

"I said, I won't lie to you."

"..." Jun Jun suddenly became quiet. She followed Qiao Xun.

After a while she said,

"Uncle Shi, did you take in me and Xiaoyan just to help you do something?"



"You already thought of that."

"I'm not stupid."

"Then why don't you choose your own life like Xiao Yan."

"Because, this is my life... Unless, unless you, uncle, tell me personally, you are just using me to achieve your own goals."

"I'm not that bad."

"So...this is my life. I always thought that any unexplained kindness is actually an exchange in another way. Will it be an exchange between me and my uncle?"


"Then what do I need to use in exchange for a little love from my uncle?"

"Why this?"

"Because, I don't think Shishu really loves me from the bottom of his heart. I want Shishu to really love me."

"Then you are really a self-centered person. Do you think that the people in the world have to revolve around you?"

"No. As long as Shishu turns around me, it's fine."

"There won't be that day." Qiao Xun said, "Junjun, if one day I find that you can't help me, I will give up on you decisively."

"Will you say such a thing, doesn't it mean that Shishu actually cares about me a little?"

"Your understanding is peculiar."

"Yes, you told me the bad news reserved in your heart, didn't you just make me prepare in advance? If you are really a bad person, you should coax me with better words, and let me sincerely You do things." Jun Jun's eyes flashed with the light of wisdom.

Qiao Xun said indifferently,

"Don't try to parse my mind. Anyone who tries to parse my mind will always find the opposite of what they think."

"I do not believe."


"Master, let me tell you a story."


"That was what my mother told me before. When I was just born, a visitor came down from the sky. My mother said that she clearly saw the visitor's appearance at that time, and was so impressed that she often dreamed of it. Arrived. The memory of the fox demon is very strong, and it can generally remember people for a lifetime. But my mother said that for some reason, I gradually forgot what the visitor looked like. The only impression left is... that visitor is very young girl."

When Qiao Xun heard this, he was very moved.

He knew almost instantly that the foreign visitor was Nan Shizukuto.

However, he didn't show it on his face.

Junjun went on to say,

"Uncle Master gave me the same feeling when he was in retreat. So, Uncle Master, are you a visitor?"

Joe Tour said,

"As far as this world is concerned, I am indeed a visitor from heaven."

"Why do I gradually forget you?"

"Because the human world was originally a closed world and was strictly controlled by heaven. Therefore, any traces that do not belong to the human world will soon disappear. Your memory of me belongs to that kind of trace."

"That is to say, if you come out later, I will really forget you."

"Yes. But I showed up just in time."

Junjun said with a smile,

"I knew Shishu still cares about me~www.readwn.com~ I'm afraid I'll forget you!"

"You think too much. You don't remember me, and I won't be lost for a moment."

"I do not believe."

"You're such a feel-good person."

Junjun said bluntly,

"After all, I'm such a good person! Xiaoyan said that I'm a perfect person!"

"That's because Xiao Yan didn't see you like this."

"Anyway, my uncle must care about me." Jun Jun looked at Qiao Xun slyly, "Would you like to make a bet? You must care about me very much!"

Qiao Xun looked at her. Her eyes grew closer and closer to the burning crimson in her mother's eyes.

He says,

"Okay, make a bet. Bet what?"

"Uncle, say whatever you want. Anyway, I must win!"

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from."

"If you have to say it, it is... intuition!"


Qiao Xun does not comment. He says:

"If I lose, I will grant you a request."


"However, if you don't care about such a thing...how can you confirm it?"

"Hmph, then it's up to the uncle. The uncle said he wouldn't lie to me."


Then, Junjun fell into deep thought.

"What are you thinking?" Joe asked.

Junjun said,

"I'm wondering what to ask of you."


They walked into the streets of Tianyun Imperial Capital. It was not sunny, and it was snowing in the sky.

He looked at the end of the street and thought:

But, Jun Jun... I'm a devil. A demon who can see through desire. Your desire tells me that you... don't think about anything at the moment. Junjun, you are deceiving me.

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