Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 111: Snatch Xianban, dusk is coming

The appearance of Lan Yuedong made almost everyone in Sendai fall into a feeling of "finally here, but I don't know why".

The boy in the front and the middle opened his eyes at the same time as Chang Yan.

The eyes of the two are completely different. As the saying goes, the eyes are in line with the above, but there is also a meaning of "why is she", while the young Jiang Youle shows a little complicated meaning and soon regains clarity.

Chang Yan, of course, knows Lan Yuedong, but he knows Lan Yuedong who used to have the temperament of a princess and is often unreasonable. He doesn't know the current Lan Yuedong who is "expected and shining brightly". He asked Jiang Youle,

"who is she?"

Jiang Youle closed her eyes again,

"Maybe a very remarkable person."

"What does this mean?" Why do you add "maybe"? I don't quite understand the common saying.

Jiang Youle said slowly,

"You might as well treat her as a person to pick up. Pick us up and rank in the fairy class."

Chang Yan looked at Lan Yuedong with difficulty. This kind of span made him unable to understand and accept it for a while. He never imagined, and never thought that the Fourteenth Princess would have such a shocking identity.

Lan Yuedong also saw the saying.

Her whole person has changed, completely different from before. If she was in the past, she would definitely be full of joy when she reunited with her old friend. But now, she just glanced at Chang Yan silently, and then walked forward. However, when his eyes swept over the place where Qiao Xun and Lan Jun were, he didn't stop at all, and he didn't seem to recognize them.

At the same time, a celestial ladder made of immortal magic was completed under the feet with the steps.

As she walked, she said,

"You should have been ranked in the Immortal Class. It's just that Heavenly Court's inaction has delayed your avenues. I also know that there are still many people who seek immortals and ask questions. They clearly have the ability to rank in the Immortal Class. Opening the gate of heaven, exhausting life, and being confused for a lifetime. I should also tell you that if heaven cannot treat truly capable people, it also means that mythology should not belong to them. "

Her words have no reason and no follow-up. Just talk like a normal talk, talk it out in a normal way.

But at this moment, in such a scene, her words seem to be the only truth.

Almost everyone subconsciously believed her words, as if her words were the heaviest weight in this entire fairyland.

All eyes stared at Lan Yuedong, dressed in a serious and solemn black and gold striped robe, with long hair tied in batches, not a tall figure, and occupying everyone's minds.

She is what everyone expects, she is looking forward to it, she said:

"Heaven won't open the gate of heaven for you, so I will open it."

His voice was arrogant and powerful, which lifted everyone's spirits.

Lan Yuedong stood on the celestial ladder, raised her hand to push away the stratus clouds, and in an instant, the sky above Xiantai was clear for thousands of miles, with no wind and no clouds. The fog surrounding this immortal mountain also dissipated.

At this time, everyone can see clearly. Where is this immortal mountain floating on a calm sea, it is simply in a small world that does not belong to the human world. The mountain is not a mountain at all, but a huge platform.

In this small world, there is only Ten Sendai suspended in the air, and nothing else.

The group of immortals were very shocked. They clearly remembered that they came from the far-sighted sea, crossing the fog, and climbing the fairy mountain. How could it be this scene?

Lan Jun didn't care about this.

Because, she followed Qiao Xun and stepped over. However, hearing the whispers around her, she could understand what they were shocked by. So, curiously asked Qiao Xun:

"You already knew that, right?"

"What do you know?" Qiao Xun asked nonchalantly.

"Well, this place is a small world independent of the human world."

"Isn't this a matter of course? If it was in the human world, with the power of heaven's supervision over the human world, it would have been discovered long ago."

"That's right." Lan Jun nodded, then asked, "Then why let others come by 'crossing the sea'?"

Qiao Xun glanced at her, frowned,

"You have the brain to help Lan Zhiwei clean up the court and settle the government, but don't have the brain to understand this problem?"

Lan Jun held his head,

"It's tiring to think about things... With you around, I don't want to think anymore."

"Then it seems that I still need to keep a distance from you."

"Don't!" Lan Jun hurriedly expressed his opinion, "It's to make it more logical for these people to become immortals, and give them a sense of participation in the process of seeking immortals!"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is also to avoid the discovery of Heaven. Lan Yuedong's arrangement is correct. If you directly lead these people through the barriers of the world and come here, there is a high probability that they will be discovered, Heavenly Court. It can also be prepared in advance.”

"Then now, can Heavenly Court be prepared?" Lan Jun asked.

Qiao Xun said,

"It's hard to say, let's wait and see."

Wait and see.

Lan Jun also put away her mood and looked at Lan Yuedong quietly. See what this familiar stranger is going to do.

Lan Yuedong pushed aside the stratum clouds, and after letting those who seek immortals see the truth of the climb to Sendai, lead out an immortal technique.

This immortal art is milky white, very gentle, and looks like a slowly flowing fat white jade.

Immortal magic grows rapidly, and soon, it becomes a "towering tree". The dense branches of fairy magic cling to the barriers of the small world. After taking it to the whole small world and being wrapped, a ray of light suddenly formed and landed on Dengxiantai. Afterwards, the heavenly magic condensed into mysterious runes. The runes light up one by one, and when all of them light up, the barriers of the world are suddenly lifted. The mottled walls of the world are like a collapsed hive.

Afterwards, when the sky was shining, everyone saw the fascinated and tightly closed gate of heaven.

The gate of heaven hangs high, and there are mysteries just around the corner.

Immortal runes quickly covered the gate of heaven. Like a giant pushing in with its arms. The gate of heaven opened slowly.

At the moment when the gate of heaven opened, Qiao Xun's eyes flashed suddenly, and then he quickly calmed down. Lan Jun glanced at him subconsciously.

The gate of heaven is opening, and everyone who ascends to Sendai is shrouded in the sky light falling from the sky.

The call from the root of the world, the touch from the huge will of the entire immortal world. All those who seek immortality, at this moment, see their own way, and see the immortal class that they should belong to.

Lan Yuedong's voice resounded in their minds,

"Immediately ascend to immortal."

The arrogant and solemn voice pierced through all concerns.

Immortal seekers, isn't this life just for today? But when you are going to die, you have to cross the gate of that day.

Dengxian, Dengxian!

The strongest desire in everyone's heart, at this moment, turned into reality.

The Heavenly Gate slammed open, and on the Xiantai, a total of one hundred and forty-two rays of light rose up and rushed towards the Heavenly Gate.

These one hundred and forty-two rays of light are the will to ascend to the Immortal accumulated over the years since the Heavenly Court Immortal Class was full and the Heavenly Gate was blocked. Except for those immortal cultivators who have already exhausted their lifespan and have not waited for the gate of heaven to open, here is all the power that ordinary people in the world wish to break all shackles.

Feathering soars, coming now.

One hundred and forty-two rays of light swept through the gate of heaven.

The will of the world trembles because of them. The immortal class, which was already full and could not be vacated at all, began to crumble under the influence of the core of the world and the root of the world.

Xianban was shaky, and the first thing he felt was the supreme saint who was in charge of his own character.

At this time, in a nested space inside the Great Hall of Truth.

This nesting space is very empty, there is nothing superfluous, it is just a space. In the center of the space, a huge black shadow was reflected. This huge black shadow is bound by strips of golden silk-like satin, and at the same time, the "power of nature" flowing from these golden silk and satin constantly nourishes the shadow itself.

These things like golden silk and satin are exactly the "natural runes" that symbolize the position of the fairy class, and are the fundamental things that true immortals can borrow the power of the world of the fairy world.

In the past, when the gate of heaven was blocked, no one in the world ascended, and no one sought the immortal class, the native runes were taken care of by the native mythical masters of heaven. However, the original runes belonged to the vast space cluster of Immortal World from beginning to end, not someone. The real dominance is in the fairy tree.

Once someone ascends and seeks the Immortal Class, the root of the world will follow the will of the core of the world to test whether the person who seeks the Immortal Class is qualified to be in the Immortal Class.

If you are qualified, you will give your own runes and grant them to the Immortal Class, and then Heavenly Court will arrange the duties.

Therefore, when a group of ascenders who had just ascended to heaven began to seek the immortal class. The root of the world follows the will of the core of the world, and begins its mission of existence, testing qualifications, and bestowing its identity.

But the immortal class is full, so how can you give your character?

Immortal world, the seventh finite world since the origin, the double first mythical world in name and substance. The fairy tree, the largest limited space cluster in the limited category, is equivalent to a large number of limited worlds, which together converge into this limited world. Undoubtedly, to do this, Immortal Realm needs to have an extremely powerful world core and an unsurpassable supreme will.

This kind of will is a world will that has no characteristics and exists purely for the evolution of the world. without interference from anyone.

Under the dominance of this pure world will, they began to collect those idle fairy classes who did not play an important role and did not contribute to the evolution of the world to bestow the newly ascended ascendants.

There is no doubt that for the Immortal Realm, the natural rune that nourishes the huge black shadow in the nested world in the Great Hall of Truth is idle and useless.

A natural rune, under the traction of the root of the world, swayed and fell off the shadow, and then easily passed through the barriers of the nested world and landed in front of a certain ascender.

The Ascender feels the call of the will of the world deep in his consciousness.

Call him to rank in the fairy class.

The Ascended was intoxicated and dreamlike, and he accepted this character rune excitedly, and since then he has been ranked in the fairy class.

One after another, the original runes peeled off from the huge black shadow and came to the front of the ascendant.

A group of ascenders waited eagerly and excitedly. They all believed that they would definitely get the root and be ranked in the fairy class.

Feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Lan Jun asked:

"Are we going to accept Xianban too?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Of course. If you don't rank in the fairy class, it's not justifiable."

"Justified? Are you going to do something big?" Lan Jun asked expectantly.

Qiao Xun looked at Lan Yuedong in the distance. With her arrogant gaze, she stared in the direction of the main island of Heavenly Court, not caring whether she would be ranked in the Immortal Class. He says:

"Yes, it's a big deal."

In fact, when the first natural rune was peeled off from the shadow, there was a figure swaying in the cracks of the nested world. This figure, without a doubt, belongs to the supreme saint of heaven.

The voice in the crack whispered:

"Sure enough, you came back. In addition, there is Zhenwu."

As the supreme ruler who dominates everything in heaven. The Supreme Being was not panicked because of this. He knew that the Heavenly Court was in chaos at this time, and basically every True Immortal had invested in the work of maintaining stability. It would be difficult to transfer extra strength to deal with her returning. Moreover, ordinary true immortals have no chance of winning against her.

The three great emperors, Zhenxuan, Zhenxiang, and Zhenming, are all leading the order on the front line, and they can't move around easily, otherwise it will easily cause a chain collapse.

And he himself cannot leave the nested world at this critical moment.

After all, he knew from beginning to end that everything he did was for the smooth recovery of this origin life.

At this point, you can only ask for help from the gods.

As soon as the idea came out, he didn't hesitate, and then, his will boldly moved, overcoming all substantial obstacles to reach Yehuang City in the realm of heaven.

The highest point of Yehuang City.

Tianwu Anxian, who leaned over and sat on the immortal seat of the palace, slowly opened her eyes. She received a request from the Holy One.

"I really can't stop it. Then this time, I really want to see dusk."

After speaking in her heart, she shook her body and disappeared into the palace.

At the same time, the three supreme heavenly immortals, Tianshou, Tianxuan and Tianxiang, all received will from An Xian. Call them to rush to heaven to solve difficulties.

Her Highness Lu Yixuan, who was already in the Heavenly Court, had long expected this moment, so when she felt An Xian's will, she didn't show any obvious expression. She just smiled lightly and said to Lu Xianyi next to her:

"Miaomiao, can't we see it as lively?"

Lu Xianyi was puzzled,

"Did something happen?"

"The Heavenly Court Immortal Class has been severely impacted~www.readwn.com~ is about to fall. The Supreme Saint has personally come forward to ask An Xian, and An Xian asked us to help."

"Is it so sudden? It's only been so long, I thought it's been a long time." Lu Xianyi sighed.

Lu Yixuan said,

"Many things are like this. They are imminent and change rapidly. No one will be undecided and twisted in such a huge chess game on such an occasion. What we have seen, the pieces dropped by the unknown enemy are killing every step of the way. All the tricks are to cause the Heavenly Court to attack the heavens without a detour."

It is rare to see such a serious Highness Tianshou, Lu Xianyi swept away the fatigue that had become more and more heavy due to Lu Yixuan's out-of-tune a few days ago, and said solemnly:

"Can I help with something?"

Lu Yixuan smiled,

"Shout and cheer for me by the side!"

The seriousness that he had just mentioned was immediately dissipated. Lu Xianyi said with a cold face,

"I'll still know Yehuang City, there's still a lot of homework."

"Don't, don't, I'm joking. There's no reason for you to go back alone. We came out together, so we have to go back together." Lu Yixuan said righteously.

Lu Xianyi said helplessly,

"Then don't delay."

"Okay, let's go!" With a wave of Lu Yixuan's palm, he took Lu Xianyi and disappeared here instantly.

Then, they crossed the space and came to the front line in one step——


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