Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 2: smell and taste

Xin Yu looked at the map and said,

"Our first destination is Room 1102, Building A, Unit 9, Sanhua Community, Jiaolou District."

However, when everyone clicked on this area of ​​the map, they prompted "Unexplored".

Qi Bo said:

"I didn't go near here because I was worried about revealing my whereabouts. But I asked outside. Room 1102 is on the 11th floor, and the 10th, 11th and 12th floors are all blocked."

Xin Yu nodded,

"It's the right thing to do. It's too dangerous for you to investigate alone. What's the specific explanation for the ban?"

"The property in Sanhua Community is said to be renovating on three floors. However, residents of the community said that there was a dead person on the 11th floor, which is very evil, and even the three-story building was moved. Moreover, one after another, other floors were also low. Sell ​​the house and move out.”

People in the Republic are more taboo about the dead, especially those who die by accident and suicide.

This kind of thing happens a lot. Often a family is killed by accident, and the house prices of the surrounding houses fall along with it. Therefore, the general property will deliberately conceal this kind of thing.

Joe asked:

"The Central Inspection Office dispatched a total of four investigation teams, did they all die because of these three floors?"

He felt that if this was the case, then the entire community might have been vacated long ago, and it was impossible for only the three-story building to be vacated.

Xin Yu shook his head,

"The first destination is often just the beginning of an investigation mission. The 'resurrection' described in the original document, that is, the 'grafting' in the official rhetoric, is a relatively complex concept. The four investigation teams were completely wiped out, which also left a great deal of uncertainty for this investigation mission, because there was no useful information at all. In our plan, there is a second destination, which is to be grafted The girl's original residence."

"One is in Zhejiang Province and the other is in Gui Province. The span is quite large."

"There is no set reason for it. We may become pioneers or stepping stones."

Several people looked very serious, thinking about some problems.

This kind of investigation task is not child's play, it is linked to life and death.

After a while, Xin Yu asked:

"Any question?"

Qiao Xun raised his hand again,

"Is this kind of high-risk mission appropriate without a doctor?"

Xin Yu frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy.

"In the original plan, I had a doctor friend to accompany the team. But the third task force did not approve. Her situation is complicated, and she is not the same as us, so she cannot freely join the investigation team."

Lu Xianyi's mouth is full,

"To put it bluntly, those guys in the laboratory are crazy, and they are desperately overdrawing other people's innate abilities, and they are reluctant to give them any space for activities."

"Xianyi, don't talk nonsense."

"Tell me the truth. Besides, Sister Yu, you don't need to speak for them at all. They still want to use your innate abilities to do experiments."

Xin Yu remembered some unhappy things, rubbed his brows,

"That's it, I want to rest. I'll make an action plan at night."

After speaking, she got up and left the tea room and returned to her room.

Lu Xianyi whispered,

"Sister Fisher..."

Ji Zhengzhi rolled his eyes at Lu Xianyi,

"You bastard, which pot can't be opened and lifted, right?"

Lu Xianyi hummed and said:

"I'm just angry for Sister Yu."

"I'm too lazy to talk about you."

After Ji Zhengzhi finished speaking, he also left.

The very decent Zhuo Jun frowned slightly before leaving and said:

"Be careful next time."

Qi Boxue smiled apologetically at Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi, and left.

Lu Xianyi smashed the table aggrievedly.

"What, they didn't do it on purpose."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, and asked tentatively:

"In the end what happened?"

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun, her originally aggrieved face suddenly burst into laughter, her eyes curved into small crescents, and she said with a hum:

"You play games with me for a while, and I'll tell you."


"It's alright, I'll let you some."

"OK then."

after an hour.

Lu Xianyi fell down on the sofa and threw the handle aside.

"Don't play anymore, don't play anymore, keep losing!"

She covered her face with her hands and said sadly:

"Why is everyone bullying me!"

Originally, Qiao Xun thought she was just a vegetable, but after playing with her for an hour, she realized that she was a black hole in the game.

From fighting, FPS, strategy, down to easily decrypting puzzles, there are more than 20 types, all of which are lost.

Even if you play a single-player Contra, you can get stuck in the second level.

Qiao Xun seriously doubts whether she is an evolutionary person. This game ability is almost at the bottom of all human beings.

So, he asked slightly politely:

"Is it because the spiritual talent consumes too much energy, so you can't concentrate?"

After all, she was a guide.

Lu Xianyi lay sideways on the sofa, looking at the display screen desperately,

"My attention is the strongest among us."


That is the real dish.

Lu Xianyi looked forward to it again and asked desperately:

"Do you think I'm very good too?"

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"It can only be said that there is a lot of room for improvement."

"Don't console me,"

She hugged her knees and shrank into a ball,

"I still have this bit of self-knowledge. I'm a full-fledged cook."


It's a bit rude to myself.

"Then why are you still interested in games?"

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun, her blue-black pupils were slightly rippling, mysterious and peaceful.

"Because of fear."


"When I was twelve years old, I awakened my talent, and I heard countless whispers almost every day, whispering in my ear, weird and dumb~www.readwn.com~ I don't understand, but I can feel those emotions, Fear, despair, sadness, pain... These emotions frighten me. Only playing games, facing all kinds of strange things in the game, killing, wanton destruction, and arbitrary attacks in the game can give me short-term peace of mind."

A twelve-year-old girl, in the face of this, seems a bit cruel indeed.

"Is that why you want to see the girl 'Red'?"

Lu Xianyi was stunned for a while.

"Why...you can guess."

"Social groups are similar, and the worse the psychological environment, the more complex they are, the more eager they are to find people just like themselves to prove that they are actually normal. This is the instinct of genes."

Qiao Xun is a psychologist who is very sensitive to Lu Xianyi's mental state.

Lu Xianyi didn't care much about Qiao Xun at first, so she took him seriously.

"You... seem to be a little different."

"What's the difference?"

"I can't tell, but I feel that some people may be very afraid of people like you."

Qiao Xun smiled and asked:

"how about you?"

Lu Xianyi had a strong smile,

"It's not good that we have the same odor."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly and did not answer.

It's hard to say, Fu Loli, who is pink and tender in appearance, is black after being cut.

"Come again!"

Lu Xianyi was like a girl who was addicted to the Internet, and she regained her spirits.

"I've already thought of a way to break your CX move."

"Then I have to take a good look at the learning ability of the spokesperson guide."

after an hour.

Lu Xianyi lay on the sofa like a salted fish, staring at a pair of dead fish eyes,

"I gave up."

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