Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 33: I'm holding on until you die

body 033 I bet until you die

When love was gone, Lu Xianyi immediately said contemptuously:

"You really know how to act, and you can talk in a certain way. Did you always treat people like this before?"

"As a psychologist, it's not a strange thing to have a strong narrative ability." Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Xianyi, "It's you, you are so skilled in cooperating with me, when you talk about the past, your eyes become distant. What, come from a professional class in the showbiz?"

"This is the basic quality of a guide!" Lu Xianyi waved her hand, "I won't talk about it for you. I just want to know what you're going to do. Give 40 points if you give me 40 points, I'm not afraid to love that kid and lose it to you. Finish?"

"He won't." Qiao Xun smiled slightly.

"Why do you say that?"

"He may lose all my points, but he himself will definitely win a lot."

Lu Xianyi frowned and narrowed her eyes slightly, understanding what Qiao Xun meant,

"You mean, he stole it?"

"Yes. Ordinary people take a bite and love this guy. He is very smart. Every time he comes back, it will bring me a harvest. I steal a little bit by myself, and then let me earn points, which reflects my own value. Gradually accumulate the principal for yourself. At the same time, you can also list a statement of income and expenditure with no loopholes to prove your innocence, so as to leave yourself more investment space. The brain is very flexible, maybe other people really be cheated."

"Then how did you find out?"

"Of course...the psychologist's intuition."


Lu Xianyi wouldn't believe such an irrelevant reason.

Qiao Xun smiled and explained:

"Love is not only smart, but also very good at acting. The expression, demeanor, and tone of voice all seem to be thinking of me. I plan to make him bet bigger, but he also looks like he is afraid that I will lose too much. The appearance of a person It can be faked, but the real emotions and desires cannot be faked. Subtle facial expressions and deliberately probing body language are all potential answers.”

"So, what is your intention to give him 40 points. Even if he runs away with the money, you can't help him. If you are really shameless and act hooligan, you will only lose yourself. The law does not protect interpersonal relationships. ."

"Believe me, points are precious is just a superficial phenomenon in the train. This is just to create the illusion of an autocratic system 'centered on points'. In a social environment, the monetary system is only a tool, never the essence. The essence is to rule and be ruled , is production and management. If you can fish out the secret of love with 40 points, it must be worth it. Don't forget, his parents have touched the VIP area and have a lot of information."

"The key is, how to fish out the secret?"

"Make up a trap called 'greed'. Love has a strong desire for points. If you use hard battles and work of equal value to get points, you won't breed laziness and greed, but you can do it in a very easy way. Get a lot of points, yes. Getting something for nothing can easily evoke the most primitive inferiority of human beings. After all, biological evolution is to better obtain resources and adapt to the environment.”

Just imagine, in an environment with inexhaustible resources and no threats, who would make the effort?

There are only people out of vulgar taste. Love is not that kind of person.

The first round of the arena in the afternoon began.

Qiao Xun looked at the octagonal cage with fierce confrontation, and said faintly:

"Let him indulge in the feeling of getting something for nothing."

Lu Xianyi's eyes lit up,

"You're already playing, should I do something too?"

Qiao Xun looked up and down, thought about it, and said with his chin up:

"Your words... or else, play a cat fight?"

"you go……"

"Hehe, in fact, I only need to be on stage when the time comes, and you can give Ai a little bit of advice."

"Got it. What if we all got on stage?"

"No, the two of us, one must stay outside the Octagon."

Lu Xianyi's eyes flickered with a strange light, and the eyes under the influence of the "Hui Ming" talent were like black pearls emitting a dim light. She gradually understood what Qiao Xun meant.


The second round of the arena in the afternoon.

After Jack announced the start of a random challenger, twelve flashes of blue light descended.

The three of Qiao Xun have not been selected, but among the twelve, there is a familiar face.

The man with glasses who lives in the 4th car.

Blue flickering light enveloped him. He turned around and quickly found Qiao Xun in the surrounding crowd.

His mocking expression, provocative demeanor, and morbid cruel eyes clearly fell into Qiao Xun's eyes. He seemed to be saying, don't let me run into you in the ring.

As a passenger of Qiao Xun's "key care", naturally, his eyes were focused on the No. 9 octagonal cage where the glasses man was.

Octagonal cage No. 9, the defender of the "Snake Suborder", has the ability to resemble cobras and pythons, and has successfully defended three times in a row by spraying venom and strong body restraint ability.

After the glasses man took the stage, the odds came out on the betting platform next to him, and gradually stabilized after the drastic changes.

Defender: Challenger - 1.2:3.8.

Seeing this odds, Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Xianyi, lend me 20 points."

"what are you going to do?"

"Put a hand."

"it is good."

Lu Xianyi decisively gave Qiao Xun 20 points.

In addition to the remaining 10 points, Qiao Xun came to the betting table of the No. 9 octagonal cage with 30 points.

He looked at the man with glasses in the octagonal cage, wrapped his voice with his talent "Zaiyin", and the noise penetrated into the ears of the man with glasses. He smiled and said:

"Who wouldn't be able to provoke people?"

Having said that, he walked to the betting table and placed 30 points in the betting box representing the challenger.

Then, he said aloud to the man with eyes:

"I bet you 30 points, I must win, haha."

After speaking, Qiao Xun faced him with a kind smile.

The sharp eyes seem to say clearly: I just want to use you to earn points. If you win, I will earn points. If you lose, I will be happy, and I will not lose anything.

At this time, the cobra man seems to have the talent of "snake sub-eye", his eyes are like a poisonous snake, cold and cruel.

He gritted his teeth, trying to rush out of the octagonal cage and tear Qiao Xun to pieces.

Feeling his anger, Qiao Xun said with a smile:

"Calm down and fight well. I bet on points, don't let me down, it's up to you whether I can eat a big meal or not."

A playful demeanor, a mocking look, a playful tone.

Everything was clearly felt by the man with glasses. His breathing gradually became heavier.

The referee asked:

"Are you ready?"


The man with glasses said in a low voice.

The "Snake Amu" defender nodded.

"Game start!"

Follow the referee's call.

Waves with powerful impact suddenly swelled around the man with glasses, and the ripples pushed him to accelerate instantly.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the defender of "Snake Amu".

Black mist poured out from his eyes, and in just 1s, it poured into the eyes of the defender.

Then, the defender's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, without a single scream, the defender fell to the ground without making a sound.


In this random incident, up to now, 8 people have died in the ring, but there has never been any one, like this "Snake Amu" defender, who died so fast, died so tragically, and died without a trace. The power of resistance.

So much so that before Jack's focus was turned, the battle of Octagon No. 9 was over.

Outside the octagonal cage, after 10 seconds of dead silence, I became restless and crazy!

The gamblers, who had nearly quadrupled their stakes, cheered desperately.

The loser was immersed in the terrifying fighting style of the man with glasses, unable to extricate himself. After waking up, he immediately prayed in his heart not to randomly encounter him.

"Oh - something amazing seems to have happened here in Octagon No. 9, let's wait for the referee's report... oh oh oh! Friends, I announce that the first dark horse in this random arena is born! Seckill, he ended the life of the three consecutive fighters with seckill! The odds of 1.2 to 3.8, our hero, nearly quadrupled the stake of his followers! The tragic appearance of the fighter reflects the hero Brilliant! Friends, let's focus on this dark horse, oh no, our hero!"

The glasses man has proved his strength with neat and ruthless means and has become the biggest dark horse so far.

He came to the edge of the octagonal cage and looked at Qiao Xun with eyes like snakes and scorpions. His voice was low and hoarse,

"Are you happy, 30 points have become 114 points. Are you happy? Don't worry, you will be even happier when you become a human."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and said calmly:

"You go on, I'll remand you. Until you die."

"Poor fellow, still stubborn. As I said, arrogance and ignorance will destroy you."

"Maybe you're right, but," Qiao Xun paused and smiled brightly, "it doesn't prevent me from betting on you to earn points."

Annoying, hateful! That smiley face is disgusting! The man with glasses looked at Qiao Xun silently, waiting for the next duel.

In the following rounds of ring competition, the glasses men quickly solved their opponents at an unimaginable speed.

His formidable strength makes his odds quickly drop to around 1.1. Then, the challenger who took the stage basically chose to surrender at the beginning of the challenge. No one wants to spend their lives trying to shoot down a dark horse.


In the eighth round of the ring in the afternoon, Ai was selected.

He didn't have any extra thoughts at all, and immediately chose to surrender after taking the stage, ending his trip in random events.

Then, he continued on the road of betting to earn points.

Fewer and fewer people were left without the stage.


In the twelfth round of the ring in the afternoon, Lu Xianyi was selected.

Octagon Cage No. 1.

During the five-minute preparation period, Qiao Xun quickly found her.

"Have you seen the ring match of No. 1?"

Lu Xianyi nodded, "I watched every game."

"Do you feel like you can win?"

"Basically no problem. But didn't we say before that one of the two of us must stay off the field."

"Well, yes, if you can, try your best to support me until I get on stage. Of course, if you encounter a strong enemy that you can't deal with in the middle, don't hesitate, just surrender and don't hurt yourself."

"it is good."

After the brief explanation, Lu Xianyi entered the No. 1 octagonal cage and waited for the end of the preparation period.

Later, Qiao Xun found love on the No. 4 betting table.

Seeing Qiao Xun coming to him suddenly, Ai trembled unconsciously and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Qiao Xun smiled and asked:

"How's the battle going?"

"Well, it's okay. There are wins and losses, but generally small wins. I have earned 8 points so far."

In fact, Ai earned 26 points with the 40 points given by Qiao Xun and the 14 points that he stole from eating, a total of 54 points, and now he has a total of 80 points by constantly reducing the odds with small numbers.

Joe Tour said:

"Too little, too little, come with me."

"Ah, do you want to bet yourself?" Ai's brows trembled imperceptibly.

"Lu Xianyi is on stage, let's **** her."

"Did she play, okay okay?"

The two immediately came to the betting table of Octagon No. 1.

The screen on the betting table shows the current odds.

Lu Xianyi, an unattractive young girl... girl? It's not familiar, I've never seen it before, I guess it's a newcomer. And her opponent is the evolutionary of the "elephant family" who has defended twice in a row, with steel-like defense and extremely domineering impact.

With such a significant difference, the odds are:


Veteran gamblers know well that a dark horse like the Octagon-spectacled Man No. 9 won't easily get a second.

The reason why Lu Xianyi only had 4.1 odds and was not directly opened above 6 was just because she had never seen her make a move, so there was a certain degree of uncertainty.

But this little unknown doesn't make people willing to gamble with precious points.

Someone off the field whistled.

"Yo, little beauty, surrender early, don't get trampled on your delicate body with thin arms and legs."

"Little beauty, protect your face, buddy. You can eat with your face, so don't take risks."

"Listen to the advice of my brothers and uncles, surrender early. Hahaha—"

"Elephant King, don't be too **** the little beauties, it's good to give some benefits to the brothers, hehe."

"Yeah, yeah, such a tender beauty is rare in this place. Hehe, it's still my favorite flat chest."

Hearing the foul language in front of him, Lu Xianyi still didn't react. She had never seen any scenes, and had heard even worse things.

But the last sentence was really unbearable.

She shouted flat-chested curses at the outside of the octagonal cage:

"You haven't seen a woman, have you, looking at your wretched and ugly appearance, I only recommend you to practice yoga a lot until your head can get into your crotch! And you disgusting old man, you are old, and your crotch is too old. Can you afford it, can you buy a coffin sooner?"

Qiao Xun was ashamed, it was the first time he had seen the scene of Lu Xianyi's rage and cursing.

This girl is really not a cover, quiet like a virgin, moving like a crazy rabbit!

"Really strong! Flat chested and strong, I like it!"

But the perverted degree of people who live on trains all year round is immeasurable.

Being scolded by a little beauty like Lu Xianyi with "pure looks and everyone's temperament" not only did not make the audience angry, but made them even more excited.

Qiao Xun often felt that he was out of tune with them because he was not perverted enough.

They shouted excitedly, and some people even gave up a little point to hold Lu Xianyi.

As a result, Lu Xianyi forced her own odds from 1.2 to 1.4 with one mouth, and then correspondingly, the opponent's odds dropped from 4.1 to 3.3.

This is not a skill.

Love saw this scene and asked in a low voice:

"How to bet?"

Qiao Xun said loudly:

"Stud Challenger!"

The sound was very loud~www.readwn.com~ The people next to it were shocked when they heard it.

"Brother, even if you like flat chests and being scolded, you won't be a stud."

"Yes, yes, everyone is making fun, why are you serious?"

"You don't really think her skinny arms and legs can win."

Lu Xianyi is only 19 years old in the end. Although she is not inferior to others, she feels very uncomfortable being surrounded by so many perverted guys and clamoring to vent her negative emotions.

Feeling Lu Xianyi's awkward thoughts, how could Qiao Xun not help her, thinking how could my partner be wronged! Immediately decided to support her.

He exclaimed:

"I just like flat chests, what's wrong! Flat chests are justice! Flat chests are truth! Flat chests are the treasure of human civilization and the ladder of progress! For the sake of flat chests, I am a stud! Flat chests are the motivation for me to live!"

Lu Xianyi stared blankly at Qiao Xun in the octagonal cage, and said with her mouth:

"Qiao Xun, I ****."

Qiao Xun's words were amazing, and the bystanders had nothing to say, and gave a thumbs up,

"Brother is awesome!"

People around him praised Qiao Xun.

Lu Xianyi was secretly hurt in the octagonal cage. The fatal blow from her teammates, she silently wrote down this revenge.

The referee asks:

"Are you ready?"

"All right."

The defender and Lu Xianyi said at the same time.

"Game start!"

The guardian of the "Elephant Branch" looked at Lu Xianyi with a serious face and said:

"I'm sorry, but I like big breasts."

Belonging is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Lu Xianyi was stunned on the spot.

Off the field, Qiao Xun silently prayed for the defenders.

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