It was the day Felicia visited the Holy City that it appeared before Felicia.

I had some errands for Soma, but it seems that Hate and Soma are absent, and Hildegard is the only person I know.

I could have put it back out, but I was a little nervous about that.

Because I understood not that anyone would tell me that I was close to the limit anymore.

And that's why the Sacred Capital was convenient.

Although it was frown spit that God lived, there is no doubt that there is a Fifth King.

Then I thought you'd handle it well, even in case.

But the key soma was said to be absent... but I also thought that might be convenient in a way.

Hildegard is the only one.

Because I thought Hildegard would understand my thoughts and respect my decisions.

If you're going to talk to Soma before you tell him, or maybe he deserves it the most.

With that in mind, I waited in the room where they let me go about Hildegard... but it wasn't Hildegard who showed up in front of such Felicia.

I don't know his name.

I never named him.

Maybe there hasn't been anything like that since the beginning.

What was certain was that it was a boy about ten years old.

There was a grin on his face, and if it was sudden to appear that way, it was also sudden that he had uttered the word.

"- As it is now, your wishes will almost certainly not come true. No matter how many witches, you don't have all that power already. No...... or you might not have been able to do it from the start. But with this power, your wishes will surely come true. I'll bet you everything about me."

I only knew about half the meaning of the word.

The only thing I understood was that the words had sincere thoughts everywhere in my eyes.

Speaking of which I certainly didn't doubt, I would be lying.

It was too frigid and, above all, too convenient.

Doubts are in the mountains... but I didn't go on a surprise tour myself.

That's what I thought when I could believe it from the bottom of my heart.

So I took that hand.


The time of three days passed instantly.

Spend a peaceful routine at school during the day, searching for and knocking down the lashes at night.

It was a very irreplaceable but irreplaceable time.

But it is also over.

Today was the day when this world would end.

And it's a day when one life will be lost with the world.

Heading into the living room with that in mind, rarely was there only Felicia.

I don't do anything, I watch TV all the time.

It was as if he was thinking of something as if he wasn't here.

"Hmm... it's unusual that Felicia is the only one"

"Ah... good morning, Soma. That kind of soma is pretty slow today, isn't it?

"Good morning. Well, it's Sunday."

Yes, it was Sunday for convenience.

Or maybe it was just decided that way from the beginning... well, either way.

What is certain is that we will not be tied to anything extra today.

"So what happened to Sheila and her mothers?

"Sheila has business or something, and she hasn't been here since the beginning today. Sophia and Klaus are going out. They said they were all shopping, and when I said it was a date, they were both embarrassed."

"Felicia does it inside when she makes fun of people's parents."

"No, not so much.... but you two were lit, but you seemed happy... and to be honest, I was a little jealous"

Felicia, who said so, had far-sighted eyes to remember something.

What is there is envy... is it because of fulfillment that it also seemed to be a giving up view?

Looking at Felicia like that, Soma Hmm groaned one thing.

The parents went out, or maybe because they were eliminated, just in case they didn't get in the way.

That demon says that this world is a stage device.

Then it is not necessary to place unnecessary sidekicks on the stage.

However, the absence of Sheila is intentional.

Because Eleonora officially told me yesterday that today is the deadline.

Seemed distressed for a long time...... I guess you decided to accept that you're not here today.

Perhaps by now, they should be waiting somewhere with Eina and the others.

And Soma today was being charged with the role of taking Felicia to that place.

"So Felicia will be my senior, too?

"What is it?

"Whether it's a date or not, it's

Soma shrugged her shoulders to Felicia as she opened her mouth and stared.

The word never means cod out.

Aina and the others are waiting for the park, which we have visited several times now.

If it's about going to the park to play, that would be an unmistakable date.

To call it play, even if it's just a little noisy.

Frequently Felicia stared at Soma like that, but eventually when she returned to me, she leaked a tickle and a grin about what she thought.

"It's unusual for Mr. Soma to say such things. No, maybe not for the first time?

"Hmm... sure, if you ask me."

"Really... that's enough"

"What is?

"This is why I'm dating Mr. Soma."

That said Felicia smiled somewhere fun.

I took care of it in condescending terms, and it doesn't change everything to the point.

No particular change of clothes, and the Somas were walking outside dressed as they were.

The sun is soft and the wind is warm.

I didn't know what month it was now, but it's probably a setting called Spring.

If I was upset while even in the sun, I must have felt the best.

And Soma was thinking about that as she looked up into the sky, but Felicia walking next door seemed to be thinking something completely different.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since you two walked alone like this. It's been about five years."

"Is that so? I feel like I went to school just a few days ago..."

"Isn't that just school?... Well, when people say it was a date before, I feel different."


I was just told five years ago, and naturally I don't remember that in Soma.

The search method was bad, or I could never find the appropriate memory.

But there's no reason to dare say that.

I'm sorry about that.

"Why are you apologizing? I was happy, wasn't I? Whatever the reason there was, you and Soma could walk like this and have a chat."

I couldn't ask what that meant.

Because there was a park in sight and my legs stopped at the same time.

And there was one behold, because Aina stood.


It's no strange thing to have Aina here.

But that's only because we're waiting here.

I didn't hear you wait like this.

"Sorry to interrupt your date."

"No...... but how could Eina?

"I'm here... well, I guess it's like an explanator. The purpose of explaining what you're going to see and why you have to see it."

"Aina, that's..."

I thought the role was exactly what Soma would do.

If I do say it in the intellectual sense, Eina or Eleonora are more apt.

But Aina has only met for a few days, and Eleonora and I do not know if she is properly acquainted in this world.

Given what we're about to talk about, it would be too frigid and unlikely for you to believe it.

Sheila is most apt to do so, but as far as yesterday's situation is concerned, I doubt we can talk calmly in front of Felicia.

So, I thought, inevitably, that Soma was going to play that role.

"I'll do it. This is... because it's my mess"

If they say that with a straight eye, it's besides pulling back.

Felicia had tilted her neck at Aina's condition, but she would have found out that she wasn't just working on that condition.

Nodding vaguely, Aina, who saw it, turns her back and enters the park, and Soma and the others go inside a little behind.

That's how Soma watched Aina and Felicia face each other in the middle of the park from a step away.

"Well, I'm sure you won't believe what I'm going to say now, but it's all true. And on top of that, I'll just conclude first... you die here today. No... they're going to kill me."

None of the eyelashes.

That and your relationship with Felicia.

The facts that have happened in the past, the present situation and the foreseeable future.

Felicia was just silently listening to all those words, far from everyday life.

And after you've heard everything, without denying one thing, you mouth only one question.

"... I see. I only have one question… Earlier, Aina said that I would be killed, right? So who the hell is going to kill me?

"That's what I..."

"- No, I'll do it."

Soma told him, blocking what Aina had tried to say.

Aina turns a surprised face, but this is something she had already decided to do.

"Soma, there's nothing you need to do..."

"It's not like it's necessary or not. This is the only thing I can do, and it's something I've decided to do. No one else has anything to do with it, it's just my will."

As Aina did earlier, telling her straight, this time Aina shut up.

Then he turns to Felicia... only slightly soma opens her eyes.

Because Felicia's face had no confusion, no mourning, no giving up, just a laugh.

"... Felicia?

"I don't know if I'd say this... but honestly, I'm relieved"

"Rest assured, is it?

"Yes. Killing me is Mr. Soma, and I'm glad. It's... mine, because I wanted it."

The condition of Felicia, and the words, were strange.

In the first place, at a time when I'm honestly listening to what I'm saying, it's not normal.

There's no way I can believe it, and I should have been more confused.

But Felicia's eyes were clearly sane.

And at the same time, notice.

The light that lit Felicia's eyes, the eyes to be directed were... definitely those of Felicia, who knew Soma well.

I try to talk about it, but I stop.

I don't know if they will one day, but I guess Felicia had her memories back again.

But not telling it means Felicia didn't think it was necessary.

Then what did I say here? It must be pointless.

The only fact we need here is one.

Felicia accepted everything, that's all.

That's why Soma shook her arm out in silence.

In its hands, the familiar sword of love is held.

Felicia, too, silently deepened her grin, but turned her face only once to the edge of the park.

"... Sheila, I'm sorry. And thank you."

How many thoughts are put into that word?

Soma didn't know, but I'm sure it reached Sheila.

The signs shook slightly, but that was all.

Felicia turns this way and takes a step forward.

Soma stepped out with it too...... his arm, stuck out.

Face slightly at the feeling of piercing the flesh, but without loosening your strength to the end, without differing, pierce Felicia's chest, through the heart.

Blood flowed, but no pain or scream leaked from Felicia's mouth.

Until the end, Felicia couldn't stop grinning... her strength fell out of her body as if the thread had broken.

Take the falling body, but it's already like a doll, and the only thing you can tell it's not a doll is that it's bleeding out of your chest.

Draining the sword overflowed with blood, but still its body never moves.

When he lay his body on the ground in silence, only the red and black liquid spread on the spot.

Aina's body, staring at the sight zipperly, is slightly trembling, and a slightly trembling voice is emitted as well.

"... there's no way any of the stubborn things are gonna show up, is there? Are you saying your concerns are off?

"No... apparently, that's not how it works, is it?

It was the moment I said it.

From Felicia's body lying on the ground, darkness exploded as it overflowed.

The darkness blows up on the spot, about ten meters high, but there is nothing like fogging and disappearing.

No, it was rather gradually darkening its existence and beginning to become a definite thing.

"Eh... this is, after all, the eyelashes...!?

"- No."

Soma clearly denied screaming similar to Eina's scream.

Because the sole was not obscure, such as those without eyelashes.

Above all, Soma remembered the signs of its existence.

"This is the devil"

In that word, that face, which began to take the human form, moves.

It was felt by Soma, as somewhat reminiscent of that boy's grin, although it did not resemble him at all.

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