Fu Ziyan almost rushed into the car. As soon as the accelerator blew under her feet, she rushed out like a whirlwind. Obviously, the half-hour drive was forcibly compressed by her by two-thirds.

Staring straight at he Ziling's office, it looked like the anxious appearance of burned eyebrows, which made pedestrians look sideways all the way.

At the moment, Fu Ziyan couldn't care about their colorful eyes. When she thought of the repressed voice at the end of her sister-in-law's phone, she automatically filled her mind with the man's sad and frustrated appearance, which made her overwhelmed and flustered!

When she finally reached her destination, she pushed open the door of the office without any thought. The peaceful picture in front of her stunned her. She couldn't return to her mind for a long time.

The desk was full of all kinds of documents and materials, but it was not messy at all. The people in front of the computer seemed to stare at the computer screen attentively, but it gave people an expressionless feeling of alienation. The gold frame glasses blocked his warm and beautiful glasses and the look at the bottom of his eyes, Slender jade like fingers click the mouse from time to time, and the bright light falls on his soft hair, handsome face and clean white clothes.

It seemed that he was aware of the movement at the door. He slowly looked up, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. The subtle smile was more gentle than ever before. It was like an exquisite statue injecting the spirit. In an instant, the spring flowers were blooming, but it was filled with an inaccessible breath.

"You're here?"

Fu Ziyan suddenly recovered from her stupidity. Her eyes are full of strange light. What's going on? Clearly the same gentle, elegant and handsome, but why... She feels that the people in front of her are more drifting and distant than ever before?

"Did you... Know I would come?" she asked, holding her breath involuntarily.

He Ziling's smile at the corners of her mouth remained unchanged, and the cold light reflected on her glasses lens, "she asked you to come, didn't she?"

Fu Ziyan was stunned. Looking at him so calm, he felt some uneasiness inexplicably, "you... Brother Ziling? What's the matter with you?"

He Ziling's smile on her lips seemed to bring a little surprise. She got up and went directly to her. The slender figure came face to face. Fu Ziyan's heart was trembling slightly, and there was no time to respond. There was a cool voice in her hand. A calm smiling voice sounded in her ear, with a kind of bewitching meaning, "do you like me?"

Fu Ziyan suddenly looked up at him. Only then did she see clearly that the pupils hidden behind the thin lenses were pure and black, which surprised people. They were no longer as warm as jade. They were close. She seemed to feel his cool and pleasant smell, and took a little different deep bewitchment. While she was afraid, she couldn't help nodding, "yes!"

He Ziling's smile on her lips was deep. She continued. Her voice was still warm and pleasant. "Do you want to marry me?"

Fu Ziyan's misty divine sense woke up in an instant, suddenly pushed him away and sank his look, "do you know what you're talking about?"

He Ziling was suddenly pushed aside by her, stunned for half a second, leaned lazily against the wall and said with a smile, "why? Isn't it always your dream to marry me?"

Fu Ziyan slightly widened her eyes and looked at the person in front of her carefully. Although he was smiling, those eyes were black and could not afford a ripple. It seemed that everything outside had nothing to do with him, still warm but cold.

Gradually, her eyes were full of disbelief, her face was slightly white, and her voice trembled, "what happened to you?"

He Ziling's eyes behind the lens seemed to move. A few seconds later, he smiled gently. The whole person was as gentle and vivid as the spring breeze. He was as handsome as ever. It seemed that the person who had just spoken was not him. "Well, girl, just joking, why be nervous. Come and sit down!"

Then she turned and walked towards the desk. Fu Ziyan was stunned. Then she frowned tightly and followed the past, joking? He never makes such jokes

Slowly sat down across the desk. Fu Ziyan found that all the documents on the desk were cases or topics he was studying at this stage. Looking at the elegant signature at the bottom left of those documents, she was deeply disturbed and hurriedly said, "aren't these the work you're doing? Why are they all taken out and signed? Completed?"

He Ziling smiled faintly, put those documents aside and said calmly, "it's just work handover!"

Fu Ziyan was stunned. A flash of enlightenment flashed across her eyes. Then she looked at him happily, "brother Ziling, have you decided to go back to the American Academy?"

He Ziling didn't answer, but looked at her faintly. The smile on Fu Ziyan's face gradually disappeared, "isn't -- isn't it?"

He Ziling slightly raised her eyebrows, slowly took back her eyes and continued her work.

Fu Ziyan trembled, reached out and held his hand holding the mouse and stared at him, "then what are you doing? Are you going not to be a doctor?"

He Ziling stared at her eyes on the computer screen, moved slightly, and looked at her reluctantly, "Xiao Yan, what are you talking about? I'm very busy. Go back first!"

Fu Junhao didn't answer immediately. He looked at him deeply for a few seconds and said sadly, "brother Ziling, I don't care what my sister-in-law told you, but being a doctor is your goal in life. Entering the American Institute of innovation is your dream, isn't it?"

He Ziling's eyes moved, the smile on the corners of her lips faded, brushed her hand away, and said faintly, "Xiao Yan, you think more!"

"Really?" Fu Ziyan looked stiff. She bit her lips and looked at her, but saw him staring at the computer intently. She obviously didn't want to say anything else. Her heart was slightly sour. "Then you're busy first, I'll go back first!" she said, and then walked towards the door.

With the door leaf gently closed, he Ziling gradually tightened his hand holding the mouse. The light in his eyes was dark and deep. A moment later, he slowly closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair. Xiaoyan, from now on, we are really impossible. Can you be at ease?

Fu Ziyan walked out of the office a little fluently. The whole person was like a puppet and walked towards the door of the hospital. As soon as she got on the bus, she was pulled back to her mind by bursts of cell phone ringing.

"Hello?" Fu Ziyan calmed down and didn't look at the caller ID. she answered the phone directly. When she heard the voice inside, she couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at the dull sky after 5 p.m. "Grandpa? Are you going back now? OK, I'll be home in about half an hour, huh!"

Fu Ziyan glanced strangely at the phone hung up in her hand, rubbed her temples, put down her mobile phone and drove all the way to Fu's old house.

Half an hour later, Fu Ziyan straightened her clothes in front of the car mirror. Then she got off the car and entered Fu's house. As soon as she stepped into the main hall, she felt an atmosphere that was not quite right. It seemed a little festive, but it was also strange. She looked up, and the steps under her feet immediately became stiff and couldn't lift her feet.

Just because old Fu sat in the main seat with a smile on the front, and a well-dressed middle-aged man just sat in the next position opposite him. They obviously had a good conversation.

The man's lips were full of a smile, and his whole body was flashed with introverted dignity. It was not sharp, but it was difficult to ignore. He was engraved with shallow wind and frost in the corners of his eyes, but his well-defined eyebrows and facial features were enough to see his handsome young. This man was the head of the political family he family, he Zheng, the current mayor of Kyoto City, and he Ziling's father.

And the position next to him just sat Mo LAN with a smile.

When master Fu saw her coming in, the smile on his face deepened for a moment, and he called at her lovingly, "Xiao Yan, what are you stunned? Come and meet your uncle he!"

Fu Ziyan suddenly regained her mind, hurriedly calmed down, walked over, shouted to his father and son, and skillfully shouted to the man, "uncle he!"

He Zheng nodded gently. From the calm and sincere smile in his eyebrow eyes, we can see that he is satisfied with his love for Ziyan, "I haven't seen it for many days, Xiaoyan is beautiful again!"

Fu Ziyan lowered her eyes slightly and said, "uncle he, don't make fun of me!"

Then he sat down beside Mo LAN, smiled and shouted at her, but there was some fear in his eyes, "Mom!"

Mo Lan's eyes were deep, the smile on his face remained the same, and he nodded gently.

Fu Ziyan's eyes dimmed for a few minutes, and then looked at He Zheng and them, "uncle he, you today..."

He Zheng lightly swept Mo LAN, his eyes fell on her and smiled. Then he looked at Fu Laozi and said with a smile, "Laozi, you should talk about it!"

Master Fu laughed a few times, and then looked at her with some satisfaction, "girl, your uncle he came to propose marriage today!"

Propose? Fu Ziyan was stunned at first, then changed her face slightly, blurted out and asked, "does brother Ziling know this?"

Her reaction surprised father and son and he Zheng. Fu Ziyan looked stiff and hurriedly added, "I mean, brother Ziling, he..."

He Zheng looked at her tangled appearance, flashed a trace of clarity in his eyes, smiled happily, "don't worry, Ziling, he agreed!"

Fu Ziyan felt as if she had been gripped by a big hand. The sudden news made her have nothing to do. It turned out that he was not kidding... But why

Strong uneasiness made her white face faint and pale. What's going on?

"What about my brother? Did my brother and sister-in-law know about it?" she hurriedly looked at old Fu.

Before master Fu had time to answer, Mo LAN next to him scolded in a low voice, "your marriage, master will only worry about it. You don't have to ask the young master everything!"

Fu Ziyan's pupils contracted and nodded stiffly.

He Zheng glanced at Mo LAN, and the pure light behind the lens flashed by, which seemed very unhappy with her performance.

Seeing this, Mr. Fu also sank. He glanced at her with warning and smiled at Fu Ziyan, "your brother and sister-in-law have been informed. They will come back to eat with your uncle he in the evening. By the way, will the child Ziling come?"

The last sentence obviously asked he Zheng.

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