Fu Junhao's face was as pale as paper. He tightly grasped the green veins from the back of his hand on the armrest of the chair. His eyes were black and hurt. It was clear that everything was wrong. At the beginning, he was not the one who could have Xi Yan. He was just lucky to get the shadow of his brother!

The room was quiet, but it still seemed that there was an echo floating in the air, suffocating and depressed. Old Fu only recovered from the staggered and complex past for a long time. He looked up at him, and his low voice was full of heavy, "now, do you know? Your happy marriage should actually belong to your brother!"

"Entrusted by Yunfei, I should take good care of the girl, but... I always feel ashamed of your brother. I married her to you because of selfishness, because with her attachment to feelings for so many years, she will definitely take good care of you and guard the Fu family! If she doesn't really love you and her self-esteem and independent personality, even if I use her father's business to pressure her, she can't If you can! "

After a pause, his tone sank again, "But you failed her. Instead of taking good care of her, you wronged her and finally let her have such a serious car accident! Later, it was not easy - I thought you would be well, and you were not clearly involved with the girl Du Ruo. How can you... Be worthy of your dead brother, and how can I be worthy of Yunfei's trust in me and his deathbed "Toto?!"

In the last sentence, Mr. Fu almost roared out with a trembling voice in his coercion, which suddenly hit Fu Junhao's mind like thunder. His face turned white, pale and almost transparent. The corners of his mouth pulled, but he couldn't speak. His deep and divine eyes were also dark and the hole was weak.

Looking at the dejected appearance of grandson, who has always been in high spirits, Fu Laozi was angry and angry, but it was hard to feel in his heart. He stared at him for a long time. After all, he sighed and said, "now you know these things, you can take good care of her and live a good life in the future. She can't stand the toss!"

The weak voice floated faintly in the air. Fu Junhao's body was shocked. Some divine colors were restored in his empty eyes. He hung his head slightly, and his fine hair hit his forehead. Under the bright light, he could not see his look clearly, but people felt some empty coolness.

After a long silence, he finally opened his mouth with a hoarse voice, "don't let her know about this..."

"Xiao Yan, although the child is impulsive, he still knows what to say and what not to say!" Fu Laozi was stunned, looked at him complicatedly, got up and walked out, "go down, dinner should be about the same!"

Listening to the sound of the door opening, Fu Junhao's body trembled slightly, but he still sat in the chair. His whole body was quiet and lonely. It was just that the finger bones on the armrest were constantly white due to force, which showed that he was not as calm as on the surface!


The night is hot and dry, but the bedroom is still cool and comfortable. Bathe Xi Yan, dry the water droplets on his body, put on his bathrobe, and quietly look at himself in the mirror. His white skin is so red by the heat of water, and there are more charming customs between the eyebrows and corners of his eyes. However, there is some tension in his clear and thorough eyes.

It has been less than five days since they became so crazy. They can avoid everything in front, but the intimacy between the husband and wife can't be avoided, but... She just feels nervous and a little scared!

He took a deep breath, patted himself on the cheek, bathed Xi Yan, and then turned out of the bathroom. However, he found that Fu Junhao was not the same as in the past. He looked at her jokingly, but leaned silently at the head of the bed. She couldn't help but be stunned, frowned slightly, and couldn't care to be nervous!

"Jun hao?" Muxi Yan sat down directly beside the bed and called softly, but he still looked like wandering outside the sky, frowning more tightly, "Jun hao?!"

"Hmm?" Fu Junhao glanced at her, stunned for a few seconds, stretched out his hand to take her into his arms and said with a low smile, "what's the matter?"

Muxi Yan frowned and looked at him. "I should have asked you. You've been strange since dinner today. What happened?"

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed, buried in her neck, took a deep breath, and said with an evil smile, "well, it smells good. Did you use incense?"

Muxi Yan blushed and pushed him away unhappily. "No, don't think of a good way to switch the topic. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Fu Junhao's heartstrings stiffened, and his hands tightened again. His eyes were quiet and silent for a while before he calmly said, "Xi Yan, have we seen Honolulu eight years ago?"

Mu Xi's speech was shocked and suddenly looked up at him. Because of surprise, his speech was not very coherent, "you -- do you remember?"

Fu Junhao flashed a flash of light at the bottom of his eyes, pursed his lips and nodded.

Muxi said that her pupils were tiny, and her heart was pleasantly surprised and complex. I thought he had forgotten, because he looked at her like a stranger when he met her for the first time, but they only met in a hurry. At that time, they were still young, so it's not strange not to remember!

But he can remember, she is still very happy, after all, it makes her feel that so many years of feelings are not in vain, and she can thank him openly!

Thinking of this, Muxi's light eyes are full of excitement, her cheeks are slightly red, and her eyes are half hidden, which is very charming and moving.

However, Fu Junhao didn't have the slightest feeling of being distracted. In his heart, there was only discomfort and suffocation. The last glimmer of luck was broken. It turned out that she really just loved the wrong person

At this time, Muxi Yan was full of a kind of surprise, some timidity and a wonderful feeling. He didn't care about his disorder for a moment, but blushed and considered how to speak.

Fu Junhao looked at her with a bitter smile, pressed down the throbbing heartbeat, and asked cautiously, "Xi Yan... If -- I mean, if you didn't meet that first time, would you love me?"

Mu Xi was stunned and stared at him for a long time. "Jun Hao, what are you talking about? It was you who saved me that year. Why didn't we meet for the first time? If it wasn't for the first time, maybe we wouldn't meet at all?"

Fu Junhao's heart stagnated and his throat was sore. "I mean... If you don't say that first meeting, will you fall in love with me?"

Mu Xiyan looked at him strangely, lowered his eyes and frowned tightly. This problem is very strange... There is no meaningful problem. Why is he so persistent?

Fu Junhao looked at her thick eyelashes trembling like a butterfly in the light and swept them in his heart. His heart was also in trouble.

Finally, Muxi Yan's eyebrows gradually stretched out, raised his eyes and looked at him. The light smile at the corners of his mouth was somewhat ethereal, but it gave people a very serious feeling.

"If I hadn't met you for the first time, maybe I wouldn't love you. Even if we could meet later, I would like you and wouldn't love you like now!"

Fu Junhao's face suddenly turned pale. Under the light, it seemed transparent and depressed the sharp pain in his heart. He whispered, his voice was a little hoarse, "why?"

Muxi Yan looked at him suspiciously and then said with a smile, "if I hadn't met him for the first time, I wouldn't remember the boy who desperate to save me, would not want to thank him and keep looking for him, and would not have paid attention to you for the next seven years. If I hadn't paved the way for my ignorant youth for these seven years, I wouldn't love someone with all my heart!"

"So..." she said, slightly raising her head, her clear eyes bright gold, like stars, "In fact, my feelings for you are like the process of brewing wine. At first, I just liked you, appreciated you and surprised you. Later, it slowly fermented, from ignorance to love, and then from deep love to love. Just like it takes time for a pot of good wine to come out, so without that cause, I won't pay attention to you in seven years. When I mature, it will be natural It won't be easy to get emotional! "

"Really?" Fu Junhao felt a deep pain in the dark fundus of his eyes and whispered unconsciously. He felt like a knife in his heart. Even if he didn't touch it, he would feel pain.

"Well, I will always remember that you smiled at me in the red leaves of the mountain. At that time, I really had the amazing feeling of 'ten miles of spring breeze, not as good as Qing's smile'!"

Muxi nodded firmly. Then he seemed to think of something interesting. He looked up at him with interest, but he found that his face was pale and terrible. He was surprised and couldn't care about anything else. He hurriedly stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, "Jun Hao, what's the matter with you? Why is it so cold?"

Fu Junhao suddenly grabbed her hand, and his eyes reflected her figure deeply. He was vaguely crazy. He looked at Mu Xi's words and was shocked. Such a him made her involuntarily think of the way he wanted her crazy the other day.

Suddenly, he smiled gently, and the darkness in his eyes dispersed like a cloud. The smile made his handsome face, like a thrush eye, stained with a trace of evil, like a poppy in full bloom in hell, with a fatal atmosphere of bewitchment.

"So you thank me very much?"

Muxi was stunned, and her heart trembled. She nodded and looked at his smile. She felt that she was stared at by some cunning animal, dangerous and strong.

"Ha ha..." Fu Junhao's smile on his thin lips was deeper, and he directly threw her down on the bed. "Then the grace of saving lives, madam meat compensation!"

I felt the warm kiss, the neck in my eyes extended downward, Muxi said that his pupils were dilated, and he was trying to struggle, but I heard his hoarse voice ringing in his ears, "darling, I want you, give it to me, okay? We have a child, and I want you to have a child for me!"

Muxi Yan's body was stiff. She didn't know why she listened to his hoarse whisper. She was inexplicably sad in her heart and subconsciously stretched out her hand to hold his thin waist.

Even if it is wrong, even if it is a lie, he will not let her go. Be mean, he will spend his life to make up for the lie!

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