"You... When did you prepare?" he looked at his eyes as bright as stars, murmured in amazement, the light in the veiled water eyes flowed, and the light sprinkled a tranquility on her face.

Fu Junhao's lips were smiling, and he just gently approached her and dropped a kiss on her forehead without any emotion.

When he opened his mouth, he only spit out a word, "come!" the slightly elongated sound line has a trace of bewitching magnificence.

"Where to?" Mu Xiyan seemed to answer unconsciously.

Fu Junhao smiled and took her hand towards the Gothic building not far away.

The closer we got, we found that it was a mysterious and holy church, and they and the large open space in front of the church were clearly arranged into a circular and orderly banquet scene.

In the open door of the church, you can vaguely see the guests in the full room and the priest with white hair and beard on the high platform.

Mu Xiyan was shocked and confused in her mind. She seemed to know the next arrangement, but she didn't seem to understand it. She took back her eyes for a long time, turned her head to the people around her, and spoke uncertainly, "Jun Hao, this is the wedding banquet?"

Fu Junhao's eyes were shining, his lips were hanging a mysterious smile, and he gently snapped his fingers. Nasha and Fu Ziyan, who didn't know where they had gone, came out of the room connected to the church on their side and smiled at them happily and vaguely. Fu Ziyan waved to Muxi.

Muxi Yan stared at them, then looked suspiciously at Fu Junhao. He was about to speak, but he stretched out his hand to stop him, "go, they're waiting for you!"

Muxi Yan frowned slightly, stared at his firm and gentle eyes for a few seconds, pursed his lips and walked towards the two people not far away.

"Sister-in-law, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" as soon as I walked in, Fu Ziyan stretched out her hand and pulled people in, no matter how she reacted.

Nasha looked at her contemptuously, whistled to Fu Junhao not far away, and followed in with an interesting smile.

Muxi Yan, who was dragged into the room, just reacted. As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw three girls waiting in the middle of the room. The girl in front was the girl served by the wedding dress shop that day. She was smiling and looking at her with a set of pure white wedding dress in her hand.

Even if she didn't read it carefully, Muxi Yan, who majored in fashion design, saw the gorgeous, noble and exquisite wedding dress at a glance.

Nasha glanced at some out of state Muxi words, hooked her lips, put her hand around her waist, turned her body, and sent people to the girl. By the way, she picked her eyes. The girl understood and looked directly at the two people behind her. They came forward. Before Muxi words could speak, they were directly taken to the inner room by the two people, The girl holding the wedding dress nodded at Nasha and Fu Ziyan, turned and followed in.

This series of actions was swift and furious. Fu Ziyan was stunned and blinked her big eyes directly.

Nasha glanced at her again, turned and sat down in a chair beside her, lazily enjoying her nails, which she thought were enchanting and beautiful.


On the side of the church, the priest looked happy and waited kindly and dignified behind the flower table. Fu Junhao was dressed in a white dress, standing tall, with picturesque eyebrows and extraordinary looks. All his body revealed an elegant and noble atmosphere, which attracted many young ladies from the guests below to blush and jump. His eyes and heart were full of envy.

On the right side of the first row of the platform sat old man Fang with a happy face, mayor he, who was still happy and angry, director Tang, who was upright, Mo LAN, who was expressionless, and Fu Tan, who was not smiling.

On the other side is CHEN Ye, the evil spirit sitting in his seat. His eyes flow, and his interest is a little thoughtful.

Zhu Yaqin sat beside him with a quiet face, but from her envious eyes, she was still touched by Fu Junhao's intention to Muxi's words. She also looked forward to CHEN Ye's eyes. However, she soon disappeared and stayed with him for so many years. In fact, she knew very well in her heart that ye really didn't have any friendship with her.

He Ziling was quietly in the first position in the next row. Her face was meaningful and quiet, with a kind of breath of super secular world, and her eyes behind the lens were warm with indifference and comfort.

Tang Tianze was full of banter and looked at Fu Junhao. He really didn't expect that the black hearted fox would spend so much effort to please the girl.

Beside him is Fang Jin. Without trace, he is holding Mei Peng with a happy face and constantly looking at the door.

Fu Tianlei is still that frivolous and feminine appearance. Even Ling Hao and Ling Su sit in their own positions. They should come or not. Most of the identities and positions in Kyoto City have arrived.

"Ding!" finally, a pleasant Prelude woke up all the thoughtful guests. In the pleasant Wedding March, Fu Laozi held a crutch in one hand and bent under his chest in the other. His always serious face was slightly moved at this time.

Muxi Yan, dressed in a delicate and luxurious wedding dress, took his arm and walked slowly towards the people not far away.

Her hair is in a high bun, with light powder and Dai, her skin is like snow, her apricot eyes are bright, and her veil like vision falls on Fu Junhao. Under the light, her pure white and exquisite wedding dress makes her as noble and elegant as a white swan, with amazing temperament!

The eyes of everyone present flashed a stunning color. When Fu Junhao's deep eyes touched her figure, they were gentle. Her beauty was like cold plum, light and clear, but he was fascinated, and she was also so beautiful that he lost his soul.

In a moment, master Fu came to him with Mu Xiyan, took her hand and handed it to him. His sharp eyes trembled faintly, his lips stammered for a few seconds and vomited a few words, "this time, you can't live up to the girl?"

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed slightly and nodded solemnly. They looked at each other and smiled. Thousands of feelings gathered in their hearts. Finally, they were just the one in their eyes.

Mu Xi raised his lips and whispered, "thank you, husband!"

Fu Junhao's eyes trembled slightly, then looked at her for a few seconds, led her around and winked at the priest. He just wanted to make up for his original fault and not let her leave a trace of regret. Therefore, even if he was puzzled, disdained and unhappy by the world, he would hold this special wedding again.

The priest understood, smiled lovingly at them and began to recite potential words.

”Mr. Fu Junhao, you are willing to let Miss Mu Xiyan become your wife, and you should take care of your wife with tenderness and patience, respect and love her, and only live with her. To respect her family, for your family, do your part as a husband for life. Stop having feelings with others and be chaste to him? Do you promise to do this in front of everyone? “

As soon as the priest's voice fell, Fu Junhao's eyes shone softly on the people in front of him, and his mellow voice echoed in the empty church, especially loud and pleasant.

"I am willing, willing to accept muxiyan as my wife, raise her all my life, cherish her, comfort her, respect her and protect her. No matter what happens, I bet on my name of Fu Junhao's life, I swear I will make her happy!"

The soft and calm voice floated gently. Everyone was stunned. They were full of unbelievable in their eyes and looked at the people above.

The priest listened to this unusual answer and was stunned for a few seconds. He couldn't help but hook his lips, looked at Muxi and asked: are you willing to marry this man? Love him and be loyal to him, whether he is poor, sick or disabled, until he dies. Are you willing?

Muxi suddenly regained his mind, looked at Fu Junhao brightly, opened his lips and said: I will!

"OK, now let the bridegroom kiss the bride!" the priest seemed to flash an interesting smile at the bottom of his eyes, glanced at the ring on their fingers and jumped to the next step.

Boom! There was an uproar in everyone's mind. They just felt that the wedding was really extraordinary and unprecedented. Let alone that the two men stepped into the wedding scene for the second time. The layout, the lights, the church, the green bamboo forest outside and the white roses are also incomparable to ordinary people, not to mention the painstaking efforts that money can't buy.

After tonight, all the bad gossip about Muxi will disappear, and the rest will be people's envy and another discussion about her.

Looking at the young people coaxing off the court, Muxi said that his white face was flushed. For a time, he was at a loss. Fu Junhao's eyes were dim, his lips were slightly hooked, stretched out his hand, and the man came to his arms, followed by the scene of two people kissing closely.

"Roar... Ok..." the crowd cheered excitedly. They only felt that the two people on the field were amazing and enviable.

Amid the uproar and festivity, he Ziling looked at them in a trance. She was bitter and comforting. Xiao Yan, today is very beautiful and amazing. I'm also very happy to see you marry your favorite person, even if that person is not me

Jun Hao can do this step. He is sincere, and I can rest assured!

Fu Ziyan, who didn't know when to sit in his position, saw his look and his eyes dimmed. After a few seconds, she settled down and looked at the two people on the platform with blessings.

Mei Peng is holding Fang Jin's hand tightly, with tears in her eyes. Xi Yan can finally be happy!

CHEN Ye's eyes are amazing, but there is a trace of discontent in his eyes, but most of them are open and aboveboard. Little guy, you really caught his heart. It's good!

In fact, for mu Xiyan, he mostly appreciates, at most likes, mainly because of his long-term opponent with Fu Junhao, so they may have some similar eyes.

Now people are happy with each other. Naturally, CHEN Ye is not the villain of bad marriage.

Ling Su was also excited in her eyes. Her hand on her knee held the bag tightly. She was rolling with a trace of joy, but she forced her down.

However, even so, Ling Hao still felt her mood, and a strong shadow flashed through her eyes.

Fu Tianlei, who was looking at the people's faces, inadvertently glanced at their faces and was a little stunned. His eyes swept around he Ziling and others, and finally fell on the two people who kissed with warmth. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, frivolous and strange, stained. This... Is really unexpected and interesting?

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