Feeling Fu junhaoman's intentions, Mu Xiyan forcibly dispelled the doubts in his heart and rested at home according to his wishes. After Nasha's wedding, she returned to the United States. She only took care of her own Xiaomei and herself. Because she was in her own home, she didn't have to look at Fu Tianlei and Mo LAN, who didn't like her. She went to see old Fu with Fu Ziyan from time to time, It's a quiet day. It's very pleasant. I don't know if it's the weekend.

"Madam, why don't you let Mr. Fu accompany you to the hospital for examination?" Xiaomei carefully held Mu Xiyan and walked into the door of the hospital, somewhat puzzled.

Muxi Yan smiled silently. Last night, she coaxed him for a long time to persuade him to let him come to the hospital. I don't know what happened these days. He seems to be very busy. He works overtime very late every night. If he is allowed to accompany him to the hospital today, she can't tell when he will be busy tonight!

Xiaomei looked at her smile and was even more puzzled. Her mind suddenly flashed over what she heard a few days ago and Fu Ziyan's prayer. Her eyebrows could not help but frown again!

Muxi Yan, who didn't hear the response, looked strangely. Seeing her frown locked, her eyes flashed. It's really strange. The girl has been worried since she came back from Fu's house that day. She looked at her for words and stopped several times, and didn't chatter around her like before. The whole person was quiet a lot. She felt a little uncomfortable!

"Xiaomei, what's the matter with you and Xiaoyan recently? Why are you always absent-minded?" especially Fu Ziyan, who looks much worse and has many complex emotions in her big eyes.

Xiaomei regained her mind and hurriedly waved her hand away from the topic, "no... it's all right, madam, here, but there seem to be a lot of people. I'll tell the doctor..."

Mu Xiyan took a deep look at her, raised his eyes and scanned the husband and wife who were sitting waiting in front of her. Several pregnant women had big stomachs, and the husband on one side was caring for his wife. In the clinic, a female doctor in a white coat could be seen, smiled knowingly and interrupted her, "Xiaomei, it's all right. We waited for a while. After all, there are so many expectant mothers waiting!"

What she did today was just an ordinary birth inspection. She didn't do any urgent inspection. She was embarrassed that it was too special and delayed others' inspection. Moreover, she also wanted to experience the feeling of waiting for her children. She'd better let Jun Hao come next time.

"But..." Xiaomei hesitated and looked at her. Seeing her persistence, she couldn't help smiling. "Well, come and sit here!"

Mu Xiyan looked at her carefully and said with some laughter, "I'm not a porcelain doll. I'm not so precious!"

Xiaomei muttered disapprovingly, "madam is much more expensive than porcelain dolls!"

Muxi choked and smiled helplessly. They just sat down for a while. A frivolous and feminine voice spilled from the top of the head with some questions, "sister-in-law?"

Mu Xi looked for his reputation and was slightly stunned. Then his eyes flashed and said faintly, "it's cousin Tianlei. Why are you here?"

If Fu Tianlei's eyes seemed to sweep over her, there was some stiff Xiaomei around her, and he smiled, "aunt Mo is not feeling well. I'll accompany her to the hospital!"

"Aunt Mo?" Mu Xi said. Her eyes sank and glanced behind him. "Is aunt Mo okay?"

It's strange that Mo LAN and Fu Tianlei got together. Isn't it different between Mo LAN and Fu Qin's father and son?

Fu Tianlei still had a frivolous and feminine smile. "Well, there's no big problem. The doctor said it would be all right if he had a good rest!" he said, as if he saw her question. "Aunt Mo is checking with the doctor. I just came out of the bathroom and passed by here, but I saw sister-in-law Tang here. I just came to say hello. Sister-in-law Tang doesn't mind if I sit down?"

Mu Xiyan's face floated with a faint smile, looked at the position next to him, and said faintly, "please sit down!"

Fu Tianlei flashed a different color at the bottom of his eyes. While sitting on the chair, he glanced at the sign on the clinic not far away, and said suspiciously, "is sister-in-law Tang here for... Birth inspection?"

Mu Xi said that there was a sharp flash at the bottom of her eyes. She always felt that Fu Tianlei's appearance today was somewhat strange.

"Does cousin need to say hello to Aunt Mo? Doesn't it matter over there?" Muxi asked evasively.

Fu Tianlei smiled deeply, and suddenly looked at Xiaomei, who kept silent with her head down slightly. "I haven't seen her for a few days, and Xiaomei is a lot more beautiful. Well, it's a little like Xiaoruo that year, one day!"

Xiaomei's body was shocked and her heart was tight. Every time Fu Tianlei stared at her, she felt like being stared at by a poisonous snake. She was uncomfortable all over, especially today!

Mu Xiyan secretly shook her hand and looked at Fu Tianlei's eyes, but his smile was still light. "Miss Du is recuperating in the United States now. I heard that the operation was very successful!"

In an unintelligible sentence, Xiaomei looked at the two people incomprehensibly, while Fu Tianlei smiled and said, "well, that's good. Ah... Cousin should be relieved. After all, in those years, cousin's kindness to Xiaoruo was obvious to all. In order to accompany her, she didn't even attend brother Junmo's funeral! In fact, everyone always thought she would marry cousin!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked up and said to Mu Xi. His eyes looked like a smile, and his smile was strange.

Mu Xiyan's eyes flashed, looked at him lightly and said, "really? That really disappointed my cousin!"

However, he was already very nervous. What happened? Did Jun Hao really cheat her?

Fu Tianlei looked at her calm face for a moment, and a trace of surprise flashed through the bottom of his eyes, "don't blame my sister-in-law, I didn't mean to slander you, just didn't think of it!"

Muxi said coolly, hooked his lips and looked at him with a smile, "you don't have to be nervous. I don't blame you. Things are changeable. It's normal to think of many things. My cousin is at a vigorous age. There are still many unknown things to experience in the future. It's serious to focus on his own things!"

Does that mean he's nosy? Fu Tianlei's face was stiff, but his interest was stronger. "Thank you for your concern!"

"Aunt Mo should be almost there. I'll leave first, sister-in-law!" he laughed as he got up.

Muxi smiled and nodded. Xiaomei looked at his back gradually away. The panic at the bottom of her eyes slowly dispersed and asked, "madam, what is he doing here?"

Mu Xi said that the smile on his lips was cold, and faintly spit out a few words, "sow discord?"

"Ah?" Xiaomei answered strangely, "but why!"

Muxi Yan glanced at the ignorant Xiaomei and gradually put away his smile. Although his purpose was impure, what happened to Junmo? Is there really something else?

Think about it carefully. In fact, all the things she heard from Mr. Fu about that year are reserved and unclear. What did she hide?

Xiaomei saw that she was silent, frowned tightly again, and began with some worry, "madam, what's the matter with you?"

Muxi Yan glanced at her, shook his head and suddenly asked, "Xiaomei, what's your real name?"

From these days, Xiaomei is good at medical science, but she focuses on traditional Chinese medicine. Her performance is not like a nurse at all. Everyone will have some habitual actions and habits for their career, but Xiaomei doesn't have them at all.

Xiaomei was surprised. Looking at her dark Mozi, she instinctively spit out two words, "Xinmei..."

"Xinmei?" Muxi said, a flash of light flashed from the bottom of his eyes, and continued to ask. His voice was more cold, "how did Jun Hao find you?"

Xiaomei's face stiffened and said with a smile, "I'm a nurse in a hospital. When President Fu invited an old doctor that day..."

"Really?" Mu Xi's words lightly interrupted her.

Xiaomei trembled and hurriedly avoided her dark and thorough eyes, "madam, I..."

Mu Xiyan looked at her quietly for a moment, sighed faintly, and looked a little lonely. "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. After all, everyone has their own password. No matter how good the relationship is, some things are inconvenient to say!"

Seeing her sad and soul hurting appearance, Xiaomei immediately worried, "I... I..."

"In fact, in the beginning, President Fu asked master, so master asked me to take care of you!" after hesitating for a long time, she said as soon as she clenched her teeth and closed her eyes.

Master? Mu Xi said, his eyes flashed slightly, and asked faintly, "master?"

Xiaomei looked at her and struggled for a while. Mr. Fu didn't say he couldn't tell his wife my origin, did he? Should it be all right? And my wife certainly doesn't like it. I don't know anything. Besides, I like her very much. It doesn't matter to tell her. Friends just have to be honest with each other?

The girl who lacks experience was obviously cheated and helped count the money.

Thinking about this, Xiaomei immediately felt open and said proudly, "my master is the famous Muhua in the medical field. I'm the only disciple of my master!" she said with some loss, "But the master said I was Chinese and couldn't let the things left by my ancestors fall in vain, so he focused on letting me learn traditional Chinese medicine. He said that traditional Chinese medicine didn't succeed and didn't let me learn western medicine!"

Mu Xiyan looked at her in disbelief, but she knew the name of Mohua. He was a Sino American hybrid. His father was Chinese. He was not only good at western medicine, but also a leading master in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Many therapies of Integrated Chinese and Western medicine were led by his innovation. However, he was a leading figure in the medical field. I still remember that Ziling's idol was him!

It's just that this man has an eccentric temperament and uncertain whereabouts. He runs around the world most of the time, picking on difficult and miscellaneous diseases. He is very kind to ordinary people and respects patriotic soldiers, but he has great hostility to business and politicians!

I didn't expect Jun Hao to get to know him, and I didn't expect that Xiaomei, a confused girl, was his disciple!

"Madam, what's wrong?" Xiaomei cried anxiously when she saw her silence and thought she was unhappy.

"It's all right!" Muxi returned to his mind, sank his eyes, and asked, "Xiaomei, how long did your master know Jun hao?"

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