The time passed safely in the different looks of several people under the stage. After muxiyan finished the PPT display on the last page, he nodded his thanks cleanly, "thank you!" packed up the documents and went down the platform.

As soon as he got to his position, representative Han got up with excitement and stretched out his hand, "Miss demon, your plan is very creative and attractive. We agree with this cooperation!"

Mu Xiyan smiled and held it. "Thank you for your approval. Please give me more advice in the future!"

"Yes!" representative Han nodded with a smile and loosened his hand.

At this time, Chen ye also stood up and reached out to muxiyan, "welcome Miss demon to become a member of this cooperation case. The scenery outside is just right. I wonder if I have the honor to dance with demon? “

Mu Xi smiled deeply at the corners of her lips. She was about to promise, but there was another hand in front of her. It was slender, Yingrun and distinct, just like the owner's indifference and steadiness.

Mu Xi said, her eyes were slightly stunned, and raised her eyes to a pair of dark eyes. The quietness inside was unpredictable, as deep as a black pool. She seemed to have a feeling that she couldn't get out of it.

CHEN Ye glanced at Fu Junhao, who looked calm and cold. He looked at her with a smile from the demon. His hand was so stretched out, and he was not in a hurry. Several people were so deadlocked. The atmosphere stagnated for a moment, and then gradually became embarrassed.

For some reason, representative Han felt that the temperature around him had dropped a little. He looked at his assistant and hurriedly smiled, "Oh, demon is really charming. No wonder the two gods in the business world in Kyoto bow down and yearn. It's better for president Fu to have a duel with Chen Shao. The bet is Miss demon's dance. What do you think?"

Mu Xi's words were slightly stunned and looked up at CHEN Ye and Fu Junhao.

"Ben Shao has no problem. He has the right to amuse himself!" CHEN Ye slightly picks his eyebrows and then looks at Fu Junhao.

Fu Junhao's condensed face rarely brushed a fleeting smile, "good!"

Representative Han was a little relieved and took the lead in walking towards the door. "It seems that we have eyes. Come with me!"

The party wound around the ground and finally stopped in an open-air garden. The long table carved of marble was across the center. In the sun, it glittered against the blue pool water, and there was no decadence in autumn.

Fu Junhao and CHEN Ye each make one end of the rectangular table, while Mu Xiyan sits in the south of the table, just between them, and the licensing inspector standing in the north facing her. At this time, guests are already surrounded.

The Han agent who sat a little far behind muxiyan looked at the scene and nodded to the assistant behind him.

The assistant smiled, took a step forward and briefly explained the gambling rules, "the basic code in front of you is 1 million, you can increase the code in the gambling process, and the final winner will dance with Miss Demin!" As soon as his voice fell, there was an uproar among the guests. The women all looked at Muxi Yan with envy and disdain. They really couldn't figure out what qualifications the woman in front could get the attention of the two major figures in the business world except for her beauty.

The men sigh. The Chen family and Fu Shifu are always rivals. Everyone knows that, but they have a gambling match for a woman. In addition to Mrs. Fu three years ago, demon is CHEN Ye. He glances at their cards, slightly raises his eyebrows, reaches out and pushes out the code in front of him, "shuttle, 1 million!"

WOW! Everyone was surprised. It was Soha when he first saw someone. The nervous route of the Chen family was really different! Thinking of this, they couldn't help but surrender their eyes to Fu Junhao.

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed a trace of fierceness, stretched out his hand and pushed down a word forcefully, "follow!"

The licensing inspector calmly glanced at the two and continued to deal cards without any influence. It is obvious that the casino has rich experience and has been trained to be invincible!

Muxi Yan pursed his lips and looked at them. Qingming's eyes were in a trance. This scene is really the same as that of that year, but it's a pity

Suddenly, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and her eyes fell on Fu Junhao, slightly mocking, but this time her position was different!

After three years, the gambling game reappears. Fu Junhao and CHEN Ye have always been hard to distinguish. I'm really looking forward to it this time?

They come and go, no matter in the aura or in the card potential, no one loses. Unconsciously, they have reached the fourth lap, that is, the last lap.

The card in front of Fu Junhao is dark card (bottom card) + spade K + Diamond Q + spade j + spade 10.

In front of CHEN Ye is the bottom card + heart a + Heart K + plum blossom K + heart 10!

In addition to the cards, the cards are now chenye's big, but Fu Junhao's cards are also very likely. Maybe it's shunzi, and the guests are more and more nervous.

"Ah..." CHEN Ye squinted, glanced quickly at the cards of the two men, and finally fell on Fu Junhao's face. He was a little fierce. "I'll add, I CHEN Ye's existing working capital, real estate, stock fund, dividends, all the less! Soha!" paused for a few seconds, and a gorgeous smile arose from the corners of his mouth, "Bet you that Fu Junhao has all the rights in Fu's right now. How about it?!"

"Boom!" everyone stared. They only felt that they had been knocked open by a thunder in their mind. They were stunned for half a second. They couldn't help but hold their breath and look at Fu Junhao. Even the calm licensing examiner began to sweat on his forehead.

Fu Junhao glanced at him faintly. His eyes were dark and deeply palpitating. A few seconds later, he answered faintly, "bet!" it seemed that this decision was not a big deal for him.

Muxi Yan was shocked, frowned and stared at them. They were clearly right. She was just an opportunity, but it was too much fun to gamble!

Everyone was surprised and at a loss. They just felt that the two people were crazy. Their eyes at Muxi's words had changed. It was clear that they had regarded her as a curse of beauty.

"Good!" CHEN Ye's eyes lit up. "President Fu is really quick!"

Then they reached out to twist the cards and were about to throw them out. They held their breath subconsciously. They only felt that this moment was extremely long, and even Muxi's heart was tight.

At this critical moment, "woof woof!" a startling dog cry sounded like thunder. Everyone was shocked. Before they had time to respond, there was a warning sound of almost panic behind them.

"Come on, get out of the way, danger! Get out of the way!!!"

They were stunned, turned their heads conditionally, and their pupils tightened for a second. Then they hid around in a panic, with a speed comparable to that of a rabbit.

A large wolf dog rushed towards Muxi Yan on the side of the gambling table like lightning. She was not surprised. It had arrived in front of her. Her body suddenly froze in a moment. She instinctively closed her eyes and tilted back reflexively.

The expected pain did not come. She felt that she fell into a cold embrace and had no time to think about it. It seemed that the sound of fracture sounded. At the same time, a slightly forbearing groan came, and the screams around her came one after another.


Muxi said, his heart tightened, suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils tightened subconsciously, "you..."

Fu Junhao's concern flashed by, and then he dropped two words in a deep voice, "get up!"

Muxi Yan suddenly reacted, hurriedly got up from him, and held out his hand to help him up, but he felt that his body seemed to be a little stiff.

"You..." looking up, I found that his face was a little pale. I remembered the crisp voice just now. I was busy looking at his arm. The bright red blood stabbed her eyes, "you... Your hand..."

Looking at her anxious appearance, Fu Junhao's dark eyes seemed to flash something. He hooked the corner of his mouth and shook his head at her, "it's all right, little injury!"

Muxi Yan's throat was choked and his eyes were sour. When he was about to speak, CHEN Ye's cold voice rang, "representative Han, what's going on?"

When they looked back, they found that the gambling table was in a mess, and the big wolf dog was holding a small tree by the pond and biting happily. All the guests had a worried expression, especially the women's family members were pale and obviously frightened!

"This..." Han representative's face was ugly and looked sharply at his assistant. "What's going on?!"

The assistant's body trembled slightly, approached him slightly, moved his lips, and his voice was very low, "representative, it's the little master's dog!"

Representative Han's eyes froze. His face changed again and again. He reluctantly smiled. Fu Junhao said, "President Fu, I'm sorry. I'll find out this incident and give you an explanation!"

Then he turned to his assistant and said, "why don't you send Mr. Fu to the nearby hospital?"

Fu Junhao looked at him deeply until his back was sweating. He nodded faintly, took muxiyan's hand and nodded to the assistant.

Muxi Yan raised his eyes and looked at him. The light of his eyes fell on his bleeding arm. He trembled slightly, pursed his lips and followed his steps.

Seeing the figure of the two leaving, representative Han was slightly relieved and turned around to deal with CHEN Ye.

(PS: the Soha playing method in Shui Shui Wen refers to "Dezhou Poker". In this poker, the colors are regardless of size! In addition, due to the different playing methods of poker in different places and the non professionals in Shui Shui, the rules are inevitably different. If you ignore the bug, please include it more, hehe!)

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