One night's precipitation, the warm light in the morning will brighten the room, but it is difficult to dispel the continuous cold.

Fu Junhao leaned lazily on the back of the chair, with picturesque eyes and quiet eyes. His slender fingers gently knocked on the desktop of the desk. The crisp sound floated indoors, making Linda beat drums in her heart.

"She didn't come to the company today?"

Linda's heart suddenly answered, "president Mu called and said that there were some things to deal with today and won't come over."

At that time, when she received the phone call, she was really shocked. In her memory, general manager Mu never took a vacation, and she has always been particularly responsible for her work.

Fu Junhao's eyes were deep and nodded faintly.

Linda pursed her lips, made a standard bow, turned and walked out.

As the door closed, Fu Junhao stopped tapping on the table, and his deep and unpredictable eyes crossed a little trance.

Last night, he had other plans. When he left "heaven and earth", what she said before leaving suddenly flashed in his mind. Unexpectedly, he went back to the other courtyard in Nanshan. When I didn't see her, I almost instinctively dialed the phone, but no one answered. Then I turned it off. I was angry all over the sky. But I felt the blanket on my body this morning. When I saw the breakfast and notes on the table, it calmed down a lot.

He could feel something quietly changing in a corner of his heart, but there was also some gnashing of teeth. Couldn't she wait until he woke up? Leave a note? I really want to strangle her!


"Mei... Oh, are you a dog?!" Mu Xiyan looked at the green and red teeth on his neck and arranged neatly in the mirror, and his face was green and white. "I asked for leave to accompany you, but you dare to bite me?"

Mei Peng's hand trembled when she was putting on her coat. She glanced at her with a guilty eye. There was no way. Every time she was uncomfortable, she liked to bite things around her, so... She accidentally bit the wrong place last night!

"This... That... Girl..." looking at someone's increasingly dark face, she stammered for a long time. Finally, she left a word and rushed out, "by the way, it's getting late. If you don't leave, the hospital will be closed!"

It's as fast as the wind and fire wheel. Muxi is full of black lines. Look, it's tight now! He took a deep breath, put a silk scarf around his neck and followed him out.


"I'm sorry, I also know my bad habit..." Mei Peng looked at her dark face and glanced at her silk scarf she had been wearing all day. Her face was full of flattering smiles.

Mu Xi interrupted her with a smile. "It's just bad?"

Mei Peng's back cooled, she grabbed her arm and nodded, "it's terrible. You have a lot of adults..."

"Let go! Sit down for me! There's no time to talk to you!" Muxi Yan grabbed the hand of the steering wheel, his temples jumped wildly and directly interrupted her.

Mei Peng was so happy that she sat down like a good baby. Hey, as long as Xi Yan said so, she would be safe!

After taking a look at Mei Peng, whose face is still a little pale, but already ruddy, Mu Xi said that the corners of her mouth were hooked. This girl is not easy to worry about, but fortunately, every bit of this day has not been beaten in vain.

"Go back and have a good rest. Next time, look at me..."

"Don't dare, don't dare..." Mei Peng raised her finger, made an oath gesture, and hurriedly took her words.

Muxi Yan nodded with satisfaction, touched her head, hooked her lips and said with a smile, "go back and have a good rest!"

Mei Peng's pupils contracted, her eyes were moist, and she suddenly fell on her.

She felt the trembling of her body, Muxi was stunned, subconsciously opened her mouth, and her voice was a little eager, "what's the matter? Is it still uncomfortable?"

Mei Peng shook her head and her voice was a little hoarse. "It's so warm. I must find a boyfriend who will touch my head like this in the future!"

Mu Xiyan was slightly stunned. A few seconds later, the corners of his mouth gently raised and patted her head, "well, good!"

Mei Peng secretly wiped the corners of her eyes, took a breath, got up and said with a smile, "girl, thanks. You should go back quickly. After all, you've been away from home for a day and a night!"

Looking at her slender figure under the light, Muxi said, her eyes flashed, and slowly started the car.

Although Mei Peng is still laughing and heartless at ordinary times, it seems that Gu Tianyi's affair really has no impact on her, but she knows that it's just pretending to forget. No matter what a scum Gu Tianyi is and what a scum he has done, after all, he is the person she once thought of wholeheartedly and loved for three years, otherwise she would not unconsciously call out his name when she was ill.

Love is love, regardless of who the other party is. If love is so easy to forget or give up, it can't be called love! But at least... Time will let her learn to bury her past slowly. Maybe... One day in the future, when she meets the right person, it's time for her to put it down!

Thinking, the car has slowly driven into the range of Nanshan other courtyard. Looking at the house close at hand, muxiyan took a deep breath. It is always necessary to face it!

Thinking, I was about to park the car into the parking space, but when the car was just halfway in, there was a car bell. Muxi's words had not yet responded. A cold looking man in a black suit knocked on the door outside the window.

Mu Xi said, his eyes flashed, lowered the window, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Dave was a little stunned, and then calmly said, "Hello, Mrs. Fu!"

Mu Xi said, his eyes flashed, "do you know me?"

Dave nodded, then looked back at the car that was about to park in the parking space, and Muxi glanced at him. At this time, the evil voice sounded softly, making her subconsciously look for fame.

"Dave, it's hard today. Go back first! Drive away too." CHEN Ye gracefully steps out of the car and looks at him faintly.

Dave was stunned, looked at Muxi's words, nodded clearly, "yes, chenshao!" said, got in the car and left.

Mu Xiyan takes back his eyes and calmly looks at CHEN Ye, "Chen Shao also lives in this Nanshan other hospital?"

CHEN Ye's eyebrows and eyes were picked up, and there was a bit of demon charm. "Miss mu, don't you think it's impolite to talk to me in the car?"

Mu Xi said that his eyes were heavy. As he got off the bus, he smiled and said, "I didn't think well. Chen Shao forgive me, but..." he said, looking at him faintly, his eyes were cold. "Chen Shao's address to me seems not very polite!"

CHEN Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the ring reflecting light on her hand, and his eyes were full of interest. He slowly leaned over to approach her next to the carriage, hooked his lips and said with a smile, "Muxi speech, did I say that you like me very much? Why not..."

Then he gently hooked the hair on her chest and said in a charming voice, "divorce Fu Junhao and follow me. You'll be happier. How about it?"

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