Fu Junhao's eyes were black. He pressed down the severe pain in his heart and asked in a low voice, "what will happen to her?"

Jason looked at his dark and silent eyes, and a trace of sadness poured into his heart. His tone was worried and heavy, "so, Mr. Fu, the possibility of your wife's future pregnancy... Is almost zero! And even if you can conceive..."

"All right!" Fu Junhao's eyes turned red and his fist slammed into the bed. A few seconds later, he forced down his tumbling mood, "I don't care. I just want to know how she is now? What is the success of surgery?"

His fierce and cold deterrence made Jason tremble instinctively, settled his mind, and said with difficulty, "the patient's life is saved, but the possibility of waking up is only 5%. If she can't wake up in 48 hours, then..."

Before his voice fell, Fu Junhao stared at him fiercely, his eyes were scarlet, and his breath was in a mess. A few seconds later, he said sharply, "where's he Ziling“

Jason trembled in his heart, but still looked at him disapprovingly. "Mr. Fu, you can't blame him. He has tried his best, because he has exhausted his mental and physical strength. He still hasn't woken up from his early coma! What you should do now is to find a way to make her feel all important people and things, especially your existence. She values you almost more than life“

As soon as the voice fell, strong pain surged into his heart. Fu Junhao's dark eyes were more red in an instant, and green tendons appeared on his head.

"I don't blame him! Please let me know as soon as he wakes up!"

He forced down the messy breath and gave Jason a deep look. As he got up and walked out, he said in a deep voice. His voice was so hoarse that Jason felt sour.

Mu Xiyan, you can't do anything. What about 5%. Even 0.1%, if I don't let you die, you can't die!


In the intensive care unit, his eyes fell on Muxi Yan's pale face through the sterile glass screen, and the pain slightly precipitated in Fu Junhao's heart seeped out again.

Jason looked at him, even though he was wrapped in a white sterile suit from head to foot, he did not reduce his innate noble temperament. A glimmer of appreciation flashed in his heavy eyes, and led him slowly to a machine shining silver and white.

"In principle, patients in the intensive care unit are not allowed to be visited. Because your wife's situation is special and dangerous, you need to arouse her awareness of survival. However, for your safety, you must not only change into this sterile clothing, but also undergo special technical treatment to ensure that you are truly sterile! Your body is still very weak. Technical treatment is added to it Staying for 48 hours will cause great damage to internal organs. Are you sure... "

"Start at once!" Fu Junhao's eyes lit slightly, directly interrupted him and lay on the cold and terrible machine, "I don't want to waste a minute!"

Jason was stunned, then nodded and adjusted the machine for him. He didn't dislike his voice and face, but appreciated his decisive and sharp way of doing things without losing his wisdom and steadiness.

The United States is a country with a strong sense of time and the ability. Fu Junhao himself is the top presence in the excellent group. No wonder Jason, who has always been confident and arrogant, will pay special admiration and respect to him.

The thin light scanned the body and even every corner of the blood. Jason knew how much pain it would be for the first time, especially when he was extremely weak. However, Fu Junhao didn't even blink.

Fu Junhao obviously noticed the appreciation in his eyes, frowned slightly, then nodded to him, and some gratitude flashed in his deep eyes.

Walking slowly towards the center of the ward, in an open white space, strangely, only the cold drip sound of various instruments was heard. Mu Xiyan lay lifeless on the white hospital bed. Under the light, her face as white as a ghost formed a strong color contrast with the black hair exposed in her forehead, which gradually made his heart tangle, and there seemed to be a film of tears in front of her Red, the pupil suddenly hit a blood red light.

"Xi Yan... Girl, get up, okay?" forced down the rolling dizziness, Fu Junhao sat by the bed and covered her with soft eyes, "I'm fine, so you have to get better for me, okay?"

"I know, your maintenance of me in front of the old man; that cup of tea every night you stay up late; the sorting and adjustment when each document is handed in; even if you are sad, you don't stop preparing breakfast; you deliberately let Mrs. Liu come to take care of me; your cold words hide your concern; your concern for Ziyan; I know, I know!"

"I've always been the person in your heart. You've been watching me when I don't know, haven't you? I'll wait for you to tell me the truth in person, okay?"


The time passed by, but Muxi's speech didn't improve at all. Fu Junhao whispered repeatedly, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously. His low alcohol voice was hoarse and gentle. Gently holding her cold hand, he only felt calm in his heart, but he felt more failure. Counting carefully, he found that he had been immersed in her wholehearted efforts and enjoyed the warmth she gave Warm, but always doing things that make her sad.

"Xi Yan... Now I know that Fu Junhao was really bad..." he smiled bitterly. He put her hand to his lips and kissed her. His hoarse voice was dark and hurt, but he didn't find a tear running through the corner of his eyes on the hospital bed.

As soon as Jason came in, he looked at the misty smile at the corners of his mouth. Suddenly, he felt that Fu Junhao was more uncomfortable than Fu Junhao with red eyes. He always thought that people like him would not have such a fragile side, but

He winked at the other two doctors and volunteers, and his eyes gradually shifted to muxiyan. His pupils suddenly narrowed and cried happily, "effective, really effective! Continue to say, as long as she can't let go of all the people and things."

Fu Junhao shook his body, suddenly looked up and saw the moisture around her eyes, and his heart trembled slightly. "Xi Yan, you know? Your operation is Ziling's main knife. If you have anything! If you can't save the person you care about most, he won't be at ease all his life. Guilty love will destroy him. Can you bear it?"

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, Muxi frowned uneasily. Jason saw that there were gradually improving line fluctuations on the ECG and shouted, "come on, continue!"

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed and said in a deep voice, "don't you want to find out what happened to your father in those years? In addition, Gu Tianyi and Yang Bing won't let you go so easily. If you're gone, they will point the spear at Mei Peng. Think about the racing, huh? One more thing, your mother may still be alive!"

The low voice constantly filled my ears. In the darkness, muxiyan felt trembling all over. Countless people and things were constantly impacting my brain. My head hurt... No... how could this happen? Dad, mom?

"Dad..." Muxi said, frowning tighter and tighter. The uneasy fear made her forehead start to exude fine sweat.

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed slightly and looked at Jason. At this time, the ECG meter suddenly found a disordered sound. They were surprised and looked at it suddenly, but they found that the line was gradually flattening. Jason stared incredulously. He quickly changed the oxygen mask for bathing, turned to the white counter and calmly prepared the medicine, Injected into her body calmly and quickly.

A few seconds later, the uneasiness on muxiyan's face gradually dissipated, and the whole person was as quiet as dead.

"What's the matter?" Fu Junhao pressed down his tumbling heartbeat and said in a deep voice, his voice trembling.

Jason slowly took back the syringe and looked up at him. His light blue eyes flickered. He looked at the timer on the wall and shook his head heavily for a long time. "There are still the last two hours left in 48 hours. Although there are some reactions, it is more like... Light back..."

the last radiance of the setting sun! Before his words fell, his consciousness automatically flashed through Fu Junhao's mind. The strong pain made his heart seem to stop beating, his face turned pale, and his dark eyes were dark and could not see any light.

Jason felt sour and patted him on the shoulder anxiously. "How are you?"

Fu Junhao glanced at him in a trance and looked calm and frightening. A few seconds later, blood slowly flowed from the corners of his mouth and dyed the mask on his face red.

Jason couldn't help but tremble. He just felt that his throat was really sore and dry. He couldn't speak. He witnessed that the person he cared about most died because of his car accident, coma, bleeding, but before that, he gave people hope. Love and guilt were enough to defeat a person. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't bear the desperate pain of gain and loss.

However, at this time, Fu Junhao suddenly got up, pulled off the mask on his face, took off the oxygen mask on muxiyan's face, and kissed her fiercely. His eyes were black and scarlet, "Muxi Yan, you have occupied a place in my heart and want to be so relieved? No way! If you dare to die, I will destroy all the people you care about, Zi Ling, Mei Peng, Zi Yan and the old man. I can give up. And your father, never want to clear up his grievances. I will let him bear the name of traitor forever, and even death will not be peaceful! If you dare to die, I will destroy myself, hold on Go to hell with you! "

Fiercely left a word, Fu Jun then got up, stepped out cold and fiercely, and never looked at muxiyan again.

Jason has been stunned for a long time. His strong momentum, terrible possessiveness, fierce words and determination to destroy the sky and earth make people absolutely believe that he can do it!

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