Fang Jin looked at her burying her head low, and suddenly felt a little funny. At the same time, a glimmer of schadenfreude, stains, crazy girl, you also have today!

Glancing at the ambiguous feeling between the two people, Muxi said and hooked the corners of his mouth. Suddenly he felt a little dizzy and couldn't help laughing bitterly. His body seemed to be really worse than before.

When Fu Junhao saw the tiredness between her eyebrows and eyes, he tightened his heart and looked at Uncle Wang with a happy face.

Uncle Wang's eyes flashed a trace of peace of mind and said with a happy smile, "young master, the car is already outside. The old man is waiting at home!"

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed, looked at the person in his arms, nodded faintly towards him, hugged muxiyan and followed up. With a protective action, he raised his head and looked at their plum for a few seconds. Then there were tears in his eyes. Xiyan, this time, you must be good!

Fang Jin saw that she slightly raised her head and tried not to let the tears in her eyes fall. The light in her eyes was excited. There was some worry in her hope. There was a bit of sadness hidden in her worry. Suddenly, she felt that she was also very distressing.

"You envy me very much? I can take you reluctantly!" his eyes flashed. He approached her and smiled very 'shameless'!

The ruffian's voice made Mei Peng suddenly come to his senses and hit him directly with a fist, "your sister! Open up for me! ~"

Fang Jin dodged away and smiled, "it's so violent, I'm so afraid!"

With that cheap look, Mei Peng seemed to see the words "what can you do to me" written on her face. Her anger suddenly rose, and she fiercely chased up, "I'm going to kill you, I'm definitely going to kill you!"


When Fu Junhao returned to the Fu family, it was almost 8:00 p.m. and he took a look at the solemn and retro Fu family house at night, with extremely thick ink in his eyes.

Looking at his deep eyes, Uncle Wang sighed, got off slowly and opened the door for him, "young master, go in!"

Fu Junhao's eyes turned, nodded, took a look at Mu Xiyan, who was sleeping soundly in his arms, hooked his mouth, directly got out of the car and walked to the house.

Uncle Wang saw his natural appearance and opened his mouth. He seemed to think it was inappropriate, but he didn't say anything, so he followed up.

In the hall of Fu family, Fu Junhao, Fu Ziyan and Mo LAN seemed to have entered the table early. Seeing Fu Junhao embracing Mu Xiyan, the three were stunned at first. There was a flash of relief in Fu's eyes. Suddenly, they felt that their gloomy mood was much better these days, and there was more smile on their always serious face; Fu Ziyan looked at them excitedly, and the joy on her face was obvious; Only Mo Lan's eyes were filled with a layer of rich and extreme haze and stared at them very unhappily.

Fu Junhao scanned several people one by one, and finally looked at old Fu, "Grandpa, Xi Yan is a little tired. I'll take her to the room to rest first. It's impolite!"

Listening to his voice with a tone of inquiry, old Fu's hand on the wooden chair trembled instantly, his eyes were full of excitement, he didn't speak for a moment, but nodded happily.

Fu Junhao's eyes flashed slightly and his heart was a little complicated. He tightened his arms and hugged Mu Xiyan's hand. He turned and was about to leave the hall, but was interrupted by an ironic voice.

"It's really impolite to let the elders wait for the younger generation for nearly an hour and leave before they come back. I don't believe her health is so bad that she can't even eat!"

"Mom!" as soon as the voice fell, Fu Ziyan immediately shouted disapprovingly, but Mo LAN stared at him unhappily, and immediately looked wrongly at Fu Junhao. Fu Junhao's eyes were slightly heavy, but he looked at Fu Junhao who was ready to leave.

Fu Junhao paused at his feet, and his deep and quiet eyes fell on Mo LAN, which made Mo Lan's heart tremble. Suddenly, he hooked his mouth and smiled very gently, "she is my wife of Fu Junhao. Of course, she is unique. She is qualified to do what she wants!"

With that, he nodded to Fu Laozi, looked at Fu Ziyan with a little apology, turned and left, and didn't even give Mo LAN another one from the corner of his eye.

The arrogant and noble momentum made Mo Lan's face suddenly black, and a strong hatred flashed through his eyes, wild seed!

Looking at his mother's look, he thought of Fu Junhao's slightly apologetic eyes just now. Fu Ziyan was moved in her heart. At the same time, she was sad and guilty!

On the other side, Uncle Wang couldn't help sweating all over. Looking at old Fu, he shouted, "master..."

Master Fu was stunned, and then he laughed happily, with some aftertaste in his eyes, "it's worthy of being a descendant of the Fu family, and the momentum is even greater than that of my past! Ha ha!!!"

Suddenly, he stopped laughing, looked heavy, his sharp eyes lightly swept over Mo LAN, his serious voice was a little heavy and low, "since he knows he is an elder, he should have the style of an elder!"

Mo Lan's face was stiff. He pinched the palm under the table and whispered, "yes!"

Fu Laozi's fierce eyes were a little less. He nodded with satisfaction, "move the chopsticks first!"

A meal was so boring that the atmosphere on the table was oppressive from beginning to end. It was not until Fu Junhao took him away from the table in advance and returned to the bedroom that Muxi's mood was really smooth. After running for days, they fell into sleep.

Have a good night's sleep.

Due to the great physical damage, the tiredness of running around and the relaxation of mind, muxiyan slept for the first time until 9 o'clock the next morning. He reached out and stroked his side. His tentacles were cool. Only then did he know that Fu Junhao had left for a long time.

But no wonder they have left for so long at the same time. The work affairs of the company must be piled up!

With a clear smile, she got up and went to the bathroom, took care of it briefly, changed her clothes and went downstairs. However, the carved pear wood door of the hall was open and the room was empty.

At a strange time, a slightly fat figure turned out of the kitchen, holding a blue and white porcelain tripod bowl in his hand. There was steaming heat inside. When he saw her standing under the stairs, a kind smile appeared on her face.

"Young lady, are you up?"

"Hmm!" Mu Xiyan smiled, nodded, glanced around, and found that behind the screen painted with ink bamboo, there seemed to be something on the big round table. The dense moisture rendered the ink bamboo on the screen more lifelike.

She turned and walked in. Sure enough, there were good-looking and well matched food on the table. For a time, she really felt a little hungry!

"Liu Ma, where's grandpa? Why is there no one at home?"

Mrs. Wang saw that she looked at the table and her stomach. A trace of love flashed in her eyes. She hurriedly said, "young lady, sit down and eat. After sleeping for so long, you must be hungry!"

Then he said with a smile, "the old man went back to his study after breakfast. The young lady went out with his wife!"

Muxi Yan's eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment. He nodded and sat down. Looking at Liu Ma, who was busy, he only felt very warm. He glanced at the food on the table and asked curiously.

"Liu Ma, how do you know when I get up?"

Liu Ma was stunned, then reacted and smiled happily.

"I don't know when the young lady gets up. The young master asked me to keep these things warm on the fire. If you get up, you'll be ready immediately!"

After listening to her words, Muxi Yan immediately stared at the table. He felt that his heart was covered with velvet, soft and dreamy. He didn't come back for a long time.

"Where is he?"

"The young master went to the company very early. He should be very tired. His face doesn't look very good!" said Mrs. Liu anxiously. "In fact, the young master is a good child, but his mind is too deep and heavy. Everything is pressed in his heart. After a long time, he forms ice!"

"Liu Ma, sit down and eat together!" Muxi said, her eyes flashing, gently pulling Liu Ma to sit down, but Liu Ma suddenly struggled, "young lady, this can't be used!"

"Liu Ma, in my heart, your care and care for me is as warm as my mother. I say yes!" Muxi said with an indisputable smile.

Looking at her gentle and quiet smile, Liu Ma immediately stopped her refusal. Tears twinkled in charity's eyes and said excitedly, "Hey, good!"

Muxi Yan was very happy and grateful to see that she no longer refused.

When she first married into the Fu family a year ago, because Fu Junhao ignored her and her identity, basically no one welcomed her except Grandpa

Only Liu Ma is wholeheartedly kind to her. Although grandpa's advice is also in it, her heart will not be false. No one knows how warm and grateful she feels with the heart of providing charcoal in the snow!

She asked Liu Ma to call her name directly, but she said etiquette should not be abolished!

After all, she is an older generation, and she has lived in a big family like Fu family for decades. Some conservatism is certain, and she will no longer insist!

"Liu Ma, have you seen Jun Hao's father in the Fu family for so many years? That is, the last head of the Fu family?" she asked after shaking her mind.

Liu Ma's body was slightly stiff, and her face was embarrassed. She looked at her as if she didn't know where to start.

Mu Xiyan flashed a flash of light at the bottom of her eyes, gently held her hand, serious and firm.

"Liu Ma, I know it may be difficult for you, but I want to love Fu Junhao, so I want to know everything about him!"

What happened to the previous owner and Fu Junhao when he was a child seems to have become an unwritten forbidden topic for the Fu family. People here never mention them. Even if it occasionally involves the slightest, they will immediately pretend to move away from the topic.

Every time at this time, Grandpa's always smart eyes are always full of guilt and regret. The whole person seems to be many years old in an instant. Even she feels sad about that regret, and she doesn't dare to ask him and tear his wound again.

Looking at her firm dark eyes, Liu Ma opened the corner of her mouth, then closed it again. A few seconds later, she sighed and began to speak faintly.

"In fact, I don't know what happened that year!"

Mu Xiyan flashed a flash of light at the bottom of her eyes and continued to look at her face, recalling the sad Liu ma.

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