About to speak, but saying nothing, he sat down as like as two peas in the room, and sat down on the sofa. His eyes swept across a nearly identical ward in the US, and fell on the face of the Du Fu's face, which had been slightly spoken.

"Miss Du, don't you have something to say to me?"

Du Ruo responded, opened his lips, but lowered his head. A moment later, he looked up and stared at her tightly for a few seconds. He smiled, "is this room beautiful?"

Mu Xi Yan frowned slightly, but nodded, "well, it's very warm and has the taste of home!"

"Hmm!" Du Ruo nodded, the smile on his face faded away, and his eyes were in a trance, "My father was adopted by the Fu family. He grew up with Uncle Fu when he was young. He was both a powerful assistant and half a brother. Although grandpa Fu and uncle Fu were very good, they were not blood relatives after all, and they lived in a big family like the Fu family, so they all paid special attention to discretion! Later, my father married my mother, and my mother was aunt Lan's good friend, Fu Uncle doesn't like aunt LAN. Because of many factors, the relationship between father and uncle Fu is not as good as before, and things are more polite and cautious! "

"I was born with congenital asthma. My parents told me from an early age to be cautious and understand my identity! At that time, the Fu family was still very busy. There were many people, including young masters and young ladies. My identity was not up and down. It was very embarrassing, but grandpa Fu loved me and aunt LAN protected me, so it was inevitable to be bullied! Living under the fence of others made me very uncomfortable, Like a bird trapped in a cage, I feel inferior, closed, disappointed, desperate, and finally numb... "

"Until he came..." speaking of this, she smiled at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes were gentle and shining. She was beautiful originally. The pain did not kill her beauty, but added a bit of softness to her. At this time, the happy and nostalgic smile made her white face stained with a trace of blood, and the whole person was pure and vivid, especially eye-catching.

"That winter, I was teased by them and fell into the dry well in Fu family's garden. He saved me. It was obviously a very thin body, but it made me feel so tall! I will always remember how big and cold the snow was in that winter, but it was so warm..."

Looking at the bright colors in her eyes, Muxi's heart sank inch by inch. She seemed to hear her voice floating out of nothingness, weak and desolate.

"Is He Jun Hao in your mouth?"

"Well, when I was most embarrassed and uncomfortable, he came to me like an angel. Since then, his exquisite and picturesque face has been printed in my heart forever. I try to make myself more cheerful and excellent. I hope my smile can make him smile happily and match him, but he never smiled, but it doesn't matter, I hope I don't care, as long as I can be by his side! "

"But what happened later not only made me lose my parents, but also the most precious things. I also contracted cor pulmonale. From then on, my body is getting worse day by day! And Jun Hao has changed since then. He is no longer cold and likes to laugh. His smile is very charming, but alienated without temperature. The whole person is more unfathomable..."

Mu Xiyan's hand holding the water cup suddenly trembled, and his face became whiter and whiter under the light, "Miss Du, tell me this..."

Du Ruo seemed to react suddenly, leaned over and held her hand tightly. His eyes were full of prayers, tears kept falling, his tone was excited and his breath was short.

"Over the past ten years, Jun Hao and I have depended on each other. We eat together, sleep together and are bullied by others. Even later, he became the real heir of the Fu family. No one dares to provoke the Fu family to this day. Even if I go to the United States for treatment, he has never changed to me! If grandpa doesn't force him to marry you, we are going to get married ! Xi Yan, I know I have a bad attitude towards you, but I can swear that your car accident in the United States is definitely not my hand! Moreover, if you were me, you would be the same in the face of threats after working hard for more than ten years... "

"I know it's unfair to you, but can you please let go... I really can't live without him. I believe you've noticed that, no matter what, Jun Hao cares about me!"

Mu Xi Yan stared at her, his face pale to no blood, "do you want me to divorce Jun hao?"

"No... not..." Du Ruo retorted in a hurry. "I just ask you, can you give us more time to get along? I just want him to accompany me more... I can not be named. The young lady of the Fu family will always be you, but can Jun Hao give me more?"

As soon as her voice fell, Muxi said, her wrist shook, the tea cup fell suddenly, making a clear impact sound, and the water flowed all over the ground!

Looking at Du Ruo with tears in front of her, a strong pain surged into her heart, and the bitterness filled her with made her paralyzed in the sofa.

Which woman would be so sad as her husband's confidant asked her to give up her husband, but she couldn't refute it! People say that in the emotional world, the unloved person is the third party, and she has always been the third party between them!

A strong sense of dizziness rushed up. Mu Xiyan's face turned pale. He gently pushed her away and got up to leave, but Du Ruo grabbed him, "Xi Yan... I know it's... Unfair..."

He pressed down the bitterness in his heart. Muxi Yan didn't look at her, but said in a dumb voice, "thank you for your honesty, but... I'm sorry... I can't..."

With that, she gently opened her hand and raised her foot to leave.

Du Ruo was in a hurry, his face suddenly turned white, and his whole body was soft, so soft that he was on the ground, covering his heart and crying in pain.

Muxi Yan was shocked and was about to turn around. The sound of opening the door of the ward sounded. As soon as her body stiffened, she suddenly looked up and looked at her deep and quiet eyes, ha ha... It turns out that there is such a dog blood thing in the world

While she smiled bitterly, Du ruoman, who fell to the ground, flashed a strange light on his painful face.

Sure enough

Fu Junhao was surprised when he saw it. Before he could open his mouth, his eyes fell on Du Ruo who fell next to the sofa. He shrunk slightly, glanced at Muxi, flew over, picked up the person and ran out without looking at her at all.


The door shook slightly, and his anxious and low roar seemed to echo in the air. Muxi said that his body was soft, suddenly retreated a few steps, and his hands supported on the table. Thinking of the eyes he looked at her before he left, a strong stabbing pain rushed up, and a fresh smell of blood rushed up his throat.

He really doubted her... Fu Junhao, do you really doubt that I hurt her

He stumbled out of the hospital, stopped a taxi and let him get on the bus without much care.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"Jinyuan community..." she couldn't spit out a few words. She slowly closed her eyes. Her mind was full of people and things in the past, staggered one by one. The last picture was fixed on those deep eyes with blame. Her heart was like being run over by a truck for an instant, and the pain was extreme.

"Miss, you look terrible... Do you want to go in again?" the driver uncle looked at her and looked out the window at the hospital.

Mu Xiyan shook his head wearily, "it's all right..."


In Jinyuan community, Mei Peng lingered restlessly in the living room and read all over her mouth. At first glance, the woman was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Xi said that the girl was stupid when she met Fu Junhao. This, no

When she was about to go out, she was interrupted by a special mobile phone ring. As soon as her face turned black, she directly answered the phone and roared, "* * *! Dead Fang Jin, you start, don't bother your aunt!"

Fang Jin was bombarded in a disorderly way, which was really inexplicable. For a moment, he became angry, "Hey, I said you crazy girl. For a while, my mother and aunt, how can labor and capital recruit you? If you are arrogant, labor and capital will do you tonight!"

Mei Peng's face turned red with anger when she listened to the arrogant voice over there. She was about to roar over when the door bell rang!

Suddenly, he lost his cell phone and rushed to open the door.

"Girl? You are..." looking at the man whose face is as pale as a ghost in front of him, Mei Peng is distressed and angry. "I said that woman is not a good thing... Wait, I'll teach the scum woman and the dead scum man!"

Muxiyan weakly held her, opened her lips, and suddenly frowned tightly before she spoke. As soon as it was dark, she fell on her.

"Xi Yan!!"

"Hello? Hello?! ship!" Fang Jin listened to the silence there and suddenly burst out a rude remark. He was about to lose his cell phone, but he heard a scream from there. His face sank, frowned slightly and said something? What happened to the couple?

Thinking of conveniently dialing the number, after a while, a low dark magnetic voice sounded at the other end of the phone.

"I said President Fu? How could Xi Yan be with my daughter-in-law? You bullied other girls again?"

"Call me sister-in-law!" Fu Junhao's face sank and frowned slightly. "Where's the girl?"

"Isn't it? Your wife occupied my pit. No wonder the dead girl didn't allow me to enter the door these two days!" speaking of this, general Fang Shao was very angry.

"I'm not sure. I just heard the voice from the other end of the phone. Your wife doesn't seem to be in good condition? Are you sure you don't want to bring her back?"

"She's there..." Fu Junhao tightened his hand holding the mobile phone and looked at the closed operating room. A trace of pain flashed through the bottom of his eyes. After a long time, he closed his eyes and explained in a low voice. His voice was a little hoarse.

"Take good care of your sister-in-law!"

"What?!" before his words were out, there was no sound at the other end. Fang Jin stared at his mobile phone. His depression and irritability couldn't disappear in the middle of the night. This... He hasn't even finished his own daughter-in-law. How can he deal with their tangled problems?!

(Note: cor pulmonale, also known as pulmonary heart disease, is an acquired heart disease, which is mainly caused by pulmonary hypertension caused by bronchial pulmonary tissue or pulmonary artery vascular disease. It can be divided into acute and chronic according to the onset priority and duration of the disease.)

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