"Bah!!! Don't insult me! You're unworthy! Scum man! You're a bitch. No one is as cheap as you!!!"

"Bitch, you want to die!"

The angry voice was mixed with a vicious slap, which hit Muxi Yan's heart. She just felt like swallowing a steel knife and cutting it in her heart, and the painful blood overflowed.

That silly girl has been with her since she met her. No matter what happens, she will defend and support her without hesitation. No matter what others say, even when people around her despise and hate her after her father's accident, she has always stood on her side, crying with her, laughing with her, being angry with her, and trusting her father with her——

Even now, she still doesn't want to be safe, but to contradict Ye Xiang's death for her!

Ye Xiang deliberately dialed the number without telling Xiao Peng. He wanted to torture Xiao Peng and kill her in front of her. He succeeded!

But the voice on the communication side continued, like a magic sound, it caught her heart, painful, cold and cold


"Bitch, I want you to live better than die!!!" Ye Xiang grabbed Mei Peng's hair and slapped her back in the face with a loud bang. Mei Peng's head suddenly turned to one side. She only felt the buzzing sound in her head and ears. For a long time, she felt the bloody smell in her mouth and then suppressed the dizziness, Slowly looked up at the man in front of her who was full of resentment like an evil ghost. Suddenly, she smiled low. Her hair was messy, her temples were red and swollen, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. Her eyes staring at Ye Xiang were clear and sharp. This smile was quite ferocious and strange.

Ye Xiang couldn't help but feel her hair. He grabbed her hair again and forced her to look up and roar angrily, "what are you laughing at?"

"Ha ha..." Mei Peng still smiled low, and her hoarse laughter floated in the dark little house, which suddenly had the charm of a female ghost's sad and bleak smile.

Ye Xiang's pupils narrowed, grabbed her hair and shook it hard, "say, I ask you what you laugh at?!! Tell me!!!!"

Mei Peng still didn't answer. Ye Xiang's scalp was numb when she smiled. The anger and resentment rushed up. His expression was distorted and ferocious to the extreme, "smile? Is this childe funny? Is he happy? Will this childe make you happier and more comfortable!"

Then he threw her away, slid his hand down to the collar of her clothes and tore it hard. All the buttons in front of her clothes were broken, revealing the flesh colored chest. The white fullness made his eyes instantly infected with the obscene animal desire.

Mei Peng's pupils narrowed, her hands tied behind her suddenly tightened, her eyes widened greatly, and she screamed angrily, "Ye Xiang, if you dare to touch me, I will kill you!"

Ye Xiang's eyes were full of her plump, white and round, obscene * * * smiled at her, glanced at the mobile phone not far away, and was full of strange, "stains, sure enough, you have the material to serve me well. I will make you scream and groan under me! The louder you shout, the more excited I will be!"

After that, she suddenly approached her chest and was about to bite it. Mei Peng's eyes lit up. She quickly lowered her head and bit his neck until the bloody smell didn't let go. It was as cruel as chewing him up and feeding him to the dog!

"Ah!!! Bitch!!!" Ye Xiang screamed and screamed. No matter how he hit her, she just didn't let go.

Mei Peng bit him, his dark eyes were scarlet, and the hand tied behind him suddenly gave a meal. The rope was finally cut off by the broken iron piece, and his mouth was loosened. At the same time, he waved his hands fiercely against the main artery of his neck, cutting blood with strong strength. Ye Xiang screamed in pain, but did not dare to move!

"Dead * * *, untie the rope under my feet for my aunt, otherwise..." Mei Peng pushed the iron piece fiercely, with fierce eyes.

Ye Xiang begged for mercy again and again, and hurriedly reached out to untie the rope on her feet. Mei Peng's eyes were slightly Ling, and her hand holding the iron sheet also exuded a little blood, "hurry up!!!"

Ye Xiang shook his body in fear, and the movement in his hand accelerated, but an extremely fierce light flashed in his eyes. He suddenly dragged her legs in his direction, and his body tilted back sharply.

Mei Peng didn't expect that he was so bold and suddenly attacked. She fell back uncontrollably, and her head hit the ground with a bang. Before she had time for pain, ye Xiang grabbed the iron piece in her hand, kicked it on her thigh, and then he pressed it to the ground!

"Hum!" Ye Xiang pressed her hands tightly, and the other hand slammed into her hand. The severe pain made Mei Peng's face instantly pale, and thin beads of sweat exuded from her forehead!

"Jie Jie, can you still fight?" Ye Xiang smiled coldly, reached out and touched his neck. The scarlet blood in his hand made his eyes more sinister and gently licked the blood. He suddenly stretched out his hand, and the iron sheet slid through Mei Peng's white neck, exuding wisps of blood, sliding through her white skin, and the red was enchanting and broken, "I like such a hot woman! The more you struggle, the more excited I am! Ha ha!"

Looking at his evil smile, Mei Peng's heart trembled and her eyes began to flash some fear. Was she really doomed this time?

But... Her eyes fell on the mobile phone not far away, and a comforting smile flashed across her eyes. She knew that yanniu was on the other end of the phone... At least Xiyan didn't come. She was glad that she was caught

Ye Xiang smiled wildly, reached out and pulled out all her clothes, leaving only her personal clothes. He grabbed her and tied her in a big font on the table.

Looking at the beautiful ketone body in front of him, his eyes were full of green light, resentment and excitement!

Suddenly turned to take the phone and opened the call video, "muxiyan, you really want to see your good sister? OK, let you see how she begged for mercy in this childe's play!"

Mei Peng's eyes were full of fear as soon as her pupils contracted. A drop of tears flowed from the corner of her eyes, and finally made a broken voice, "don't..."

Muxiyan here was numb with heartache. She just drove frantically to her destination. Suddenly, the video made her pupils congest, and she couldn't help screaming hysterically, "Ye Xiang, I'm going to kill you! You'll die!!!!!! I'll make your life better than death!!!!!!"

Ye Xiang smiled at her coldly and indecently, grabbed Mei Peng's chest, Mei Peng's eyes suddenly shrunk, and turned his head in embarrassment, "Xi Yan, don't look..."

Muxi Yan's pupils widened and his tears were scarlet. The pain of spitting and swallowing steel knife suddenly hit him. His heart hurt and a mouthful of blood suddenly sprayed on the video communicator, blurring the picture!

Xiao Peng... Xiao Peng

Ye xiangleng for half a second, suddenly burst out laughing. His strange and cruel smile made the whole house more strange and dark!

Mei Peng looked at the blood on the screen, her eyes were scarlet, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down

At this time, the communicator was suddenly cut short. Muxi Yan's heart ached and his vision blurred. He patted on the steering wheel and burst into tears. Suddenly, another communication came in automatically. His low voice sounded like thunder. Muxi Yan's eyes were red with blood, "Fu Junhao, if something happens, I will hate you all my life and never die!!!"

Exhausted her words and effort, she spit out this sentence. A strong sense of dizziness hit her. It was dark in front of her eyes. She suddenly fell to the side of the direction. The racing car immediately lost control and crashed on the road!


The trembling voice of hate hit Fu Junhao's heart. He suddenly stepped back and jumped in his heart. It was like being inserted with a sharp knife of thousands of kilograms. Blood overflowed and pain

"Xi Yan, we've reached our destination, Mei Peng will be fine..." this sentence can't be said, and there's no chance to export it. There's no sound there.


Fang Jin's heavy look shocked the abandoned factory. According to the information given by the "night ghost", he quickly found the dark room. Listening to the crazy and obscene laughter inside, he corrected his heart and kicked open the small iron door with one foot. However, the scene in front of him made his eyes congested and his whole body filled with anger, "Ye Xiang! I'm going to waste you!!!"

The earth shaking roared, shaking the whole abandoned factory like it was about to close down. Ye Xiang, who was wantonly whipping Mei Peng with a clue twisted by a cloth strip, contracted his pupils. Before he turned back, he didn't kick off and hit the opposite wall directly, breaking his head and bleeding!

Fang Jinhong looked at him and kicked him one foot at a time. The piercing pain in his heart made Ye Xiang howl constantly!

"Ah!!!" Ye Xiang jerked back and looked at the man with scarlet eyes, who was like Shura, screaming in fear, "Fang... Fang Shao... General, let me go..."

The Lilliputian voice immediately raised Fang Jin's anger to a higher level. He couldn't imagine what would happen to the girl if he came later, or if it wasn't the night ghost who bought his face today?! Before he thought about it, he was in pain!

"Ye Xiang!" staring at the people begging for mercy on the ground, Fang jinjunlang's face was ferocious and distorted because of his fierce anger, and kicked him one foot after another, "if you want to die, Lao Tzu's women dare to move!"

"How are you? I've ruined you!"

The strong movement made the half unconscious Mei Peng wake up a little. She looked up and burst into tears. Then she was in a strong hurry and wanted to stop it, but she was tied, "Fang... No... want..."

Kill him, you will break the law

As soon as Fu Junhao raised his feet and came in, he saw crazy Fang Jin and ye Xiang, who was more progressive on the ground and less angry. His eyes sank. He hurried over and grabbed him hard. "Enough! Hit him again and he'll die! It's not worth paying for such a man. There are some ways to make his life worse than death!"

"Hurry to see Mei Peng!"

The quiet voice made Fang Jin come back to his God a little. As soon as his body shook, he suddenly turned and looked at the girl who was hurt all over. His pupils suddenly shrunk, and the strong pain almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

Walking heavily beside her, I trembled carefully and hugged her with my fingers. My voice was hoarse, "girl, I'm sorry I'm late..."

Mei Peng blinked weakly, and her tears fell down. The strong pain and peace of mind made her black and went to sleep. Fortunately, he came and came before she was violated

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