Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1451

Finally, the 6th Void opened on this day, and the boundless immortal light was suddenly suppressed from the 9th Void. This strength is almost equivalent to the Dao Monarch in the Peak period, so terrifying!

When the immortal light of the 9th Void spewed, no one dared to enter the 6th Void. Right now, the most formidable of Immortal Realm is Heavenly Monarch, even the Heavenly Monarch, in the case of Innate Magical Treasure. , I’m afraid I can’t compete with the strength sprayed from the 9th Void, and it will easily be crushed into fine powder!

So, even with the existence of Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure and Innate Magical Treasure, they dare not enter the 6th Void before it is opened by immortal light.

In the 6th Void, one continent emerges, and the collision of Twelve Continents erupts with the loud noise of heaven shaking earth shattering. Unexpectedly, they are slowly combined and turned into a huge disc!

This scene has already been anticipated by countless people, but seeing the scene of the merger of Twelve Continents is still very shocking.

"ao ——"

A dull and amazing roar came, shaking Heaven and Earth, everyone heart startled, I saw the Void tremor, and a Primal Chaos Giant Beast came out of the 6th Void. , But it is a Primal Chaos Dragon Tortoise, with strong limbs comparable to Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch.

This Primal Chaos Giant Beast seems to live in the 6th Void before, but no one has ever seen it.

The strength of Dragon Tortoise is extremely amazing. It seems to have the battle strength of Immortal Monarch Middle-Layer!

Jiang Nan could not help but whispered: "Void Giant Beast......"

He has seen such giant beasts before, before he first entered Beginning Source Land , Encountered a Void Giant Python in the 6th Void, fought with it, and beheaded it very hard.

But the Void Giant Python is not very formidable. It is only at the Immortal King level, while this Primal Chaos Dragon Tortoise is at the Immortal Monarch level, which is dozens of times different in strength!

Suddenly, there was another beast roar, but when another giant beast came out from the 6th Void, this time it was a hungry tiger with an Immortal Beast, three heads and six wings, unexpectedly also from Immortal Monarch cultivation base!

Next, a huge roar came, and there were phoenix cry bird calls, snake hissing, fish leaping, countless Dragon Snake Python, Divine Tree, Green Bamboo Taotie Kui Dragon Colored Phoenix, etc. mysterious Immortal Beast Primal Chaos Giant Beast and bizarre plants, out of nowhere in the Void, hover and dance around the disc formed by Twelve Continents!

There are hundreds of thousands of these Void Giant Beasts. Each giant beast is a different race, contains a different Great Dao, and is extremely formidable. Some even catch up with Heavenly Monarch, equivalent to Immortal Monarch Great Perfection. Exist, like a fish back in water in a place of heavy pressure like 6th Void!

The immortal light of the 9th Void flooded, and suddenly I saw those Void Giant Beasts diminishing rapidly. When, a Void Giant Beast was struck by the immortal light onto the disc!

This Void Giant Beast mark is vivid on the disc, turning into the vein lines of Great Dao.

Then, more Void Giant Beast one after another, one after another, one after another, marked on the disc, the disc was originally a patchwork of Twelve Continents, with mountains, rivers and lakes, sea great river, territory vast, giant The beast mark does not appear crowded on the disc.

"These Void Giant Beasts are not real creatures, but made by Great Dao!"

The group of heroes who followed this scene could not help but their hearts were shaken, and finally saw the clues, and so Many Void Giant Beasts, unexpectedly, are not real giant beasts, but are transformed by Great Dao into the form of giant beasts!

They are not creatures, but the form of Great Dao!

For such a huge and terrifying giant beast, you can imagine how high and pure the Dao Meeting that formed it!

The crucial point is that so many Void Giant Beasts are drilled into the disc formed by Twelve Continents. How terrifying is the formidable power of this disc?

The ninth Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels, has not yet been completely completed, it has shocked everyone!

The formidable power of Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels is even more tyrannical than the seventh Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud, which is even better than Five Great Suppressing Dao Cauldrons!

However, the last Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure has not appeared so far. The group of heroes glanced around and searched around, only to see the 6th Void except for Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels, there is no other heaven shaking earth shattering. Magical Treasure.

Everyone's eyes swept around, and they saw Great Cult, Immortal Prefecture, Primal Chaos Heaven Country, and Immortal Realm 7th Void. Immortal light divine light shot from Immortal and Ancient Divinity's eyes. Column, shine the 6th Void transparently!

"It's Dao Preaching Cliff!" Mystic Prefecture, Jiang Nan whispered.

In the 7th Void, Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch complexion dignified, whispered: "Dao Preaching Cliff!"

The other great cult Cult Masters were shaking, almost Thought of this possibility at the same moment!

In the end, everyone's eyes all fell on Dao Preaching Cliff.

In 6th Void, apart from Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels, there is only this Dao Preaching Cliff!

Dao Preaching Cliff is the preaching Inheritance Land of Emperor and Exalted, the land of enlightening all living things, passing down the concept of cultivation, Infernal Inheritance Land!

It is also a place that can cross from 6th Void to 9th Void when Beginning Source Land is opened!

This Dao Preaching Cliff represents extraordinary significance. It is the Immortal Dao enlightenment and the origin of Immortal Dao Dao Lineage. There is no other Magical Treasure in the 6th Void, so the tenth Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure is only Dao Preaching Cliff. It is possible!

This Dao Preaching Cliff is simple in appearance, with only a bare cliff. From a distance, it looks like a pillar. It's just too big but not big enough to support the 6th Void. It's acceptable, but It is used to support Nine Great Voids in Immortal Realm, which makes people feel a little reluctant.

The ninth Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, Immortal Dao twelve wheels have been cast, and then I saw the 9th Void billowing immortal light pouring into Dao Preaching Cliff!

Dao Preaching Cliff is falling off the rocks, and the rocks covering the surface fall off one after another, gradually revealing their true colors!

A rounded pillar appeared in everyone’s eyes. It was gray and unremarkable at all, but under the gray, one could faintly see the pillar, and there seemed to be one after another mysterious vein. lines flow.

Those are the vein lines of Great Dao, but the strange thing is that these vein lines flow in a strange direction, as if they are divided into 9-Layer, the upper and lower layers run in opposite directions, like two Different steering gears.

Together, this pillar seems to be composed of 9-Layer cylindrical gears. The 9-Layer gears are constantly rotating, which seems to represent Immortal Realm's Nine Layers Void.

Compared with the formidable of Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels, this column of Dao Preaching Cliff looks a bit ordinary, far less eye-catching than Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels, like an unremarkable black iron stake .

Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure’s first Magical Treasure, Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake!

"Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, in the end has several points of power? Is it really the top of Ten Great Supreme Treasures, as we have estimated?"

Seeing this scene, even the reincarnation Dao Monarch could not help but murmur in his heart. Logically speaking, the more formidable Magical Treasure, the stronger the Acquired power becomes mature, and it will slowly converge after the outbreak of the heavenly might. But it's also overflowing with power, will know when you see it, it's amazing.

And Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake is always simple and simple, without power leakage.

The head of the Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures is a bit disappointing.

"The real battle has begun."

Mystic Prefecture, Jiang Nan finally got up and looked towards the subordinate heroes, saying: "Hong'er, Jun'er, Ji Du, Rahu, and Empress Other Shore, you follow me to the 6th Void and compete for the Supreme Treasure. Others, guard Mystic Prefecture, lest my Mystic Prefecture is taken advantage of by other places."

Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun and The others bowed and said yes, each took the Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, and stood behind Jiang Nan. Rahula also offered two sips of Primal Chaos Immortal Sword. Looking at Jiang Nan’s back, his eyes flashed, thought: "I am far from Mystic Heaven is so close, if Dual Swords is suddenly urged, with the power of Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, Mystic Heaven should not be able to hide, and I will chop it to pieces, right?"

He be eager to have a try, Jiang Nan glanced back at him, said with a slight smile: "Rahu, have you seen your Mother Spirit Maiden?"

Rahula heart startled, involuntarily sweating on the forehead, dry said with a smile: "I am Immortal Dao Demon Ancestor now, and I have already left the Primal Chaos Heaven Country. Even the mother who raised me is also an enemy, how can I see her?"

Jiang Nan slightly smiled, softly said:" Don’t be so unfeeling. By the way, how did you think about the matter of accepting you as a son?"

Rahula's mind suddenly became confused, he was too suspicious, Jiang Nan In one sentence, his murderous intention was replaced by all kinds of suspicions, heart shivered: "This guy is fond of my mother, to be my father..."

But at this moment, the immor of the 9th Void The tal light gradually dimmed, Jiang Nan's eyes burst brightly, and she whispered: "To stimulate your Magical Treasure with all your strength... Let's start! "


The Void they were experiencing suddenly collapsed. Jiang Nan led the five Dao Ancestors, stepped from Mystic Prefecture to the 6th Void, and appeared in Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels. Before!

At the same time, the 6th Void exploded again and again, and an extremely formidable imposing silhouette appeared!

In the 7th Void alone, there are Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch and Profound Metropolis Heavenly Monarch, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, Purple Blossoming Lotus Immortal Empress, Crown Prince Meng Xun, the six Heavenly Monarch Level powerhouses!

In Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Spirit Maiden is out, Ancient Divinity Dayan, Heavenly Monarch Rama, Heavenly Monarch Maha, Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor and five major Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch also appeared. The Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor holds the Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow, the Primordial Bell rises behind Dayan, and the Spirit Maiden celebrates the Null-Void. Heavenspan Bridge, murderous-looking.

Others have more than a dozen Cult Masters, such as Sacred Demon, Heavenly Desolate, Evilless, Divine Mother, Myriad Curses, Asceticism, Black Flower, Ghost Martial, etc. Reincarnation Dao Monarch Qi Qi appeared on 6th V oid!

Suddenly, the 6th Void natural phenomenon continues again and again, just like the Great Thousand Universe ten thousand crags and torrents Star River nebula assaults the senses. It invades all existence, and everyone resists it. The next moment myriad natural phenomenon suddenly closed. Seeing Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor standing on the Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake, taking the lead in occupying this Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, holding a sip of Golden Light Suppressing Dao Cauldron in his hand, his face was indifferent and said: "Today, it is going to be slaves, hehe, all reincarnation Dao Monarch and Native Heavenly Monarch are all killed. It should be a very interesting thing..."

Beyond the 6th Void, blood mist gushes out, and blood mist wail like ghosts and howl like The screams of wolves came, and the big green eyes opened in the blood mist, and there was a dense laughter: "Delicious... they should be full if they eat it, he he he ......"

Now the 6th Void heroes stand in great numbers, those who can appear here are all comparable to Heavenly Monarch or have already proven the existence of Heavenly Monarch. A bloody battle is inevitable!

But at this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly!

Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake is rapidly expanding, becoming taller, longer and bigger. I saw a loud bang at the bottom of this column, breaking through the 5th Void, 4th Void, and 2nd Void 1st Void. Through the hole, it immediately fell in the center of the Immortal Realm Central Eight Prefectures, shaking the Immortal Realm constantly!

And the top of the Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake is also growing upwards, piercing through the 7th Void, 8th Void, and going straight to the 9th Void!

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor had greatly shakes in his heart, not daring to stand on the top of the cliff, and hurriedly flew out.

Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake pierced the 9th Void, and then there was a heavy impact, which was obviously on top of the 9th Void's zenith!

hong long! hong long!

Immortal Realm Void Layers trembled violently. Immortal Realm's major Immortal Prefectures were also shaking violently. Earth looked at it and couldn't help but shakes greatly!

Immortal Realm is growing unexpectedly, and it is expanded outward by Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake!

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