"You... You say the number first. I'll see if there's not so much." Zhang Jie lowered his head as he spoke. Tu Xiong's eyes are too frightening to look at each other.

A heavy whip hit Zhang Jie, "Yi ah Stop! Help! " Before Zhang Jie's cry fell, he saw that Zhao Jianhui had stood in front of him with a dagger: "how much money do you have, take it out, otherwise..." as he said, the dagger had plunged into Zhang Jie's thigh.

"Dead, dead!!! WOW I said... "Now, Zhang Jie didn't dare to play any more tricks, so he had to say the password of the safe in his bedroom.

"Say, did your father embezzle so much money?" When Tu Xiong took out the money from the upper bedroom, his eyes widened in shock. There's a safe in this guy's bedroom. It's like a dark room with a code lock.

There are more than 30 million pounds, dollars, Hong Kong dollars and euros in cash, including calligraphy, painting, antiques, jewelry and jade, at least 100 million or 200 million. His grandmother, why is this boy so rich?

Seeing that his baby had been taken away and scraped, Zhang Jie immediately fainted and his saliva dripped out of his mouth uncontrollably.

Zhao Jianhui thought for a moment, called sun Liyun over and whispered something. Sun Liyun nodded repeatedly to express his understanding. Then, Zhao Jianhui looked at Zhang Jie, who had fainted, and his eyes showed a fierce look: "Tu Xiong, don't play. According to what I said, let him regret being born..."

Tu Xiong nodded. He knew that Zhao Jianhui had made up his mind this time and didn't say anything anymore. He immediately nodded and promised: "you take them first. I promise to do the work quickly."

Yuan Yiyi and Qin Yu came out of the hospital. It was already 12 o'clock at night. After the doctor's examination, Yuan Yiyi's injury has no superior muscles and bones, but only skin trauma. He will recover after taking the ointment home and applying it for a few days. According to Zhao Jianhui's idea, I still want her to be hospitalized for observation for a few days, but the little girl is unwilling to say anything. There is no way but to take the medicine and send her home.

Qin Yu was not hurt, but frightened. She first sent her back to the dormitory of Yihui's headquarters, and then drove to the place where yuan Yiyi lived. At this time, Zhao Jianhui found that the villa where yuan Yiyi lived was not far from the villa area of Zhang Jie just now.

The nanny was tired enough to wait on Yuan Ye. She yawned and opened the door and went back to her place. She didn't see clearly that the eldest lady was only wearing a quilt, let alone a man behind her.

Originally, Zhao Jianhui wanted to go back when he was sent to the place, but he didn't know that Yuan Yiyi held his arm tightly and didn't want to loosen it. Looking at her eyes that were still frightened, Zhao Jianhui had to follow yuan Yiyi upstairs.

Although the political and legal organs also checked Yuan Ye's home at that time, it seemed that it had no impact on the place where yuan Yiyi lived. The spacious villa was still decorated magnificently. The two people went directly to Yuan Yiyi's room on the third floor and looked at a cartoon image as soon as they entered the door. Zhao Jianhui couldn't help laughing, I can't imagine that Yuan Yiyi, who always looks like a little sister, has another side of childlike innocence.

"How's it going? Isn't it quite beyond your expectation? " Yuan Yiyi had already seen the look in Zhao Jianhui's eyes and asked with Zhao Jianhui's arm in his arms.

Zhao Jianhui nodded: "it's all home. You'd better sit on the sofa. Even if you lean on me, it's better to sit down comfortably?"

Yuan Yiyi took the opportunity to hold herself when she said she was leaving, and she hasn't let go until now. Smelling the faint fragrance from her body, Zhao Jianhui always felt strange, but he didn't say anything at the thought of her injury. Let her hang upstairs like a kangaroo. Now entering the room, Zhao Jianhui finally thought of the reason to let her go.

Who knows, Yuan Yiyi humed and whispered, "don't you know where I was hurt in the mountain? Do you think I feel better hanging on you or sitting on the sofa?"

"Er..." thinking that Yuan Yiyi's injuries were mostly on her ass, Zhao Jianhui couldn't find a reason to refute her for a while. But I was thinking, "you can't always lean on me if your injury is bad all day?"

Yuan Yiyi looked at Zhao Jianhui, but rushed into his arms, held him trembling and sobbed.

"What's the matter? Does the wound hurt again?" Zhao Jianhui asked in a low voice as he put his hand around her“ My heart aches. " Yuan Yiyi said in a charming voice.

"How? How can it hurt? " Zhao Jianhui pushed her away in panic and looked carefully in front of her chest. Suddenly, he remembered that he was not looking at a place and quickly took back his eyes.

Yuan Yiyi's face suddenly turned red, but her eyes were fixed on Zhao Jianhui. With good eyes, she said, "I feel distressed because I pity myself. No matter how much harm I have been hurt, no one really cares about me and loves me. The only person who loves me now lies in the room on the first floor and can't move if I want to." Speaking of this, it seems to touch yuan Yiyi's sadness again. She threw herself into Zhao Jianhui's arms and cried loudly. This time, the cry seemed more and more sad.

Yuan Yiyi's face suddenly turned red, but her eyes were fixed on Zhao Jianhui. With good eyes, she said, "I feel distressed because I pity myself. No matter how much harm I have been hurt, no one really cares about me and loves me. The only person who loves me now lies in the room on the first floor and can't move if I want to." Speaking of this, it seemed to touch yuan Yiyi's sadness. She threw herself into Zhao Jianhui's arms and cried loudly. This time, the cry became more and more sad.

Gently embracing yuan Yiyi's thin waist, let the helpless girl stick to her arms as close as possible.

Yuan Yiyi cried heartily. She always hid a deep vulnerability under her strong appearance. After the shock tonight, she was completely exposed in front of this tall and mighty man.

"Hum, pity him. Even if he has nothing and becomes a beggar, I won't look at him pitifully." Yuan Yiyi's personality is like this. For what he likes, he can repay his body and mind, but for what he hates, he won't give a false color at all.

Hearing what she said, Zhao Jianhui couldn't help sneering: "be a beggar? He has to have that ability, too. Don't worry. This guy treats you like that. I'll make his life worse than death. His experience will be a hundred times more miserable than you think. "

"Really? His father is the vice governor of the Standing Committee? You're not afraid of him... "Yuan Yiyi asked a little uneasy.

"Hum, if you dare to treat you like this, don't say his father is a vice governor. Even if he is a big official, I will let him know who he can't touch." At the thought of Zhang Jie's treatment of Yuan Yiyi, Zhao Jianhui would almost gnash his teeth if he went half a minute late.

Yuan Yiba kissed Zhao Jianhui at the top of his head. His eyes were full of deep emotion. He slowly sat up and said, "wait, I'll take a bath and give you something when I come back."

"Hee hee, you are all mine. What good things are you hiding?" Zhao Jianhui asked with a smile. Yuan Yiyi gave him a charming white look: "wait, you'll know in a minute."

After a bath, Yuan Yiyi was as beautiful as a lotus, and Zhao Jianhui almost stared out his eyes.

As soon as he went to work the next morning and just entered the office, Zhao Jianhui listened to Hu Meimei talk about a shocking case.

It is said that Zhang Jie, the son of vice governor Zhang, was thrown into the yard of secretary Yan of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection today. It is said that at that time, childe Zhang was naked, and there was no inch on his body. Every bone of his body was broken. He could not move his hands and feet or even speak. However, there was a big bag containing 20 million yuan hanging around his neck. It seemed that there was a book in it, which clearly recorded the history of the money.

After reading it, Secretary Yan made a report to the Secretary of the provincial Party committee. The provincial Party committee instructed Secretary Yan to investigate the case strictly and quickly.

After hearing Hu Meimei's mysterious gossip, Zhao Jianhui shook his head and said with a smile: "hearsay is not enough to believe." Hu Meimei snorted, turned around and said, "Chief Secretary, shrimp has shrimp road and fish has fish road. I also have some channels to understand information. Believe it or not, director Le went to the provincial hall to attend the meeting early in the morning."

Looking at her back when she went out, Zhao Jianhui said in his heart that I believe it. How can I not believe it? I'm afraid all the people in the Yellow Sea don't know as early and clearly as I did, because I asked people to do it. What you know is a very small part. Zhang Jie is more than a broken bone? I'm afraid he'll have to become an idiot with a bone.

If you dare to touch my woman, I will make your life worse than death. Even if the whole Yellow Sea is surging and falling apart because of this matter, it can't be ignored.

Zhao Jianhui is quite clear about the principle that a snake does not die with a stick. If you don't get rid of vice governor Zhang, I'm afraid I'll suffer from him sooner or later.

On the contrary, who made you stick a thin piece of shit behind vice governor Zhang's ass, which is not clean at all?

Zhang Jie's body is not only 20 million, but also a notebook and a CD-ROM. The notebook is part of the evidence of vice governor Zhang's corruption and bribery, while the CD is the scene of Zhang Jie's debauchery and chaos photographed by sun Liyun.

With these things left by himself and the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, vice governor Zhang may have to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Of course, Zhao Jianhui also knows that it is really not easy for a cadre at the level of vice governor Zhang to move him without the promotion of a senior leader. This is also Zhao Jianhui's intention not to take out all the nearly 200 million funds and all the evidence collected from Zhang Jie at once.

If that's the case, I'm afraid many people will be eager for vice governor Zhang to be shot, and some people who have contact with him will follow him down, and vice governor Zhang who has lost all hope will catch who and bite who like a mad dog. Now, the total amount of money is only 20 million. Who knows how many of them are embezzled by Vice Governor Zhang, or are they all gray income that can't be explained clearly?

Only in this way can vice governor Zhang leave hope for life, and he will have scruples and will not casually climb, bite and shake out other people's things. Zhao Jianhui's purpose is to bring down vice governor Zhang. If the top level of S Province shares a common hatred for self-protection, it will not only fail to achieve its own purpose, but may have to lift itself out.

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