At 10:20 p.m. on the army building day on August 1, 2007, a small black car from the compound of Nangang municipal Party committee left the city around the East Outer Ring Road and stopped at the exit of Nankang Nangang expressway.

The motorcade was the main member of the party and government team of Nangang city who came to welcome the new secretary to take office. With the sound of opening and closing the door, mayor Zhu Jianguo, chairman of the National People's Congress Tao Yuhong, chairman of the CPPCC Zhuang Qingshan, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee Shao Ning, organization minister Hu Linlin, executive vice mayor Liu Wei, publicity Minister Wang Dongshan, Standing Committee Vice Mayor Zhang Chuanwen, Secretary General of the municipal Party committee Yang Dandan Wang Ziquan, commander of the military sub district, and others stepped down from their cars.

At a glance, the long lines of black cars are all dazzling Audi A6.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, a silver gray business car came down from the exit. After looking at the car sign, Zhu Jianguo, the first mayor, took a step closer. The man standing behind him moved like a tide.

When the car stopped, the first person to get out of the car was Gan Xiaojing, the organization director of the Standing Committee of the district Party committee. Wearing black pants, white short sleeved shirt and ponytail, the young woman looked capable, neat and extraordinary.

Zhu Jianguo, with a small flat head, gray pants and checkered short sleeves, put out his hand with a smile from a distance“ Good morning, Minister Gan. Welcome to Nangang. "

Gan Xiaojing's hand touched him and immediately loosened it. He raised his face and glanced at the crowd: "where's secretary Zhao? You didn't pick him up? "

"Secretary Zhao..." Zhu Jianguo was almost confused by Gan Xiaojing. He said in his heart that you didn't send Secretary Zhao to take office. Why do you want people from us?

He looked at the car and no one came down. Looking back, he immediately realized that the new secretary Zhao must have come to Nangang in advance, but he didn't meet everyone. Who knows where he'll be?

Just as he turned back, he saw a taxi floating over. It began to slow down and brake when he and Gan Xiaojing were more than ten meters away. When the car stopped, it just came in front of him and Gan Xiaojing. A young man of about 20 walked down from the car with a smile and said, "sorry, Minister Gan, there is a traffic jam on the road. I'm a little late."

Gan Xiaojing smiled at him, "what's the matter with you? I told you I'd come at 10:30? You will also be late at this time. Didn't you deliberately let mayor Zhu and others see your jokes? "

Zhao Jianhui went over to shake hands with her, then turned around and took Zhu Jianguo's hand and said, "I'm sorry, mayor Zhu, you've all been waiting."

Is this the new secretary of the municipal Party committee? What's wrong? He's still a young man. He's not twenty-five yet. Is that the secretary?

But looking at Gan Xiaojing's face, I know this guy is definitely not a fake. Zhu Jianguo tightly grasped Zhao Jianhui's hand and shook it twice: "sorry, Secretary Zhao, I don't know you have come to Nangang City long ago, and I don't know where you live. I didn't pick you up when I came."

As soon as Zhu Jianguo spoke, Zhao Jianhui recognized the abnormality in the voice. What do you mean? Blame me for not taking personal visits or something else?

"It doesn't matter. The so-called ignorant is not guilty? Besides, I was not the Secretary of Nangang municipal Party committee before that. " These officialdom veterans are so cunning that they always say things with hooks. Zhao Jianhui said, "I was not the Secretary of Nangang municipal Party committee before this", so he gently blocked Zhu Jianguo's words back. At that time, I was not the leader of Nangang City, but I will be from now on.

Gan Xiaojing looked approvingly at this time and smiled faintly at Zhao Jianhui. That means it's a good move. There's a needle in it and there's no leakage.

Zhu Jianguo just let go of Zhao Jianhui's hand. Tao Yuhong, chairman of the National People's Congress, came up the second to shake hands with Zhao Jianhui. Tao Yuhong is a rich woman of about 40 years old. She maintains well, and the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes are faint. The dress is a very common blue dress. The graceful gesture reached out his hand and shook hands with Zhao Jianhui and said, "welcome Secretary Zhao!" The middle-aged woman's smile was somewhat charming and her eyes moved, a bit like seducing a man. But when she had finished, she stepped aside and said nothing else.

Zhuang Qingshan is a thin middle-aged man. He wears a pair of eyes and is gentle. His hair is combed very neatly. He looks regular. He holds Zhao Jianhui's hand and says, "welcome Secretary Zhao. When Secretary Zhao is free, he must come to our CPPCC. Many members are looking forward to meeting secretary Zhao."

Zhao Jianhui still smiled politely and said, "you must go when you are free. To develop better, Nangang still depends on the correct leadership of the municipal Party committee and government and the joint efforts of the people of the whole city. My personal ability is limited. The CPPCC should play a good role in participating in and discussing politics. "

Then came Shao Ning, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee, Hu Linlin, Minister of organization, Liu Wei, executive vice mayor, Wang Dongshan, Minister of publicity, Zhang Chuanwen, vice mayor of the Standing Committee, Yang Dandan, Secretary General of the municipal Party committee, and Wang Ziquan, commander of the military division. Although no one was shocked by Zhao Jianhui's youth, no one showed his gaffe.

After some courtesy, everyone got on the bus. Zhao Jianhui got on GaN Xiaojing's car and the team continued to move forward. After the car started, Gan Xiaojing said coldly, "someone looks at you young and feels a little out of balance."

Zhao Jianhui smiled and whispered, "it doesn't matter. My impression in the eyes of these people will gradually change in my future work. Driver, drive faster. Let's get in front of them and go straight after the turntable. "

"Secretary Zhao, that road is a little difficult to walk. Although it is nearly fifteen or six kilometers, it is not as fast as the East Outer Ring Road." The driver looked back at Gan Xiaojing. Seeing her gently nodding, he no longer turned his head. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, Mercedes Benz business overtook the car in front, passed the turntable and entered the unpaved mud and stone road that Zhao Jianhui and Erfeng took a bus when they came to Nangang city.

When the motorcade behind saw minister Gan's car driving on this road, they stopped one after another. The police car guided in front turned back to the front, and the car near Zhu Jianguo was leaning against the roadside. Zhu Jianguo put his head out of the car and asked, "what's going on?"

"The leader's car didn't take the outer ring road, but went straight ahead, taking the old road under renovation. What shall we do? " Before the policeman who led the team had finished speaking, Zhu Jianguo snorted, "what else can we do? Catch up quickly and stop for what?"

As the car started, Zhu Jianguo kept asking himself, "is it Gan Xiaojing who wants to see something, or does the new leader want to start with the road repair first? It is said that there are three fires when a new official takes office. Does this first fire start to light now? "

Sitting in the bumpy car, Gan Xiaojing's face became darker and darker: "I said that when they came to Nangang last time, why did they keep a short cut and have to disturb the East and west to surround a big circle? It turned out that this section of the road was like this?"

"Hehe, if you get angry first, there are more disturbing things ahead." Zhao Jianhui said that he had arrived at the toll station. The car stopped in front of the toll booth. The toll collector looked at the Mercedes Benz business brand and said in a sweet voice: "charge 30 yuan, please cooperate..."

When the window came down, Gan Xiaojing was very confused and asked, "do you still charge for this road condition?" The toll collector sitting in the booth said while looking for change: "how many days do you walk once? How much dust do I have to suck in every day when I have to work at the toll station from 4:30 p.m. to 12 p.m?

"The road is so broken. Is the driver willing to pay the money?" Gan Xiaojing then asked.

He is not allowed to go there without paying. This is the main traffic leading to the urban area. If he doesn't take this road, he can only go around the east ring road. In that case, he has to go more than 30 miles. Besides, what we charge is not the money for this road, but the "city entrance fee" of Nangang city! " Facing Gan Xiaojing's question, the staff of the toll station explained.

Zhao Jianhui said in his heart, what is the so-called "city entry fee"? Why is the toll station that collects the "entry fee" set up on such a muddy road? What is the "city entry fee" collected for?

After receiving the receipt from the toll collector, Zhao Jianhui got out of the car. The police cars and cars that followed all stopped. Black and bright leather shoes stepped on the dirt road like a layer of gray without hesitation.

"Who can tell me what the fee for entering the city is?" Zhao Jianhui's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and everyone felt the cold in his eyes.

Silence, silence.

Zhao Jianhui smiled and turned to get on the bus. The car raised a piece of dust and drove forward.

The municipal Party committee building has a full 17 floors, and you can see this magnificent building from a distance. After the car stopped at the gate of the courtyard, Zhao Jianhui was dazzled by the backlight. After calming down, he looked at the extremely magnificent building and thought about the road full of soil and dust just passed, Zhao Jianhui's whole body became gloomy.

The welcome meeting was held in the conference room on the top floor of the municipal Party committee building. There was no welcome ceremony before, but directly entered the topic.

More than 30 people from the four groups took their seats and welcomed the meeting.

First of all, Zhu Jianguo delivered a welcome speech. In his speech, Zhu Jianguo stressed the warm welcome to minister Gan and expressed warm support for the arrangement of Comrade Zhao Jianhui as secretary of Nangang municipal Party committee by the Party committee of the autonomous region. In the whole process of his speech, Zhao Jianhui always smiled and silently received all kinds of eyes from everyone.

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