When she got up the next morning, Yuan Yiyi received a call from Chen Guowei, saying that she would go together to investigate the environment of Nangang city and its subordinate districts and counties. Yuan Yiyi went to sea view hotel to meet Chen Guowei and others. Zhao Jianhui went into the office building to work.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw Chen Jia standing in front of the elevator and turning around, as if she was worried. Seeing Zhao Jianhui coming, he took a step up with a red face and whispered, "Hello, Secretary Zhao."

Zhao Jianhui nodded slightly and said, "hello." Just press the elevator button. Chen Jia took a step to press the elevator for Zhao Jianhui and whispered, "Secretary Zhao, I'm sorry, i... I didn't know it was you yesterday..."

Zhao Jianhui said in amazement, "I'm sorry? What are you sorry for? What happened yesterday? "

"Ah... Nothing, i... I must forget what happened..." Chen Jia thought Zhao Jianhui was hinting that he wanted to forget everything last night, and quickly said.

It was not until the elevator door closed and the elevator went up that Zhao Jianhui understood what Chen Jia meant. He couldn't help laughing and said that the girl was also very interesting.

In the morning, the Standing Committee was convened. Hao Nanping, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, was the first to speak and briefed the Standing Committee on the personnel involved in Han Jinfeng's case. Zhu Jianguo's face was gloomy and frightening, but he had nothing to say even if he was angry about such things.

The other members of the Standing Committee lowered their heads and did not speak. They could not see that the young secretary had begun to light the knife in his hand.

Zhao Jianhui looked at everyone's expressions, with a smile in his mouth and said faintly: "because the Commission for Discipline Inspection is only a preliminary investigation, the cadres involved in the case will not be removed first, and their deputy will act as their deputy. After the Commission for Discipline Inspection has the next results, it will be studied and decided that the organization department should be prepared to investigate the cadres first. That's it. Break up. "

With Zhao Jianhui's words coming out, the hearts of the Standing Committee members can no longer resist the surging waves. They are some of the fattest posts. Did the Secretary kick the organization department so gently?

Hu Linlin's face was very calm, but she couldn't help floating a questioning look in her eyes. She said in her heart, does secretary Zhao believe me or test me? Is there any other statement?

Zhao Jianhui didn't look at her at all. After saying the word "break up", he stood up and walked out of the conference room first. This is the "privilege" of the top leader. The last person to enter the conference room is often the first person to go first.

Not long after Zhao Jianhui entered the office, Hu Linlin's voice came from outside: "secretary Lin, is secretary Zhao busy?" Hearing her voice, Zhao Jianhui smiled and said that you were finally moved?

As a leader, whether the organization director is his own person is crucial. The Party committee manages personnel. As a leader, it can't even control an organization department. What a fart?

Today, Zhao Jianhui deliberately kicked Hu Linlin out of the investigation of cadres at the Standing Committee to see her reaction. Unexpectedly, this woman came after her. Although it was a little urgent, it was still expected by Zhao Jianhui. If Hu Linlin doesn't say anything, Zhao Jianhui really wants to make something for Hu Linlin through his sister Gan Xiaojing.

"Lin Yan, let Mr. Hu come in." With Zhao Jianhui's words, Hu Linlin, wearing floral short sleeves and black tight pants, came in with a smile“ Secretary Zhao, at the meeting, you instructed the organization department to inspect the cadres of those departments. I'm not sure. Let's hear if you have any specific requirements. Won't you disturb your work? "

Zhao Jianhui said that you are here. Even if you disturb my work, can I drive you out now“ Minister Hu, sit down. " After Zhao Jianhui finished, she sat back behind the desk. Hu Linlin couldn't help but smile bitterly. She said in her heart that it seems that the new secretary has an opinion on me. Generally speaking, he should sit on the sofa with himself. Now she has returned to the Secretary's special seat, which is telling herself to see the form clearly.

"I have no other requirements for investigating the selection of cadres, only one, that is, selecting and appointing talents and seeking truth from facts." Before Hu Linlin asked, Zhao Jianhui came straight to the point. What are you doing? Didn't you say that? I don't believe what I mean. You don't understand. What's the meaning of driving me away in such a hurry?

After that, Zhao Jianhui quietly took the fax on the table and looked at it. This is the notice sent by the Organization Department of the autonomous region urging Nangang city to report the list of secretaries of the political and legal commission as soon as possible. Zhao Jianhui glanced, picked up the page of paper, lit it up at Hu Linlin and asked, "minister Hu, what do you think of the candidate for secretary of the political and legal commission?" When he asked, Hu Linlin felt that it was a little inappropriate to sit on the sofa again. This is secretary Zhao's naked questioning of her position.

From the personnel arrangement this time, Hu Linlin's gold plating composition is larger. In my heart, as an old woman, she doesn't want to be a political vase, but no matter what department she is in, as long as she wants to work and you're not the leader, you must choose to stand in line.

To be honest, Hu Linlin is not alone. If there is no one, she can't get to today's position. Zhang Zheng, executive vice chairman of the autonomous region, is her uncle.

It is reasonable to say that she is a cadre on the side of the municipal Party committee. It should be understandable to choose to stand in the formation of the secretary. But the key is that the new secretary is too young. He used to be a very young deputy department level cadre in the autonomous region. He is less than 33 years old this year, but he didn't expect that the head of the municipal Party committee is four or five years younger than himself.

She is used to being proud of her position as secretary of the Youth League Committee. Psychologically, she doesn't want to surrender to a young man younger than herself. In addition, this young man is also a newcomer. Who knows if you can stand firm in Nangang? In officialdom, standing in line is a very serious thing, which is related to their future political future. I'm still young and have a long way to go.

Therefore, with such an idea, Hu Linlin has been secretly observing Zhao Jianhui for a week, secretly comparing him with Zhu Jianguo. However, no matter what she thinks or thinks, reason tells her that Zhu Jianguo is not comparable with the new guy in terms of age or other aspects. In Hu Linlin's heart, she even concluded that if Zhu Jianguo kept a low profile and cooperated well, maybe he could stay comfortably at the National People's Congress or the CPPCC for a few years after this session. If he didn't cooperate, he might have to move if he couldn't finish this session.

Therefore, after Zhao Jianhui went to Pengzhou, Hu Linlin also went back to Nankang to ask her uncle about Zhao Jianhui's background. Zhang Zheng didn't explain anything clearly, but asked her to have a good relationship with Gan Xiaojing, director of the district organization department. As the head of the organization department at the lower level, it is normal to have a good relationship with the head of the organization department at the higher level. What exactly does my uncle mean by pointing out?

Combined with what Gan Xiaojing said when sending Zhao Jianhui to take office, Hu Linlin can feel it. Gan Xiaojing attaches great importance to Zhao Jianhui.

Therefore, after returning from Nankang, Hu Linlin had her own ideas and had a deep understanding of her uncle's words. My uncle meant to keep a certain distance between myself and Zhao Jianhui on the premise of cooperation. But this scale is difficult to grasp, which is a test of people's wisdom.

Now, Zhao Jianhui has shown a strong sense of oppression. As a leader, he can't firmly grasp the organization and personnel rights in his own hands. No one will be restless in sleep and food. Can you be cooperative and not too close? Hu Linlin herself found it difficult.

"Secretary Zhao, our organization department fully obeys the instructions of the municipal Party committee." That's all I can say. Instead of obeying Secretary Zhao's instructions, she said that the organization department completely obeyed the leadership of the municipal Party committee. Zhao Jianhui could still hear the difference and meaning.

The woman is saying that she will meet the needs of how she wants to adjust cadres, but she herself is unwilling to have anything to do with herself.

At present, as long as you don't object to making trouble, what will happen in the future can only be seen step by step. Zhao Jianhui was basically satisfied with Hu Linlin's statement.

"Oh, what do you think of your organization department? After all, the organization department still has a certain say in the appointment and removal of cadres. " Zhao Jianhui kicked the ball back with a smile. Seeing that he forced herself to express her views by relying on the power of the Secretary like a liar, Hu Linlin couldn't help but bite her teeth and say that if she didn't bully others, you would die?

"The view of our ministry is that at present, Nangang city has no strong candidate suitable for the Secretary of the political and legal commission. Even if it is reluctantly reported to the autonomous region, it will not be approved. It is better to ask the region to appoint directly." Hu Linlin gave Zhao Jianhui a white look and said in her heart, don't you have to let me say it? If I say so, how can you force me again? I can't nominate, can I? But I can kick the ball back to you.

Hearing Hu Linlin's suggestion, Zhao Jianhui smiled, nodded and said, "well, I know. I'll think about it again."“ Well, if Secretary Zhao doesn't have other arrangements, I'll go back and be busy first. " Hu Linlin smiled and said goodbye.

Zhao Jianhui couldn't help but wipe his nose and smile bitterly. Who said that women have long hair and short insight? Hu Linlin has a brain!!!

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