"I don't like it, I just have a little interest!"

Ning Tao's eyes scan Cao Yang's eyes, and then he opens his mouth.

"Ha ha, it turns out that how can you choose this scrap? The real gambling master is not so rough!" Cao Yang's eyes on the wool were full of sarcasm.

"Oh? I think it's good stuff! "

Ning Tao's brow is wrinkled, and then he goes back to the past!

He didn't know much about the knowledge of choosing wool, but he was disgusted by the superior attitude of the other side.

In addition, the other side to see Xia Mengfei's eyes, also let him not like.

"Brother Tao, Dashang gems are very famous in China. Mr. Cao Yang is also good at gambling stones. Why don't you ask him to help you choose a few?"

Xia Mengfei looks at two people to have tit for tat meaning, quickly hit a circle, explained a sentence to Ning Tao.

In fact, he is also afraid that Ning Tao is impulsive, and she doesn't like this wool. Now that Cao Yang says so, she naturally doesn't want to see Ning Tao suffer.

"Since it's Miss Xia, I'll give you some advice!" Cao Yang was proud and pointed to the wool road.

"The surface layer of this wool is slightly smooth and light red. It belongs to the oxidation enrichment layer in the middle layer. Due to the enrichment of iron oxide, there is an obvious red shell. But the more delicate and mellow this kind of cortex is, it is only limited to the cortex. Those who don't know how to do it think that there will be good things in it. In fact, even if there is jadeite after cutting, it is also the original red jadeite inside, which is of little value. It's often not worth the loss! "

"Ha ha, since it's a gambling stone, no one is sure. I feel this piece is good!"

Looking at each other's education's talk, Ning Tao showed a trace of unhappiness, but he still insisted.

What the other party said was that he only knew some furs, but he didn't care about them at all. After all, he could have a clear view of the raw stone wool, even the experienced appraiser couldn't see it accurately.

It's a joke. There's an ice seed in this wool. As long as you buy it, it's worth hundreds of times. He won't give up at all.

"Boy, don't be ignorant. If I don't think it's for Miss Xia's sake, I don't want to explain it to you

Seeing Ning Tao bent on his own way, Cao Yang looked gloomy.

What's the point? Ning Tao sneers at the words and suddenly raises his chin. He looks at Cao Yang mysteriously and says, "I've always been stubborn. What I choose won't change. I feel this can bring me good luck!"

"Hum, stubborn!"

Cao Yang's face was completely gloomy when he heard the words, but then his eyes flashed and he suddenly said, "boy, dare you make a bet with me?"

Bet? Ning Tao eyebrow slightly a pick: "bet what?"

Since you are so confident, we might as well block this stone. If you can turn green, you will win. If not, you will lose?

"What's the bet for?" When he heard that he was so aggressive, Ning Tao was also interested.

"It's very simple. If you lose, go back to school honestly and be a good student. Busy people like Miss Xia and I have no time to take care of you!" Cao Yangpo took it for granted. He looked at Xia Mengfei and said something wrong.

"What if I win?"

Ning Tao heart a Lin, didn't expect this si circled a circle, the original symptoms here, but his face is calm, there is no unhappy color at the moment.

"Won?" Cao Yang is very happy. He is really self righteous. He smiles a little: "do you think you can win?"

"Since it's a bet, if I'm sure I'll lose, will I make this bet with you?" Ning Tao's eyes were a little deep, as if he were looking at an idiot.

"Well, you have courage. If you win, you can choose two hundred thousand raw materials here. How about that?"

In his opinion, Ning Tao can't win at all. He's so tough and doesn't want to leave a good impression on Xia Mengfei.

"Brother Tao, manager Cao, this is not very good!"

See two people so tit for tat, Xia Mengfei appears a little anxious, hesitated for a while, open mouth to say.

When it comes to this situation, she is not easy to speak. Although Ning Tao looks very persistent, she can see that Ning Tao is too rigid. If she stops him, it will hurt the other party's self-esteem and let him down.

And Cao Yang there, she does not want to offend, this time, she also wants to reach some cooperation terms with the other side's business, now refute the other side's face, will certainly let the other side down.

"Miss Xia, don't worry. I just want to teach this boy a lesson. College students always have to exercise. Sometimes it's not necessarily a bad thing to suffer losses."

Cao Yang looks back at Ning Tao and says faintly, "how are you, boy, dare you play?"

"Ha ha, just try it."Ning Tao turns around and throws a comforting look at Xia Mengfei, who is full of worries. He agrees like he is angry.

Although he was calm on the face, in fact, he was secretly happy that the other party was willing to do injustice. Naturally, he didn't mind. He could get a batch of raw stone and wool without spending a cent.


Cao Yang saw that Ning Tao agreed to come down. As soon as he turned around, he motioned to the waiter, and someone immediately handed over the stone.

Ning Tao is holding the raw material, feeling a little excited. At the moment, the three of them are heading for a place to solve the stone.

Jieshi district is more lively. From time to time, some people shout, some people like and some people worry. There are some waste stones scattered on the ground.

Most people hold the idea of running for good luck, but seven or eight out of ten are not satisfied.

It seems that Cao Yang has a great influence here. As soon as he arrives at the scene, master Jieshi will greet him respectfully.

"Master Ma, cut this stone for us."

Cao Yang pointed to the stone in Ning Tao's hand, and opened his mouth to the stone disintegrator.

"I don't want to cut, I want to grind!"

When Ning Tao handed the wool to the stone remover, he suddenly said something.

He knows that there are two ways of stone cutting and stone grinding.

It's rough to cut the stone, but you can see the situation inside quickly. If you are careless, it may cause some damage to the jadeite inside.

As for the grindstone, it's time to grind. It's time to work slowly. Generally, unless you have a great deal of confidence, you seldom choose this kind of grindstone. After all, it's too slow. Not everyone can have patience to wait.

"Manager Cao, this stone is just a scrap, isn't it The stone remover took the stone and was stunned. He was puzzled.

If you can be a stone disintegrator, you will naturally have some eyesight. At this moment, when you observe, you will shake your head slightly.

"To grind?" Cao Yang smiles when he hears the words. In his opinion, Ning Tao is really a real lengtouqing. This garbage is still used to grind. Is it really a treasure?

"Then grind it for him!"

For him, although grinding is a bit troublesome, in order to let Ning Tao leave Xia Mengfei, he can still afford this time.

Cao Yang's words naturally don't matter. He was originally the stone disintegrator of Cao's big business. Naturally, he had to obey the boss's orders absolutely.

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