Zhu shui liked a korean drama called" she's beautiful." The female lead was a friend who didn't dare to face reality at first, but after a little bit with her childhood friend, she was also the one who hid her good friend to meet her. However, she became her boss by chance and got along with him. She understood that she shouldn't hide it like this. Because of her foolish thought, she almost ruined the happiness of three people.

By the time the female protagonist realized that she was too stupid, she finally mustered up the courage to face her own mistakes, to reconnect with her friends, and to continue her childhood relationship with that man. The audience thought that she would be happy after all this.

However, the female lead's narrator said such a sentence, there is a kind of happiness in the world, and now happiness, will be in the future more unfortunate.

Jiang yiran didn' t watch tv dramas very much.she only occasionally listened to zhu shui explain which tv dramas looked good and what the plot was like, and the scenes that zhu shui described were always beautiful and beautiful through her fantasies.she didn' t know if it was because zhu shui's words were gorgeous or because she was ahead of her imagination.

In short, when jiang yiran heard zhu shui retell the line that could be used as a plot twist, she didn' t believe it at all.she just thought that it was too much to hear it.

However, when jiang yiran looked at the busy nurse, she felt uncomfortable because her mother left after her father woke up and confirmed that he had successfully passed the critical period.

She shook her head and forced herself to give up such unfair thoughts. How could a strong woman like her mother allow her to stay in the hospital to take care of a divorced man? In her mother's opinion, it was just a waste of valuable time that could make her work more profitable.

"Here comes yiran. Sit down and talk to your father. He's been waiting for you for a long time! "Said the nurse enthusiastically, but the work in her hands did not stop, and she rubbed the ground quickly and diligently.

Jiang yiran felt uncomfortable again, and she felt suffocated in her chest.she was her father's family or the nurse's aunt?

Of your father's affection? It was just a nurse who took care of her father! However, jiang yiran didn' t like her overly enthusiastic look, as if she was the mistress of the family.

She kept her head silent.she picked the reddest one out of the red apples she had bought and peeled it.the thick skin of the apple was attached to it.it was jiang yiran's personal habit to peel the apple continuously every time she peeled it.it was said that she would be lucky next year.although she only saw the thick skin of the apple because she had achieved that goal.

The father took the red apple that had been cut off and only half of it was left. His pale face smiled weakly and reluctantly." Why is my memory unhappy?" "

Again? Jiang yiran was in a trance. Was she always unhappy? Angry about all sorts of little things?

She suddenly didn' t want to tell the truth.

"Dad, I' m not unhappy. I' m just worried about you. When will your body recover? "

"Oh? Really? "

Jiang yiran nodded like a child and pouted at eunuch sun, saying," eunuch sun is so old and still restricts himself to work every day. Father, you are younger than him, so you can' t retire earlier than him. "

These words were just for laughing.father jiang looked at his daughter's innocent appearance and his heart was warm, and he also had a smile on his face.

But imperceptibly worried more and more intense," father and the sun father-in-law compared, is certainly no match for him!" "

"No, father, you are the sun in my heart forever! "

Father jiang wasn' t sure if he was worried about jiang yi after his life had passed away, but his heart was also very fragile because of overwork. If one day, he couldn' t heat her milk every morning and accompany her for a walk, what would happen to his daughter?

He could hardly imagine his daughter's lonely back.

However, that was not the scariest. If he left, his daughter would still have a mother who loved her. But what if he simply got sick and became very sick?

He urged her to solve the problem while she was still healthy. Otherwise, it would be a burden for her to get sick in the future.

"Mr. Jiang, would you like to have some porridge tonight? Although it wasn' t very tasty, the porridge was light and suitable for the patient to recuperate. "Asked the nurse, standing at the door, who was talking happily to her parents but had different thoughts.

"Miss lu, you' ve been tired for quite a long time today. Rest and rest. Dinner is not in a hurry." "Said father jiang kindly.

Jiang yiran was just about to dissuade her father from doing this, but before she could say anything, the nurse's aunt's words came out first." That won' t do. The patient's rest is very important, but it's also very important to eat on time to replenish her energy. Besides, I' m not tired, so I' m just doing more work. I used to ..."

She suddenly realized that she had said too much. "

When jiang yiran heard auntie lu's footsteps, it was as if she was treading on her side.a cold chill came over her and she felt uncomfortable.she turned her head to her father and asked," dad, why are you so polite to her? "

"You're welcome? Isn't dad always like this? "

Jiang yiran shook her head. "

It was also because she was different from being polite to others, and she was as diligent as taking care of her family, making her feel that auntie lu was like a mistress instead of a nurse in this room.

Father jiang said indifferently," that's probably because I' ve seen her look pitiful before. It's said that her parents borrowed a lot of money because they were sick. When I saw her, she wasn' t a nurse and was being pursued for debt. "

A woman with a disheveled face was caught on the street and yelled at, but she didn' t run away. She just begged and begged that person to give her a few more days and let her slow down. That person left in a huff and groan before she knelt helplessly on the dirty street, as if all her strength had been drained. "

Pity for the poor? Jiang yiran couldn' t accurately judge.

Moreover, she always felt that this auntie lu looked a little familiar, but she couldn' t remember where she had seen it before.

"So when dad saw her working as a nurse in the hospital, he asked her to come? And he gave in to her everywhere? "

Father jiang nodded. "

He only saw her at the end of the list of nurses in the hospital. Father jiang, who didn' t have any requests for the nurses, immediately decided to choose this woman who didn' t know why. There weren' t many people calling her that. If she wanted to make money, then why didn' t anyone ask her to take care of her before? Was there no profit to be made at all?

To be honest, father jiang admired this woman.she was quick to work and was considerate of others, and she had a weak and fearful side of her.if ... He suddenly realized that this thought was really scary, it wasn' t impossible.

But in that case, wouldn' t this poor woman be used by him? Wouldn' t she become even more pitiful if she became the victim of her own sacrifice in order not to drag her daughter down in the future?

When everything was just a thought, father jiang didn' t show any abnormalities and didn' t mention it to jiang yiran.

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