"I saw that yi ran was surprised to see me just now. You didn' t tell her because I didn' t have much nursing work to do in the hospital, so I came here to be a nanny? "

Father jiang meant that he would hire her to be a nanny first, and as the two of them, he would observe the suitability of each other in the early stages of their relationship. At the same time, he would not only solve the problem of auntie lu's family's expenses, but also be able to have someone to take care of her at her daughter's side from time to time.

Before she could say anything, she did not listen and went out with her suitcase. "

Father jiang looked tired." I' m sorry. I didn' t expect her to react so much. Why don' t you go back first?" "Auntie lu's face turned even uglier, but father jiang was no longer in the mood to care about her feelings." I' ll pay you the salary as usual. We' ll discuss other matters. "

On the other side, jiang yiran took a taxi and quietly arrived at her mother's home.this time, she went straight in, and there was no one in the room.her mother was not at home.

I called mom," mom, where are you? I'm home. "

Mother jiang's voice was a little surprised, and she said regretfully," I'm not at home. I came for a business trip overseas. What's wrong with you?" She did not expect her daughter, who had just left for a few days, to come back in the blink of an eye.

"Mother, father, he is too much! "Jiang yiran suddenly burst into tears. She wanted to tell her mother, but who else could she tell about the pain that others could not understand?

"What happened? Mother jiang was a little anxious when she heard her daughter crying.

"He brought the woman who had been nursing in the hospital back home and told me that he wanted that person to take care of me and take care of me instead of you! I don't need the care of that strange woman. What is she? She's not qualified to take care of me. Does she know what I like to eat? You know what I'm used to? So brazen as to come to our house! "

"Mom, do you think dad was bewitched by something? I can' t allow a stranger to come to my house, so I want to stay here for a while. It's okay if you' re not here. I can live here by myself, just like before! "

However, there was no sound at that end for a long time.it was not until jiang yiran thought that the phone had fallen off that she was about to hang up when she heard her mother's voice." Your father has always been a stubborn person. Although he seems to be amiable on the surface, he seems to be able to accept whatever others say and do as if he can tolerate it. However, your father really has his own opinions. No one can easily shake his decision. "

"Mother? "

"Yiran, although he is firm in his thoughts, my mother is sure that there must be a reason for it. It may be for your own good, but you may be doing it for other reasons. Trust me, mom, he is not a selfish person. "

"Mother, you agree? "

"As long as you are healthy, mother will be satisfied. "

She had never thought that her mother would say that.

"Mom, if you want me to be happy, you should know best what to do! I am not so childish now, want not much, only one point, is to get you back, come back to my side, let that warm and happy memories of the home back to me! "

She cried out in pain, her throat hoarse," but why did you turn it into a wish, a happiness I longed for but could not have! "

The end was silent again. In fact, as long as she listened carefully, she could hear the continuous murmurs of apologies.

Jiang yiran hung up the phone and staggered to the bedside, lying weakly.

Outside the window, it began to drizzle. It was such a damn weather. It was as bad as jiang yiran's mood. She didn' t feel hungry or sleepy, but she didn' t have the strength to do so.

The phone suddenly rang in the quiet room. She did not want to care whose phone it was, but the noise made her very uncomfortable.

She picked it up impatiently, but still did not want to talk.

An anxious voice came from the other end, throwing away the usual crisp sound." Hello?" Is it yiran? "

"Say something, yiran. What's wrong with you? Are you okay? Aunt told me you are in a bad mood now, the address told me, I have already set off, on the road, you don't be sad, just waiting for me there, I will be there soon! "

Jiang yiran found it amusing. Did they all think that she would commit childish suicide? And make them realize their mistakes? She would no longer do that. It was too childish to do that. Then, she would no longer make them realize their mistakes. Instead, she would force them to admit their mistakes and force them to be sorry for the rest of their lives.

"Remember? Don't hang up the phone. Just listen to me. Are you still there? "

Zhu shui was a bit incoherent, and she didn' t hang up the phone, so she listened until the doorbell rang.

Jiang yiran really liked zhu shui as a friend.every time she was sad, zhu shui would lend her a shoulder to lean on in time, so she opened the door for zhu shui and accepted her kindness.

"Yes! When zhu shui saw her frail appearance, her heart ached and she immediately hugged her.

Jiang yiran didn' t say thank you to zhu shui for a long time because they were friends and the two girls were staying in the room.they were just sitting quietly, while the other kept saying that it was a contrast.

In the evening, zhu shui ordered two takeaways.

Trying to find a topic to talk about," remember, your birthday is coming too. What are you going to do? "

When jiang yiran heard lin zhengzheng say that her birthday was coming, she cheered in her heart. Because lin zhengzheng's birthday was the same as her birthday, it was exactly three months away. Therefore, lin zhengzheng's birthday was on monday, and her birthday was on saturday, just in time for the holiday.

Fortunately, zhu shui was able to drag the matter out into the topic after three months.

"I think you might as well have a small party. Last year, I did a good job. You can also have one. You can also invite some junior high school students. Everyone who has a good relationship will get together. The atmosphere will definitely be very exciting." "

Jiang yiran thought of the grand party last year. In a famous restaurant in the city, she booked a big private room. After eating and singing and entertainment, zhu shui not only spent thousands of dollars, but also spent tens of thousands of dollars, but she didn' t take it seriously.

Her emotions were already very stable. If she continued to look half-dead, she would only scare zhu shui. She shook her head." Nothing, I don' t want to do it. "

"Then I will go to see you on your birthday and spend it with you. "


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