Although zhu shui would cover her face with her hands for a while and play the role of daiyu weak liu fu feng whimpering and sobbing, while ye sha would attack her with anger, pointing to heaven's injustice, but even though she played all kinds of tricks, she still could not change the fact that they had never been separated from the same exam venue since they met.

In the end, jiang yiran could only pull the corners of her mouth and call it" beauty." Friendship is not only in the long term, but also in the morning and evening!

Later, zhu shui stops, but it is not because of jiang yiran's literary persuasion, but because, coincidentally, lin zhengzheng sits in her diagonal corner.

Whoo! Be careful when making friends.

The two subjects of chinese physics were completed one after another. Jiang yiran felt that it was not a problem for her to pass the physical examination. In the third subject of mathematics, when the examination paper was tested, only the sound of brushing could be heard in the examination room.

The answer was like a fish in water, thinking of taking advantage of the heat in her hands to finish the selection, the invigilator's quiet voice scared her so much that she almost threw the pen in his face.

He said, some students eyes do not wander, others roll on the name better than you how!

In less than a minute, jiang yiran's chair was pushed by external forces and drifted slightly. Even though she was a good student, it was hard to think of such a small secret. He had also been filled with righteous indignation before, but zhu shui was so big and funny, so he was beside him and had a bunch of perversions. He was no longer repulsed by her.

However, she did not expect the invigilator to look at her when she sneakily and carefully passed the note over. So, she's not so unlucky.

"The cheating students will now hand in their papers and withdraw from the examination. "

Jiang yiran became an ant on a hot pot, so she couldn' t even sit still. There were a lot of people in the examination room, and she had always been a good child. If she walked out of the examination hall, she would not admit it.

Just as she was hesitating, she heard a sound from the back table. She turned around and saw a face that looked even more beautiful than pan an's. The boy's eyes were big, and his eyes were small, and his eyelashes flickered. His lips were cold, and his face was pale and pale.

She looked like a girl! How many girls were envious of this face!

Why haven't you seen him before? This school, the most not bad is the adolescent gossip girl, who started with whom, who separated from whom, even I have to listen to the window.

Such a beautiful man, but has the qualifications to dump the campus.

"Teacher, I cheated. "His voice was cold, as if he didn' t care, and jiang yiran's heart was filled with gratitude.

"What class? "

Cheating in school is to be punished, the school has always been severely punished, she for his silence, really sorry him.

Die with me! For some reason, she suddenly wanted to share the burden with him.

Once, I saw a neighbor's chihuahua, accompanied by the owner, met a big dog, chihuahua has not moved, the neighbors quickly picked him up, baby not afraid, mother holding you.

At that time, she felt a chill, and now she knew that the chihuahua of her neighbor wanted to fight the big dog, but she had no chance.

"Teacher, I wanted to copy someone else's. How about that? The young man seemed to have sensed her thoughts, and when she was about to get up, he said something like that, and the words that came to his lips were swallowed back by him.

The entire examination hall was eerily quiet.

He calmly walked out of his seat and slammed the paper onto the podium before walking towards the door. The moment she walked out of the classroom, she turned around and blinked fiercely. She felt adorable and mischievous.

However, the teacher was so angry that she vomited blood.

He picked up his paper fiercely, probably to write down the class. In fact, she saw that his name was meng xiangchen on the exam paper. He was class eight for two years.

Class eight, two years. Meng xiangchen, thank you.

Poverty is the best of its own.

Facts have proved that jiang yiran's choice to protect herself was not to blame me for being selfish, but was right.

The bad news spread far and wide, and shen yao was thoroughly enraged. She didn' t know if it was because of his evil face or because of his unique confrontation.

When zhu shui came to jiang yiran with the gossip brand she had heard about, jiang yiran didn' t expect that the news that weighed more weight had already spread like wildfire, and the main character of the news was the girl with shining eyes in front of her!

Here is the version she heard later: lin yimo's relationship with the two gossip actresses on the exam.

Because of his recent downwind, yang bei has come up with all sorts of seduction tricks. For example, during the exam hall's break, yang bei's beautiful woman smiled shyly, causing all the men's hearts to beat.

Unfortunately, at this time, lin zhengzheng was answering questions about knowledge points that she would not know during the zhu shui exam. Lin mengya's laughter might have been classified as noise, so it was automatically isolated.

Seeing that lin zhengzheng did not catch a cold, lin meimei did not give up. She also made a serious bet with the bees around her. Those with good grades should be treated. Of course, she did not forget to bring lin zhengzheng with her.

However, today, lin zhengzheng was immune to beauty lin. She did not want to reject the bet and joked that he could not afford to invite her. Of course, if you bet, the first place must be lin zhengzheng.

All in all, yang bei's various wishful thinking were empty, therefore, zhu shui's support a layer.

After the incident, she also joked about the matter to zhu shui, she laughed heartily, as to whether to get support and happy, or because of helplessness and laughter are not clear.

She had no place to guess. Yang bei's reversal was indeed unexpected, for she was becoming more and more depressed.

At first, everyone thought that she had lost to zhu shui, so they began to give up on lin zhengzheng. Half a month later, a fight broke out outside the school.

Outside the school fight originally did not belong to the school management, but because the number of students involved was too many, and in class time, the injured students parents did not come to the school collective trouble.

At the very least, jiang yiran looked like this was a trouble.she was shouting in the corridor, disturbing the normal classroom order, and her tone was harsh. At this moment, she was glad that her parents would not lose their quality even if they were not reconciled.

"Like a mad dog, biting people. "Said zhu.

"It's not very polite. They have no quality. We can't do the same. Lin zhengzheng has finally regained her senses recently, and she is back to the cheerful lin zhongmo she used to be.

After thinking about it, jiang yiran no longer avoided him and zhu shui. Zhu shui was originally a popular person, so the three of them would chat or go to the canteen to eat together when they bumped into each other.

The lively and lively zhu shui occupied their seats and acted as a happy fruit. Lin zhengzheng smiled happily.

Her phoenix eyes were filled with warmth and warmed her heart.

I'm sorry, water, but I'm allowed to peek. But don't worry, his smile is for you, and I won't covet it.

The school had to investigate the thorny fight, with more than twenty people on both sides, one of them a young man in society.

Six or seven students were injured, with varying degrees of injury and severe hospitalization, so the police were involved.

After a series of questioning, the school found behind the scenes, senior class four li guan both.

The reason for the fight was unexpectedly for yang bei.yang bei was inexplicably involved in a duel of love for his rival.

Yang bei returned to the gossip, but this time, she was unhappy, because the school's final solution to the incident was expulsion.

When jiang yiran saw this scene on the rooftop, she swore that she didn' t feel like she was intentionally peeking at someone.

Recently, li guan, who was also full of enthusiasm, was a tall man with long legs and a good face. He did not look like a foolhardy guy in the rumors.

Here, comfort yourself, this is jealousy, jealousy.

He stared at yang bei, who was sitting on the only bench on the rooftop, and did not speak for a long time. Yang bei actually looked like a child, staring at his toes. Her long hair covered her face and she couldn' t see her expression, but her trembling shoulders exposed her.

Jiang yi ran looked helplessly at the pen that had just fallen, and in this situation, she silently floated over to take, her mind was torn so miserably, so the pen and pen protected her.

With this aura, she struggled and was about to turn around to leave when li guan picked up the pen that she had dropped by his hand and raised his arm, viciously inserting it into his palm.

She couldn' t remember anything except surprise!

Yang bei reacted before her, but she still didn' t stop her from plunging into her second arm. Her crying woke up jiang yiran's mind. She didn' t care about anything else and ran over. Li guan frowned, but only frowned and heard him say," I' m sorry."

"Jiang yiran, you' re fucking stupid. Call an ambulance! "

She runs downstairs in a hurry and calls 120. Lin zhengzheng says that when she saw her panic, she was scared to death. It was also him who clearly described the exact location based on his reasoning ability.

In the end, jiang yiran's pen was incredibly strong and her endurance was intact, but when she thought of her bloody arms and arms, the ghosts and monsters that she had seen when she was young all ran out.

Therefore, when yang bei saw that she was about to throw away the pen, he asked for something for the first time. Instead, he asked for a small abandoned pen. Looking at the way she looked at him silently, jiang yiran really couldn' t understand the complicated look in her eyes.

"You ..." She didn' t gossip, but looked at the optimistic girl's helpless eyes and felt pitiful, so she wanted to ask her what had happened.

She suddenly raised her head, the cold expression from thousands of miles away surprised her, yang beimo is Sichuan face to become a descendant of people, face to speed.

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