The kidnapper seemed to be moved by what he said. He looked up at his head and nodded. He said to the phone," okay, then it's nine o' clock. Not even a second later. If you don' t get five million dollars, you can just wait and collect your daughter's body. "

After hanging up the phone, jiang yiran felt a tension in her head.she didn' t know how much money she had, and she didn' t know if her parents could come up with it.

Time passed by in a minute, like a few centuries. Jiang yiran could see the sky through a small window on the factory window, blue sky, white clouds, and perhaps even a breeze. However, she was not in the mood to appreciate it, and her heart was in a mess, tangled together without a clue.

Her life was in the hands of someone else, and there were no heating facilities on the wasteland. Her hands and feet were tied to the cement floor, and the cold feeling reached her bones and blood. She thought that she must be in a mess right now, but that didn' t matter. Now, she only wanted to return home unscathed to see her parents.

After about a few hours, the sun was only left with the afterglow, and jiang yiran could only guess the time through the sun outside the window.

The kidnapper somehow threw a piece of rags on her from nowhere and muttered," if you freeze like this, I' ll be at a loss! "

Jiang yiran suddenly had a plan in her could she forget that she had a heart attack? At this time, he suddenly realized that heart disease might help him!

She could not see her face, but usually, whenever she was frozen in the cold weather, her lips would turn green and her face would turn abnormally red. Not to mention the current environment, she was drenched with cold water and sat on the cold concrete for almost ten hours. She must have looked very weak.

Her body suddenly trembled, as if she had a heart attack every time, and her arm that was rubbing against the hemp rope made a slight sound.the kidnapper looked up and said weakly," help ... I have a heart attack ..."

Then, she fell asleep under the surprised gaze of the kidnapper.

The driver's underling was stunned. Who would have thought that this girl would look fine and still have such a disease? He hurriedly went over to check her breath. Indeed, she was very weak.

"Brother, she fainted. What should she do? Could a heart attack just die like that! "

The footsteps of the head also sounded, and after a while, the voice came from jiang yiran's head." Who knows if this girl is faking it? She looks like she can play tricks. "

"What then? Brother, do you want to throw another bucket of water? "

Jiang yiran felt that this person was really stupid.she had already fainted, and her heart attack had been triggered from head to toe with cold water, so she wasn' t afraid of killing her directly.

Fortunately, her head stopped her." No need. She doesn' t look like she's faking it, but if she really dies, we have to deal with the next contact! It was best to make sure that she didn' t die. Go and get a few more pieces of cloth to cover her and recover her temperature. "

After all, the leader was the leader, and his mind was meticulous.

However, when jiang yiran heard this, she was desperate. This burly man was really bold. He said coldly and quietly that she was dead and did not seem to be worried at all.

Following that, a few pieces of smelly rags were draped over her body. However, this time, she used some snacks and put them on her properly.

After pretending to be dizzy for a few hours, the two of them ate some food during this period. Although there were only two of them, they were able to guarantee that someone had been watching her the entire time. There was no chance of any tricks at all, not to mention that her hands and feet were tied tightly together. It seemed that it was impossible to escape.

"It's almost time. Call and change places. "Said the head.

As expected, things couldn' t be so simple.

The call was connected again, and the other end picked it up in a hurry." I' ve almost prepared everything. Please wait a little longer, don' t hurt my daughter! "

"Yes! Honey, are you okay? Mother jiang snatched the phone, and the voice came from the phone, echoing in the empty waste factory.

"Now move five million to a place that's still in a big red bag next to a trash can near a hardware store on Jinyang road, and there's a hardware store, not to mention you can't find excuses. "

Father jiang said," I' m really not familiar with that side. Can you let me go over and look for it? When the money is ready, I' ll go right away!" "

The man was impatient." At nine o 'clock, I must get the money on time, without delay. "

This time, he didn' t come and gave father jiang a chance to listen to his daughter's voice, so he quickly hung up the phone.

Her mother had also passed by, and jiang yiran's heart was getting more and more worried.the closer it was to nine o' clock, the more worried she became. It was as if nine o 'clock had become a terrible time for her.

"Big brother, I'm going! "

Father jiang and mother jiang were very anxious.jiang yiran disappeared for a few hours before reporting the case.although she didn' t file a case until twenty-four hours, the police immediately began to investigate once the kidnapper called.

Of course, they didn' t want their daughter to be hurt, but they still needed the help of the police because there were many cases where the kidnappers got the ransom, but they didn' t see anyone. By the time it was discovered, it had turned into a corpse, and the murderer had run away. Then, the police went to the police. The police had no clue, and the criminal finally got away with the ransom.

Of course, she wouldn' t allow this to happen, so mother jiang decisively called the police when she found out that her daughter was in danger.

However, the kidnapper was obviously prepared. There was an anti-tracking device installed on the handset, so there was no way to find the source of the signal. The police could only request the higher-ups to borrow a more sophisticated signal tracker, but it would take several hours to get there through the application.

Father jiang and mother jiang also withdrew cash from the bank in such a short period of time.this was not difficult because mother jiang quit her previous job and found a better job with a high degree. After a long period of time, her ability to do things showed that her position was rising step by step in the company, and she was more and more valued. Plus, father jiang, who had been an executive for many years, had saved up his savings for many years, so it wasn' t difficult for the two of them to spend five million yuan.

At the same time, the police investigated jiang yiran's surveillance video after she left the house and saw her standing at the entrance of the community area. She seemed to have waved her hand and hailed a car, but the car seemed to have found a blind spot where the surveillance cameras couldn' t find it. Jiang yiran walked over and got into the car without paying attention.

The case was completely clueless. At this time, someone got the news from the security guard at the entrance of the community. He said that he saw a tall and pretty girl leave early in the morning with a normal summer car. Because he was working late, he felt sleepy every day at this time, so he looked around. One day I suddenly saw this little girl, and then I saw her take a taxi almost every morning.

After getting such an important clue, the police transferred the surveillance cameras to the nearby roads.fortunately, there were fewer cars during this period, and father jiang said that his daughter had never been a private car, so the car should normally be a rental with a regular license plate.

But not all of them made sense, because the kidnappers could have taken down the car's rental sign in the blind area of the surveillance cameras.

However, it was strange that there were no suspicious vehicles passing through the surveillance cameras on the nearby road. The case was in trouble and the police could only wait for the equipment to arrive and the kidnapper's next phone call.

However, just as the case was about to enter a period of intense anxiety, the police sent out their investigation clues to send back the news. They saw suspicious vehicles in a large hotel with surveillance cameras nearby. After the high-precision analysis and observation, they saw a girl who resembled the missing person in the car and was lying in the back seat of the car abnormally.

Because the security guards in the community had to identify which cars were from the community every day, in order to prevent some people from getting into a hole, they would subconsciously look at the license plate number. However, the car in the morning did not enter the community, so he vaguely remembered that the first one was 2, and the second was 4, so he couldn' t remember the back. After the security guard in the community pointed out the car, it was xia li who had vaguely seen the license plate number.

The vehicles that had been roughly found passed by the merchants who had prepared the surveillance equipment along the road. The last location was the surveillance of the road. Perhaps the kidnappers thought that the surveillance cameras along the road had been avoided and were far away from the scene of the crime. There shouldn' t be any danger, so they boldly drove to the intersection where the surveillance equipment was being repaired.

However, the surveillance facilities there were damaged, and two sections of dirt roads leading to different villages were at the bottom of the bifurcation road.

Based on the possible route to investigate, they found a few possible places to hide the abductees. It was almost nine o' clock, and it was already dark.

Father jiang came out alone according to the agreement. After arriving at qingting river, he received the news and continued to go to the hardware store. After contacting the police to change the location, they were divided into two parts, one part of which was to investigate and the other part was to follow up.

After the arrangements were made, father jiang had already arrived at yangming road. There were many people on yangming road, unlike the few people on the bridge who passed by.

His phone rang again, and he quickly picked it up. The kidnapper instructed him to leave the money by the trash can. After a while, he would come over to get the money.

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