"Yuqi, be my party partner?" Ning Zhixun asked when Ning Zhixun and Jin Yuqi finally went into the conference room.

Jin Yuqi just glanced at Ning Zhixun. He whispered, "I won't go."

"Why?" Ning Zhixun looked at Jin Yuqi and felt very strange.

"There's no reason." Jin Yuqi doesn't go to the party every year, probably because of Ning Zhisong, but there are definitely other reasons. Ning Zhixun always feels that she doesn't know Jin Yuqi, but her relationship with Ning Zhisong has been bad, so Jin Yuqi never talks too much with her and keeps a distance.

Ning Zhisong walked into the room. He glanced at Ning Zhihuai and said, "I won't go to the party. I'll go first."

"Brother song, won't you go?" Lv Xin called Ning Zhisong in a panic.

Ning Zhisong stopped and said very seriously. He didn't go.

Jin Yuqi also gets up and prepares to leave. Ning Zhixun can't take the initiative. After all, Jin Yuqi's identity is nothing for the five families. If he is too active, Ouqian and LV are happy to laugh at him.

"Does this year's party partner have to have identity restrictions? I want to take an acquaintance with her." Lv Xinrui's words stopped Ning Zhisong. Who is she taking?

Ning Zhihuai took a whimsical look at LV Xinrui: "there can be no restrictions."

Ouye immediately opened his mouth. He said to Ning Zhihuai, "then I'll take ruo'an."

"Ruo'an? Who?" Ouqian wondered and said it was ruo'an.

"The girl just now?" Ning Zhixun just felt that she was a little strange about what happened suddenly. She was not familiar with the rules between them.

LV Xinrui stared at Ning Zhisong's stopped back. She thought Ning Zhisong would do something.

"Don't your partner want to volunteer? She may not go." Ning Zhisong's eyes are very fierce.

Ono stood up and smiled, "how do you know she won't agree?"

Liu Chuanxun has been staring at LV Xinrui since she said that the identity of her partner must be limited. Only at this moment did he slowly open his mouth: "Lv Xinrui, do you want to take ruobin?"

Suddenly, we were overwhelmed by two inexplicable people, one ruo'an and one Ruo bin. Are they brothers and sisters?

LV Xinrui saw Liu Chuanxun say so. She also said frankly: "if he wants, I hope he can be my dance partner."

"Hum. You two are in city A. I'm afraid it's not so easy to meet." Liu Chuanxun broke LV Xinrui's mind.

"Why, are you jealous?" Lv Xinrui looked at Liu Chuanxun coldly.

Liu Chuanxun looked at LV Xinrui disdainfully. Does he need to be jealous of a stranger, not to mention the person's background is so vulnerable.

"Ruo'an, their brother and sister won't go with you, because they are on business on the 24th!" Ning Zhisong said, staring at the person in front of him indifferently.

"Does ruo'an's work also need to travel?" Ouye smiled gently.

"I said she was on a business trip, so she was on a business trip." Ning Zhisong looked at Ouye fiercely.

Ning Zhihuai saw that Ning Zhisong was protecting Ruan so much. He wanted Ning Zhisong to be ugly. He suddenly went out of the house directly and walked in front of Ruan. The others left and followed. Ning Zhisong and Ouye walked the fastest.

"Are you ruo'an?" Ning Zhihuai went to ruo'an and asked directly.

If Ann nodded and didn't know what she had done, how could Ning Zhihuai directly come and ask her name, as if she had something to say.

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