"That's a good idea. No one of them should wear white. You're a little red in the flowers." Ning Zhisong praised.

"HMM." ruo'an casually echoed.

"Go shopping with me at lunch." Ning Zhisong looked at ruo'an.

"I... which one is suitable for you." if Ann doesn't want to be so high-profile with Ning Zhisong, she politely refused.

"Your size..." Ning Zhisong surprised ruo'an and said, "I'm with you."

Ning Zhisong returns to the office with satisfaction. Ruo'an is very uncomfortable looking at Ning Zhisong's back. She is mainly worried that if bin knows, she will be unhappy. So she immediately called ruobin: "brother."

"What's the matter?" Ruo bin answered the phone and looked at the time. Ruo an called at work. Is something wrong.

"President Ning asked me to buy clothes and attend the party with him." ruo'an said to Ruo bin.

"Oh, I see." ruobin then asked, "when?"

"At lunch today."

"Well, it's all right. Concentrate on your work. I'll see you at noon."

Ruo'an just hung up. Ruo bin should be with her. Think about it and feel at ease.

At noon, Ning Zhisong found ruo'an with great interest, but ruo'an sipped his mouth and said to Ning Zhisong, "my brother is waiting for us downstairs."

Ning Zhisong's smiling face disappeared and looked at ruo'an expressionless. It took a long time to say, "OK."

Ruo'an and Ning Zhisong haven't spoken all the way. Downstairs, Ruo bin is really waiting for Ning Zhisong. Ning Zhisong just sat in the driver's seat without expression. Ruo'an and Ruo bin sit in the back of the car.

All the way, the three were silent and reached the store. Ning Zhisong goes to park the car. Ruo'an and Ruo bin go to the third floor first and stroll around.

LV Xinyi and Ou Qian happened to be on the third floor, and they met by a narrow road. They looked at each other and carried a lot of bags. They were angry. They were worried that the other party had bought better clothes than themselves, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong. Ouqian looked at LV Xinyi and asked with disdain: "you bought these."

LV Xinyi disdained and said, "I've bought a lot, just put it in the car."

"Hum, I don't know what it is. This year, I must become the most watched."

"You?" Lv Xinyi looked at Ou Qian disdainfully: "when did you get it? Don't forget, it was my sister last year."

"So what? Didn't Ning Zhixun get it the year before, and you didn't get it every year. It's my turn this year." Ouqian said without shame.

"Hum, we'll see." Lv Xinyi said and walked directly to Ouqian. At the same time, ruo'an and Ruo bin also came to the place where they met.

LV Xinyi intentionally bumped into Ou Qian. Ou Qian stumbled back two steps to her side and almost hit ruo'an. At this time, Ruo bin turned around and caught Ou Qian. Ou Qian looked at Ruo bin straight. He was so handsome!

After ruobin caught Ou Qian, he nodded politely and took ruoan away. LV Xinyi turned and looked at ruo'an: "isn't she ruo'an? Why did she come here? Is she buying clothes?"

"Is Zhisong coming too?" Ouqian looked carefully. Sure enough, Ning Zhisong came from the opposite side.

Ouqian and LV Xinyi immediately follow ruo'an to see what ruo'an bought. Ning Zhisong directly took ruo'an to the store: "take a look."

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