Ruo'an didn't answer. She just thought about whether she really wanted to marry Ning Zhisong. Although there was an impulse just now, marriage is a lifelong thing after all. Ruo'an still has to think carefully before she can decide.

Seeing that he ruo'an had opened the conversation, Xu Mingyao then asked, "why did you cry on the road yesterday?"

Ruo'an looked at Xu Mingyao, but she wanted to stop talking. She just chose to believe Xu Mingyao and told him the truth: "it's because a person told me that he likes me and doesn't care about my past. I just remembered that someone once said that to me, but she still doesn't trust me." ruo'an looked a little sad when she said.

Xu Mingyao continued to ask tentatively, "first love?"

"Count it, but what do you think I'm with him? After all, I'm with him first..." ruo'an was embarrassed to say that he gave Ning Zhisong his first time and lived together for a month.

"Ning Zhisong is a special case, that is, the first love except him?" Xu Mingyao continued.

"College classmate." ruo'an said, glanced at Xu Mingyao and continued: "At that time, it was just the end of my first transaction with Ning Zhisong. I told him that my first transaction had been given to others, and he said he didn't care, but I didn't expect Ning Zhisong would come to the school to find me and be a judge. That night, he said that I stepped on two boats and broke up with me. When I returned to my brother's rental house, I met a drunk and dialed the wrong number in a hurry By phone, Ning Zhisong rushed over, and then his relationship with Ning Zhisong is now. "

"Who is that boy?" Xu Mingyao is really curious about who is the boy who can make ruo'an promise.

"When you came in, there was a boy on my left." if an looked at Xu Mingyao, it was zhenyunfeng. She didn't avoid, because some things couldn't be avoided.

"It's him?" Xu Mingyao read a sentence and then asked Ruan, "who said he likes you?"

Ruo'an looked at Xu Mingyao and hesitated. If she said it was Ouye, would it have any bad impact on Xu Mingyao? Ruo'an hesitated and didn't say it, Xu Mingyao asked, "is it one of the five families?"

Xu Mingyao is not a fool. If it were Ning Zhihuai and Wang Xunzhi, ruo'an would have beaten them long ago, and would not be sad. As for Liu Chuanxun and LV Xinrui together, they would not come to ruo'an, so it would be Ouye. "Ouye?"

Ruo'an looks at Xu Mingyao in surprise. He is really smart. If ruo'an doesn't answer, Xu Mingyao knows that it is indeed Ouye. Xu Mingyao doesn't say much, but he decides to help ruo'an get rid of Ouye. At least he doesn't always pester ruo'an. Xu Mingyao has a little firmness in his eyes. Guarding a girl is mostly to strengthen his faith, move forward bravely and help her open up Heart.

Everything went well. Ruo'an also read a lot of information and decided to choose some materials the next day to make a prototype.

Ruobin tells ruo'an that she is diligent on business trips because she has just finished the new year. She travels twice in half a month, and so do others. Ruo'an listens and just asks ruobin to take care of herself. As long as Ning Zhisong doesn't intend to do it, it's OK. Since others can travel, if an can't privately refuse ruobin to travel, not to mention ruobin hasn't traveled for a long time, which is what Ning Zhisong means . if he is not too busy, it is estimated that he will not let ruobin go on a business trip. If you think about ruo'an, you don't care.

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