Seeing the mark on ruo'an's neck this time, he snorted and stared at Ning Zhisong, opening the education mode: "You said that you, such a good girlfriend, don't cherish it, but violence against her is too unconscionable. Last time I came, I thought you were unreliable. If the little girl didn't let me accommodate you, you thought I would give you the ward. This time, I pinched her. If you try harder, you'll strangle her. You really have to do it." Ning Zhisong didn't expect to be scolded by the doctor, and ruo'an didn't dare to talk back. After all, it's the most important to coax ruo'an now.

Ning Zhisong didn't speak. The doctor then said, "little girl, you are very kind at first sight. If he is bad to you, leave him. I'll introduce you to young and promising boys. There are many in our hospital."

If Ann was amused, she said softly to the doctor, "thank you. I'm also to blame for today."

Ruo'an seldom blames himself. Ning Zhisong squats down happily, looks up at ruo'an, and sincerely says to her, "I promise I won't do it again..."

"Men's promises are all talk and play. Don't take it seriously, little girl. Also, polish your eyes. Some people just talk well. Once, there will be a second time."

"I think so too." Ruo Anshun nodded and echoed the doctor's words, then looked at Ning Zhisong and asked the doctor again with a smile: "do all the young doctors here look good?"

"There are many, all handsome guys..." the doctor thought that ruo'an had an enlightenment and immediately sat up straight to introduce ruo'an.

"Am I handsome again?" Ning Zhisong said aside, but if Ann ignored it, it seemed that she was very interested, and then said, "handsome can't be a meal. Just be nice."

"They are all good people and have a good temper." the doctor also said vigorously.

"Just have a good temper. I hate people who pinch me." ruo'an ignored Ning Zhisong and said, "Ann, I'm really wrong. Don't be angry with me."

The doctor ignored Ning Zhisong and then said to ruo'an, "the family is also very good."

"It's not bad. Can I have money?" Ning Zhisong heard the money and stood up, but ruo'an looked up at Ning Zhisong. What does he want to do, disclose his identity? No, it's exposed. So ruo'an said to Ning Zhisong, "squat down."

Ning Zhisong wanted to refute the doctor, but ruo'an said it. He could only "Oh", looked at ruo'an pitifully and squatted in front of her again.

Ruo'an smiled and said to the doctor, "doctor, no, I'm kidding. In fact, he's also very good. He's very kind to me. This time, I really said what I shouldn't say first. I'll go back and treat him well."

The doctor shook his head and sighed, "silly girl, you've been coaxed like this. There's nothing wrong with your neck. It's just purple. It might take a month. Be careful. Don't always be bullied. Break it when you should."

Ning Zhisong was very satisfied when he heard ruo'an praising himself, but he heard the doctor say that. He was immediately unhappy. Looking at the doctor, he whispered, "read more financial magazines when you have time."

The doctor doesn't know what Ning Zhisong means. But ruo'an knows that the most common people like Ning Zhisong and Ouye are financial magazines. Although gossip magazines can't do without Ning Zhisong, he certainly won't let people read them.

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