LV Xinrui's eyes were deep and her hurried pen stopped. She wanted to prove that she was not so easy to admit defeat. Didn't she have an opponent, so she came back and had a fair competition.

Jin Yuqi drank wine and a bottle of beer in the house. She felt bored. She watched the TV, looked at it for a few times, and changed the station around. It was not interesting. As soon as she threw the remote control, she turned her head upside down on the sofa and looked at the TV. In fact, the other end of the TV was just an advertisement. Anyway, he didn't look at it, so she kept staring at the TV and didn't move, It was like being hit by a acupoint. There was no response at all.

Jin Yuqi didn't know how long it took, but she heard a voice: "is it comfortable to watch TV like this?"

Jin Yuqi thought she was hearing a hallucination. She mistakenly thought Tang Xiaolan was coming. She said to herself, "are you drunk, me." then she continued to keep her previous posture and watch TV.

"A bottle of beer makes you drunk?" Tang Xiaolan looked at a dozen beers on the table, but only one bottle was empty.

Jin Yuqi felt something was wrong. It seemed that it was not an illusion, but it was inconvenient for her just now. Jin Yuqi immediately sat up and saw Tang Xiaolan in front of her.

Jin Yuqi rubbed her eyes and asked Tang Xiaolan suspiciously, "sister, why are you here?"

"I......" Tang Xiaolan didn't answer much. When she was embarrassed, Jin Yuqi immediately hugged Tang Xiaolan and said happily, "sister, I miss you."

Jin Yuqi took Tang Xiaolan and went to the roof of the villa. There was a double chair on the open-air roof. He used to come up to chat with Ning Zhisong occasionally. Today, he took Tang Xiaolan to the seat and said happily, "sister, the moonlight is very good tonight."

"Well, it's good." Tang Xiaolan looked up at the sky, but she was a little melancholy. She hoped to see such a starry sky with Jin Yuqi every day, but did she really have a chance in the future.

"Sister," Jin Yuqi said, holding Tang Xiaolan's hand. They held hands and looked at the stars together. Jin Yuqi then said, "just now, in order to make my sister-in-law believe that he really loved her, my brother jumped down from the upstairs. As a result, my sister-in-law jumped down with me. Therefore, when I saw it, I thought of you. I missed you at that time..."

Tang Xiaolan was holding Jin Yuqi's hand and getting closer. She said softly, "I miss you too."

"Really, sister." Jin Yuqi was obviously very excited and looked at Tang Xiaolan sideways. Tang Xiaolan nodded. It was true.

"It's true." Tang Xiaolan's eyes were full of sincere feelings, staring at Jin Yuqi, word by word, from the bottom of her heart.

"Suya..." Jin Yuqi called Tang Xiaolan's name for the first time. Tang Suya, this name, Tang Xiaolan actually felt strange, but she wanted to hear Jin Yuqi's name. He was the second person who let himself listen to the word "simple and elegant", and his heart was full of honey.

"Yuqi." Tang Xiaolan held Jin Yuqi's hand tightly, didn't say much, just looked at him with a smile.

Jin Yuqi took Tang Xiaolan's hand and said with a smile, "sister, in the future, we can often enjoy the moon under the stars like this. Or add our children..."


Tang Xiaolan paused for a long time. She said solemnly, "Yuqi, I haven't told you something all the time. I......" Tang Xiaolan said slightly embarrassed, "I can't bear......" her voice was as light as a fly buzzing, and she could hardly hear it, but Jin Yuqi heard it.

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