"You..." Jin Yuqi regretted that she had seen Shen Qing on her birthday just now.

"I testified that Yuqi didn't..." before Ning Zhisong finished, Liu Chuanxun said: "I remember that day, you had a meeting, so... You testified?"

Ning Zhisong stared at Liu Chuanxun and could not testify. He could only be silent.

"Yuqi, do you have a witness?" Liu Chuanxun continued to provoke.

"I..." Jin Yuqi couldn't say. That day, he had a witness, Tang Xiaolan, but he couldn't say.

Jin Yuqi hesitated, but everyone felt that the good play had begun. One killed and identified, the other refused to recognize, but there was no witness.

Ruo'an thought, which day is Jin Yuqi's birthday? Can she give false testimony? She just doesn't know which day Jin Yuqi's birthday is.

"I can prove that Yuqi was called out to drink tea that day." Ning Zhixun slowly opened his mouth and said to the people.

"Drink tea?" Wang Xunzhi looked at Ning Zhisong in amazement.

"Yuqi's birthday is May 23, sister Xun, don't remember wrong." Liu Chuanxun said the date, nothing more than looking for a witness, because Ning Zhihuai and Wang Xunzhi really don't know which day Jin Yuqi's birthday, but if Ning Zhixun was with them that day, they won't let Ning Zhixun give false testimony and let Jin Yuqi go.

"That day, didn't you go to l city with me in the afternoon and come back in the evening." Ning Zhihuai said the truth, and Ning Zhixun could only stare at Ning Zhihuai.

If Ann knew the day and thought about it, she seemed to have been at home that day. So ruo'an slowly opened his mouth and said to everyone in full view: "I played games with Yuqi in the house that day..."

Suddenly everyone was dumb, ruo'an? No one knows whether what she said is true or false. Because she doesn't belong to this circle except for Ouye's girlfriend.

"You lie." Shen Qing accused ruo'an, because he did go. That day, she saw no one in Jin Yuqi's hall. The room was very quiet. She thought there was no one, so she remembered to push everything to Jin Yuqi.

Ruo'an pretended to be calm and said, "I'm here. You didn't see it. I know you brought a cake and were shut out by Yuqi." ruo'an said calmly: "I'm in his upstairs room, you didn't see it."

"What are you doing in his house?" Liu chuangxun's eyes seemed to eat Ruan. If Ruan testified successfully, the good play would be over completely. Naturally, he was a little unhappy, so he asked Ruan indifferently what a girl was doing in Jin Yuqi's house and said so righteously.

Ruo'an was a little stunned for a while. Yes, what did she do when she went to Jin Yuqi's upstairs room? After settling down for a few seconds, ruo'an immediately answered, "nothing. What do you think will happen? Yuqi has always liked boys." ruo'an racked his brains and made up one.

Suddenly Ning Zhisong and Jin Yuqi's eyes were deep. This reason... Made up beautifully!

Jin Yuqi immediately stammered over ruo'an's words: "yes, I went abroad and fell in love with a boy, but he didn't like me, so I didn't get married."

For a time, this reason was impeccable. I only heard Ning Zhisong say, "that's why I found so many girls to correct my wrong orientation. It's just... In vain."

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