Later, he fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up again, he finally heard the sound of opening the door next door. Wang Xunzhi was ready to sit angry, but pretended to be angry for a long time, but no one came. After listening carefully, LV Xinyi was making a phone call. He called in the middle of the night. Is he ill? Wang Xunzhi scolded in his heart. In the twinkling of an eye, he looked outside the house. It was dawn!

Wang Xunzhi realized that LV Xin was willing to open the door because... It was dawn and she woke up! There was no apology at all.

Wang Xunzhi groaned. He fell into bed and slept with his head depressed, but he couldn't sleep. So he went down the room and took a look at LV Xinyi.

LV Xinyi calmly said to Wang Xunzhi, "I'll go home."

"HMM." Wang Xunzhi snorted and pretended that he was still angry.

LV Xinyi didn't care. He turned and left directly. Wang Xunzhi looks at LV Xinyi angrily. She has no husband in her eyes!

LV Xinyi returns home and sees LV zhuanhai and LV Xinrui. LV Xinrui saw LV Xinyi go home and went over to her and said, "wait until you come back for dinner."

LV Xinyi just walked over to dinner with LV Xinrui indifferently. LV Xinyi didn't say hello to LV zhuanhai, and LV zhuanhai naturally ignored LV Xinyi.

A meal was very silent. After a long time, LV zhuanhai said, "you two are old. Make your own decisions in your own life. I don't care."

LV Xinrui wanted to say that she wanted to leave Lv's group, but she couldn't open her mouth.

"Wang Xunzhi and I didn't need you to decide our marriage. As for my sister, she likes ruobin. You'd better leave it alone, or I can ask Wang Xunzhi to stop it." Lv Xinyi has Wang Xunzhi's backer and speaks with great confidence.

"Whatever." Lv zhuanhai said, turned and walked upstairs.

LV Xinrui said to LV Xinyi, "Dad is not easy. Forget it."

It was not easy. LV Xinyi couldn't understand it. She didn't continue to say LV zhuanhai, but looked at LV Xinrui: "you and ruobin..."

"Let's take a long-term view. Let's talk about you and Wang Xunzhi first."

"We didn't have much to do. We took what we needed. He liked Ning Zhixun before, but Ning Zhixun had children with Jin Yuqi. Now he didn't have a choice. I was the best candidate, and at that time, he was also my best candidate. I knew he partnered with Liu Chuanxun." Lv Xinyi said and glanced at LV Xinrui: "Sister, it's time for you to pursue your own happiness for your family for so many years. As for others, leave it alone."

LV Xinrui didn't speak. She just felt that LV Xinyi seemed to have grown up and didn't need to protect herself. Instead, she could take care of herself. She was very pleased.

LV Xinyi saw LV Xinrui looking at herself all the time and asked curiously, "sister, what are you doing?"

"Look at you, I think my sister has grown up." Lv Xinrui said this with great satisfaction.

LV Xinyi smiled: "sister, I'm married and grow up naturally. Don't worry, I'll deal with my life. You should think about yourself. LV won't turn without you, but will you be happy without ruobin?"

LV Xinrui smiled. This sentence is indeed right. LV can live without her as long as she changes her CEO. However, if ruobin leaves her, her life will be boring.

"You're right. I'm going to pursue my own happiness. Thank you, little sister." Lv Xinrui and LV Xinyi smiled at each other, and there was no need to say more about their family relationship.

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