Ruo bin looked at ruo'an calmly. He said to ruo'an, "if it's true, what are you going to do?"

"I..." is it true if I am stunned when I settle down?

"I've found out before that it's really Ning Zhihuai, and the police have confirmed it," ruobin said to ruo'an.

"But... Shall we sue Ning Zhihuai?" if you feel very confused when settling down, your mind is very confused.

Ruobin said calmly, "this case has always been filed. We can't control it, and he is drunk driving."

"If we don't sue him, can we reduce the sentence?" ruo'an continued to ask Ruo bin.

"Little sister." Ruo bin interrupted ruo'an: "Bruce Lee is still in a coma..."

If she slumped on the ground when settling down, she couldn't imagine what kind of test it would be for her and Ning Zhisong. Were they destined not to be together, so many hardships.

LV Xinrui also read the information and immediately wanted to call ruobin, but stopped. It seems that ruobin already knows, but ruoan doesn't know. Now he may be comforting ruoan or deciding what to do. So LV Xinrui sent a text message: "if you need to find someone to chat, you can find me at any time."

Ruobin read the text message and didn't reply, but he seemed to know it in his heart.

LV Xinyi was awakened by Wang Xunzhi's voice. He looked as excited as if he had won the stock. LV Xinyi got up directly. She just approached the computer and saw the news above. She thought of Wang Xunzhi's look yesterday and said calmly, "this is all your plan?"

"No, it's Liu Chuanxun and I who made up our minds. What's a trick? I'm like a schemer." Wang Xunzhi said with a sense of achievement.

"I said, you are a man without a brain. Such a shameless move is not what you think." Lv Xinyi said and called LV Xinrui.

"Sister, have you seen the news? Liu Chuanxun and Wang Xunzhi are interested." Lv Xinyi said directly to LV Xinrui.

"I'm your husband. Is it really appropriate for you to say that about me?" Wang Xunzhi objected.

"Shut up." Lv Xinyi shouted to Wang Xunzhi, turned and continued to call. Wang Xunzhi angrily covered his mouth. Although he was very unhappy, he still did so.

"I know. Ruo bin probably knew it before. I think he is comforting ruo'an. I don't know if ruo'an can bear it after knowing it." Lv Xinrui said to LV Xinyi.

"What can't bear it? It's not that Ning Zhisong bumped into it." Lv Xinyi felt that it had no impact on Ning Zhisong and ruo'an.

"It's not that simple. Ning Zhihuai bumped into someone, and Ning Zhisong gave ruo'an two sums of money within five days. These money told us that it was because of ruo'an's transaction with him, but if he testified on behalf of the Ning family to compensate Ruo bin, it would be different. Ning Zhihuai would not be sentenced too seriously, but ruo'an would not forgive Ning Zhisong, so this time to Ning Zhisong and Ruo'an is a test. "After reading the news in the morning, LV Xinyi immediately thought of Liu Chuanxun's plan. It is estimated that it is this plan. She immediately popularized the law on the Internet. If compensation is made in time and 10 million, the amount is high enough to reduce the penalty.

If Ning Zhisong really testified that the money was given on behalf of the Ning family, ruo'an would not forgive him. After all, at the beginning, a girl couldn't do anything. In order to sell herself to Ruo bin, she now said it was compensation. Who did she talk about her grievances.

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