Ruo'an cried for a while. She was going to take the paper towel in her pocket, but she saw the note of the phone number written by Ning Zhisong. Ruo'an looked at Ruo bin, who was pale. She clenched her hands and ran out.

Outside the hospital, she found a telephone booth. She took out her coins and stuffed them in. Her fingers pressed the button bit by bit. It seemed that every time she pressed the button, it was closer to fear. The last button, ruo'an stopped. If she pressed it, she would have no chance to change in her life. Did she really want to do this? Ruo'an looks up at the hospital. If she sacrifices her happiness, she can exchange the lives of Ruo bin and Bruce Lee. She is willing! Compared with life, ruo'an's self-esteem was temporarily suppressed by her. Her clenched fist suddenly loosened. She pressed the last button and the phone was connected.

Ning Zhisong at the other end of the phone has arrived at the office. Ruo'an walked to the hospital, so it took an hour. Ning Zhisong didn't expect ruo'an to call him so soon, but he would answer any phone today and couldn't miss any one. So in the face of a strange phone number, he still answered: "hello..."

The silence on the other end of the phone, Ning Zhisong had a guess in his heart. Is it her?

If she has settled down for ten seconds, Ning Zhisong has been waiting for her to speak.

"I... I agree with... What you said..." if Ann doesn't know how to say it, she has no choice at the moment.

"Where are you?" Ning Zhisong felt that if he was well, something big had happened, and his words were trembling.

"The fifth courtyard." ruo'an continued to tremble.

"Wait for me at the door." when Ning Zhisong said this, he stood up and went out without even taking his coat.

Ruo'an just rang out and hung up.

Ning Zhisong never raced through a red light as fast as today and finally arrived at the fifth hospital of s city. As soon as the car stopped at the door, I saw ruo'an standing. She seemed very tired and restless, holding her clothes tightly.

Ning Zhisong drove the car to the door of the hospital and shouted to ruo'an, "get on the bus."

Ruoan got on the bus immediately. Ning Zhisong can't negotiate with ruo'an in the noisy area of the hospital. He can only drive to a parking place with few people.

There was no one around. It was a forest park. Ning Zhisong slowly said to Ruan, "do you really agree?"

Ruo'an nodded. She just asked Ning Zhisong, "when can I get the money?"

"Of course, after tonight, you can use it tomorrow." Ning Zhisong said to ruo'an.

"Yes..." ruo'an knew that Ruo Bin's condition should be treated earlier. Since they had decided to sell everything, why not get the money one day earlier, so Ruo Bin's operation risk might be reduced. So ruo'an asked intermittently, "can you give it to me now?"

"Now?" Ning Zhisong sneered, "if you don't promise and regret it, where can I ask you for money?"

"I... Promised and will do it..." ruo'an didn't dare to look up, but just lowered her head.

"That's no good. I'm a businessman. I've never done business at a loss. Can't I wait one day tomorrow?" Ning Zhisong asked. As long as ruo'an insisted again, he would certainly agree. However, if an feels that Ning Zhisong, like other cold-blooded people, will not really help her unless he gets what he wants first.

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