When they got to their seats, they closed their eyes and lit up. Anyway, let's have a meal first. Although they were prepared, when they got the bill, both of them still had a cold sweat, which was the most expensive meal they had ever had. Ruo'an looked at Ruo bin, she stuck out her tongue and said to Ruo bin, "let's go back quickly, otherwise the money will be gone in a while." ruo'an said that she was about to leave with Ruo bin, but she almost bumped into someone at this time.

Ruobin pulled back. Ruoan stopped and looked up. The woman in front of him looked familiar, but he forgot where he had met.

"Is it you?" Lv Xinrui opposite looked at ruobin. She saw it at a glance, so she asked ruobin.

"Sorry, Miss Lu, my sister is used to mischief." ruobin also recognized LV Xinrui at a glance.

"Why are you here?" Lv Xinrui continued.

"Live here." ruo'an answered LV Xinrui directly.

"Well, the vice president asked me to stay here for the time being." ruobin politely replied to LV Xinrui, nodded politely again, and took ruo'an away.

LV Xinrui looked at ruobin's back, and there was a ripple in her heart. At the same time, Liu Chuanxun came over. He saw LV Xinrui in a daze, so he asked, "what's the matter?"

LV Xinrui came back. She said to Liu chuangxun, "it's all right, just a little stunned." then LV Xinrui went upstairs with Liu chuangxun.

Upstairs, LV Xinrui was absent-minded. She thought about ruobin's smile. Suddenly, the light in the room went out. LV Xinrui came back to her senses. How did the light go out. At this time, Liu chuangxun pushed the cake cart and pulled it. Liu chuangxun smiled and looked at LV Xinrui. He slowly walked to LV Xinrui, took out the ring from his pocket, knelt in front of LV Xinrui on one knee, and said very gentlemanly, "Rui, we have been together for five years. Marry me and I will take care of you all my life."

LV Xinrui didn't know why. At the moment, what she thought was ruobin. She looked at Liu chuangxun, took a few steps back, turned on the switch, and the whole room suddenly lit up. Liu Chuanxun is not stupid. When he saw LV Xinrui like this, he knew she wouldn't agree.

"Why don't you promise me because you like others?" Liu chuangxun just felt that LV Xinrui was always restless after seeing ruobin that time.

"No, I just don't think it's time yet." Lv Xinrui casually perfunctorily said Liu Chuanxun.

"When do you think it's time?" Liu Chuanxun asked LV Xinrui directly. His eyes were angry and unwilling. Liu chuangxun and LV Xinrui are passers-by. They are very arrogant and even conceited. They don't allow others to refuse themselves in this way, so LV Xinrui can refuse Liu chuangxun in this way, otherwise Liu Chuanxun must live rather than die. But Liu Chuanxun's self-confidence was shattered by LV Xinrui. He was unwilling. He had to ask why and find out the reason. He waited for five years. He just thought the time was ripe to propose, but he didn't expect to be rejected so directly.

"I just think we've been together for five years, and I still don't want to marry you. Maybe we still have problems before." Lv Xinrui said very directly.

"Really?" Liu chuangxun suppressed his anger. He looked at LV Xinrui and was silent, but he was unwilling.

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