The term “ancient civilization” is widely known to the public. Their civilization, which died out ages ago, left behind many relics, and their influence remains intact even today.

But few people knew that they were called the people of Aepha. I, myself, only heard about it briefly in a classroom lecture I took a long time ago.

Tradition has it that the people of Aepha excelled in magic, alchemy, smithing, and all other skills, gaining power equal to that of the gods.

If a relic created by them was found untouched and in perfect condition, it would be revered as a national treasure.

At first, I was surprised to see the inscriptions of the ancients – the people of Aepha – in this dungeon, but somewhere in my heart, I denied that it had anything to do with them.

But now, I have three relics in my hands. And it affirms everything, this dungeon belongs to the people of Aepha.

“If my brothers find out I have something like this, they’re going to come and take it from me with the entire kingdom…….”

“Affirmative… immediate hiding is recommended.”

“Don’t be absurd, Golemus. You want me to hide in the ground forever?”

“Negative – Human and Elf kind are prone to suffer from mental illness in the absence of sunlight.”

It is one of the relics that has been talking to me for a while now. It’s Golemus, the all-purpose giant Utiris Golem.

Its body, made of clay, is so large that if you lined up Thor and Sheila vertically, they would be the same height. Its arms are thicker than my thighs.

It currently carries Thor and Sheila on its shoulders, with Thor looking happy and Sheila looking uneasy.

I chose this Golem as one of the ways to spend my DP. I wanted to have someone who could do the heavy lifting for future development. I didn’t expect it to be able to talk, though.

At first, Golemus was nothing more than a small square metal body with patterns engraved on it. When I placed it on the ground, it quickly absorbed the soil around it and took on its current form.

It’s strong, equal in strength to me, who had trained quite hard in the dungeon. I could use it for defense as well, so all is good. It’s very helpful to have someone who can protect the people here while I’m dungeon diving.

“Golemus, help me with the luggage.”

“Acknowledged… I will follow Master Henry.”

Golemus gently lowers Thor and Sheila to the ground and holds the two remaining relics in its hands. Like Golemus, these relics were metal objects with patterns engraved on them.

However, these relics are as big as a human head and quite heavy. It’s not impossible for me to carry them, but I’m letting Golemus carry the relics to check its movements.

I climb the stairs leading to the meadow and head outside.

The smell of nature enters my lungs, and it’s very refreshing. It’s kind of depressing to be in a stone monument room underground or in a dungeon all the time.

“Now, where should we put the other two relic relics?”

“Me, me! I still think it’s better to be near the dungeon!”

Thor replies, full of energy. It’s true that dungeons are dangerous, so it’s a good idea to set up a base nearby to keep an eye on things.

“That’s true. Now, which one shall we put first?”

I stare at the metal objects that Golemus holds. These two came with the book when I chose it as a reward. I skimmed through it, but it was very technical: 

“This metal body is called a bio-metal, which is excellent at self-repair and remembering form, and it remembers the magical composition when it was created.” 

Yep, I don’t understand it.

“Le Cain…… who are you?”

I don’t know even if I think about it, but he’s probably not a good guy. If I see him somewhere, I’ll have to be careful. And he’ll have to pay for the crime of capturing Nos.

“Onii-san, those are relics, but I’d like to see the house first.”

While I’m lost in thought, Sheila says something to me. 

“That’s right! Let’s deploy the Small House!”

I instruct Golemus to place the metal body on the grassland.

After a short wait, the metal object spreads out like liquid bursting apart and begins to swallow up the soil and stones in the area. It starts turning into a building that was unimaginably large compared to its original size.

It’s truly a two-story stone house. It looks similar in design to the one I had seen in the royal capital. It looks like the kind of house a slightly wealthy family would live in.

“Oh, amazing. It feels like a house on the prairie.”

I was also surprised at the time of Golemus got summoned, but the technological power of the Aepha people is too great. How could a civilization with this much power have been destroyed?

“Henry! Can I go look inside?”

Thor asks me with a happy face. I nod my head and run into the house. Gabriel follows inside, and the house is suddenly noisy.

“I hope she doesn’t destroy the house…….”

“Hahaha…… your onee-chan is as sensible as she looks, so it will be fine.”

Sheila replies with a wry smile.

“Doesn’t Sheila want to go see it too?”

“No, if you don’t mind, may I take a look at the other relic with you onii-san? I’m curious.”

The wind is blowing and Sheila’s long, beautiful blond hair flutters in the wind. I’m about to be fascinated at the sight. 

This is no time for me to be fascinated. The other one is a relic related to production, so Sheila, who is a hard worker, must be curious about it.

“O-oh yeah…… let’s put it on the other side of the house then.”

“Warning… heart rate is increasing.”

I throw a low kick as Golemus teases me, but it’s harder than I expect and my leg hurts.

The people here are lacking in respect for their lords – I think.

I order Golemus to set up the last relic artifact. This production facility will be our lifeline as we don’t have anything right now.

I’m hoping it will be ready soon.

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