Episode 3 – Round 2 of the Trial of the Beginning

Translator : MeLena

《Resurrection of the challenger confirmed.》

I wake up with a voice echoing in my head.

“Don’t kill me !!”

It jump up and scream. My latest memory is that I died while being slowly melted by a slime. Begging for life is unavoidable.

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《Executing dungeon regeneration ── Done.》

That voice echoes in my head again. Regeneration?

《Item initialization ── Done.》

What is it saying. I certainly don’t have the -1 copper sword I had in my hand.

《Status initialization ── fatal failure.》

It seems that something went wrong. My heart beats faster hearing the voice.

《Retry ── Status initialization ── Fatal failure. Time exceeded, aborting.>>

That evil thing tried again. Apparently it failed fatally. It may be that my useless skill “Maintain Status” has an effect.

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“Is this the room with the stone monument? If so, is it a dream that I just died?”

I am not confident in my memory. But I clearly remember the pain.

I looked around and checked, but it was no different from before I entered the dungeon. There is a stone monument in the middle of the room, and behind it there is only a staircase leading to the dungeon.

I stare at the stone monument. It’s flashing red as if it is angry. My eyes hurt so please stop.

“If you have something to say… Maybe speak?”

I tap the surface of the stone monument. The red flashing stops and the characters change instantly. It is written in a language that I can understand.

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Henry Bosheit.

Cumulative number of deaths 00001.

Trial of the Beginning 1/3 levels 6 minutes 3 seconds.

Was weakened by an arrow trap then was melted by a blue slime and died.

HP23 (+3) MP10 Attack power 5 Defense power 6 (+2) Magic power 1 Agility 3.

Weapon: Copper sword-1.

Armor: None.

Special skill: Maintain Status (unique).

By all means, it was the result of the dungeon challenge. Apparently I entered and died in 6 minutes. I’ve reached the first of the three levels, and my HP and defense has… maybe gone up.

How many years has it been since I’ve seen my status? If you ask a magician to appraise it, he can tell you, but it takes time and money. So even I, who is from the royal family, has only been asked to do so once.

It’s better than that.

“How many digits are prepared for the number of deaths『00001』!! How many times do you intend to get me killed!”

Playful. It’s as if it’s looking forward to me dying tens of thousands of times. Another thing that disturbs my mind is my increase in status.

“HP and defence power have increased !!”

Speaking of exploring a dungeon, I was shot with an arrow and melted with acid. I haven’t achieved anything.

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“Huh …”

It’s scary to die. It’s impossible to be familiar with it. My precious life was originally unique. Then, if dying is real, it should be only once.

I roamed the dungeon without discipline.

Apparently, even if I die, I will simply be returned to the entrance. Then, if I can die, it is wiser to look for food and supplies in this dungeon rather than looking for food in the meadows.

If I die, I lose all my items, but if I go down the 3rd floor without dying, I might get some reward. Even if I encounter a monster, there is no problem if I can escape.

“I found good armour! What… leather armour +2. A high strengthening value is also good.”

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For convenience, I decided to call positive or negative numbers as strengthening values. Somehow it fits nicely. Like underwear worn for many years.

I wear the brown leather armour. I feel just like a warrior. I could join a group of barbarians rampaging up north, as long as I find an axe.

I go through the corridor to get to the next room. The passage is dim compared to a bright room. I can see a little ahead, but I don’t know what’s going on at the back.

I silence my footsteps, avoid the monsters, and manage to get to the next room. There is another item in the room.

“Yeah, a +1 Iron Axe!”

It seems like my feelings get coarser when I wear barbarian equipment.

I walk in a cheerful mood, and hear another clicking sound at my feet.

“It’s a trap!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!”

I dive forward with all my might.

The arrow whooshes by the spot I was preiously standing, and pierces the opposite wall with a rattling noise.

“Haha… hahahahaha!!”

I won’t fall for the same trick twice. I stand up and pat off the dust on my body.

I don’t know why the trap is at my feet, I just can’t find it in advance. There is no swelling on the ground, and the colour does not change. Only when I step on it can I notice its existence.

I find an item again ahead. This time it’s a scroll.

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“What is a 『wall-erasing scroll』?”

The name is carefully written on the scroll. However, the effect is not written. Judging from the name, it will break a wall. It should be a nice strategy to make a small hole and hide in it.

“A man is courageous. Let’s read it for the time being.”

When I unseal the rolled up scroll, the scroll burns from the bottom. And the effect becomes apparent.

── A roaring sound is heard, and the floors, layers, e-very, sin-gle, wall, and so on disappear. All the monsters seem to have noticed me. Is the glint in the monster’s eyes from the joy of finding a prey?

“Shit !! Come on!”

It’s a mess. If I’ll die anyway, I might as well take as many as possible down with me. Think of the sharpness of the royal sword, no axe. Though it is a rotten royal family.


I smash the head of a knight-like monster with a greatsword with my axe. The contents of the broken helmet are empty. Let’s call it “Hollow Knight”.

However, the Hollow Knight wields his sword even though it has lost its head. The great sword is swung at my feet and my right foot blows away.

“Ahhhhh!! My foooooooot!!”

Although I’m collapsing due to my injury, I throw my axe with all my might. It was a great hit but not fatal.

The fallen axe is stolen by a goblin carrying a big bag. You are a “goblin thief”. Damn you.

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“I will never die!! I have something to do…”

What the hell should I do?

I try to think about it, but I notice a strange monster. A fat orc hurls a fist-sized stone at me with all his might.

“I wonder if you’re a “stone-throwing orc”… I saw you ”

I couldn’t finish my sentence.

When looking at my chest while spitting blood, there is a large hole in the left chest portion of the armour. If I breathe, I hear a wheezing sound and blood overflows.

My body won’t move anymore. The Hollow Knight in front of me holds a greatsword up high. That was my last memory.

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Henry Bosheit.

Cumulative number of deaths 00002.

Trial of the Beginning 1/3 levels 20 minutes 45 seconds.

Got halved by a Hollow Knight and died.

HP30 (+7) MP10 Attack power 12 (+7) Defense power 14 (+8) Magic power 1 Agility 4 (+1).

Weapon: Iron axe +1.

Armor: Leather armour +2.

Special skill: Maintain Status (unique).

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