Episode 5 – Gabriel

Translator : MeLena

I’m crawling forward through the grasslands. My speed has increased dramatically due to my higher agility.

I’m probably faster than a random guy sprinting. Seen from the side, I think it should look quite unpleasant.

“Where is my meal?”

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I search for creatures that are likely to be edible while creeping through the green grass. I exclude goblins and orcs as they are unlikely to be edible. Because of their appearance, I have a feeling of repulsion, it would be like eating other humans.

Because I have been diving into the dungeon all the time, I have lost my sense of time, but now it seems to be around noon. The sun is high up in the sky.

I continue crawling forwards while dirtying my belly in a cheerful mood.

“There it is…”

A monster can be seen in the distance. The place where I am now is on a hill of the meadows, and there is a birdlike monster overlooking them.

“Is that a rock bird? It’s smaller than I thought.”

When they become adult, they’re larger than a house, and it is a monster that easily kidnaps people. The one I can see is probably a growing individual. It’s only slightly bigger than a person.

I slowly choose a place where the grass is longer and approach. I won’t be noticed.

“Gugaa! Gugaa!”

During my approach, it is cawing and poking something with its beak.

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“Is that the corpse of an orc…”

The rock bird pecked through the abdomen of the orc with its beak and enjoys the internal organs that it seems to be eating.

It is only internal organs and I’m not scared. Because I’ve seen internal organs many times. Mostly my own.

With my current status I should be able to defeat it. Considering that I will continue to live in this grassland, I have be able to manage such a monster.

I sneak up behind the rock bird. I avoid making noise and slow down my breathing.

Because I’m close enough, I jump on its back.


The rock bird with its meal disturbed caws. The loud sound echoes in my eardrums and makes me dizzy, but I hold a piece of stone in my hand while enduring it.

“Eat this!”

The piece of stone pierces though and blood blows out from the thick neck of the rock bird.

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Because it’s going wild, I’m shaken off from its back. I ready my stance and take out stones from my pocket.

I imitate the way the stone-throwing oak that killed me before held them and toss them. I bend my arm like a whip and throw them with all my might.

The wings of the rock bird break with a popping sound. Ignoring the screaming Roc and throwing all the stones in my pocket, the Roc screams and falls to the ground.

If I hadn’t entered the dungeon, I would never have beaten this monster. However, as I return after death in the dungeon, I seem to become stronger.

However, I do not feel a sudden increase in status in the dungeon. My growth rate may be different inside and outside the dungeon.

“I wish that even ordinary people could bring back their growth in the dungeon.”

Then I could use the dungeon as a safe training center. However, if a person other than me enters, their status would be returned back to normal even if they clear it or die. That stone monument adheres to “initialization of status” as an absolute rule.

“Let’s bring the rock bird back to the room for the time being.”

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It’s good to have killed it, but it’s too big. I managed to disassemble it so as not to break the internal organs by using stone fragments. Since it was done by an amateur, the amount of meat that can be retrieved and the appearance isn’t very good.

It’s a shame for the surplus meat, skin and feathers, but it will be discarded. I’m afraid that monsters will gather in search of meat, so I decide to dig the ground and bury it.

“It isn’t easy to dig a hole.”

My strength has also increased dramatically. Although I’m digging with my bare hands, a large hole appears before my eyes, and the remenants of the rock bird are thrown into it. The corpse of the orc is also included.

“Let’s go home. Crawling forward.”

I make a rope from the bark of a tree and tie the meat to my back. It smells absurdly fishy, but I’ll endure.

The stone monument room is not far away. I’ll be back by the time the sun goes down.

I have arrived at the stone monument room.

“I’m back. Were you a good boy?”

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The wolf groans modestly when it looks at me. It is lying on the ground and staring at me anxiously.

“Look, it’s meat. It’s raw, is this okay?”

I put the dripping meat on my palm and present it.

The wolf smells at it carefully. Is it making sure it’s not poisoned? I can see the intellect in its eyes.

It is better than the idiots of the royal palace who are devoted to killing their relatives.

“Oh! It ate it!”

The wolf holds a piece of meat in its mouth. It slowly chews with its sharp fangs and swallows with satisfaction.

“Eat more.”

I put a larger piece of meat on my hand. Feeding is becoming more and more fun.

After repeating for a while, the wolf barks with satisfaction and lies on its back, presenting its belly.


When I stroke the wolf’s belly with the palm of my hand, the wolf doesn’t show a dissastisfied expression. This makes the master-slave relationship clear. Naturally, I am the master that brings back meat after hunting.

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“What name should I give you…”

I’m thinking about what name to give while stroking its belly. Brown wolf. Female. Sharp eyes like a sword, but when stroked, looks cute like a young wolf.

“Gabriel… I wonder.”

Because it was eating meat steadily. It was ripping it apart easily.

“OK! Gabriel!”

Gabriel seems to understand that it is its new name, and when I call the name, it reacts and barks.

“Best regards to the future, Gabriel.”

Stroking her head. Seeing Gabriel squinting her eyes seems to cleanse my heart. It may be possible to regain my humanity that was worn out by dying in the dungeon.

Gabriel, who has regained her energy, seems to have found a toy and grabs hold of Will in the room.

“There there. If you chew on Will so much, its bones will break.”

Although will is just a human skull picked up in the meadow, he is my friend. I don’t want to become too crazy.

Will’s original story: From “Wilson” in the movie classic “Cast Away”.

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