My head hurts from the alcohol, but I haven’t lost any of my physical abilities. I’m not really putting up with it, and this is probably due to my 「Status Maintain」 skill.

You can’t prevent abnormal conditions, but you won’t lose your abilities. This may also be a little useful for dungeon conquering.

I called out to Thor and Sheila, who were standing anxiously.

“Both of you had nowhere to go, right?”

“Yes… I’m sorry, but could you just please take care of Sheila? I can take care of myself.”

“In this meadow? You can’t go into town all on foot, and there are a lot of monsters here.”

“Uhhhh. But there’s no other person that I can rely on….”

Thor gave the impression of being strong, but she also seemed to have a sisterly side.

Sheila, who had been lying on the ground, shouted loudly as if she were trying to get her voice out.

“U, Umm! Onii-san!”

“O, Oh. What’s wrong?”

Can you let me and my sister live in this room!? My mom taught me to do housework, so I can help you out with the chores! Please!”

Sheila bows her head vigorously. Her shoulders are trembling, probably from fear. The monsters in the meadow, the uncertain life of a child who has no relatives, both are incomparably terrifying.

“I’m the lord of this land… I’m responsible for letting those thugs into my territory. So I’ll take responsibility and welcome you both as my people. I can’t guarantee you a good life, though.”

Sheila’s face brightens up.

“Please, onii-san! I’ll work hard!”

Thor’s face, which had been a little stiff, broke into a smile.

“Thanks Henry. No, should I call you… my lord?”

“No, Henry is fine. I don’t have a castle, and all the residents are in this room.  We’re just starting to settle our village.”

“What’s that –? But it’s kind of exciting, I’ve never built a village from scratch before.”

Thor scratches her cheek and smiles appropriately for her age. Sheila sat down next to Thor in a ladylike manner.

Gabriel, who had been sitting quietly, approached Sheila and licked her cheek.

“Whoa! Onii-san! It’s a wolf! It’s a wolf!”

“Gabriel likes to lick my face too. Does it taste like anything?”

Apparently, Gabriel also liked the elf sisters. I guess licking their faces is a way of saying they can join the pack. Maybe.

“There are some idiots out there who want to assassinate me, so I need strength first. Also, we need to build a village where we can live safely. In order to do that…”

Build up my strength. Hunt down the monsters in the meadow. Build a village. And protect my people. The answer is simple and straightforward.

To do so, I need to dive into the dungeon.

I approach the stone monument and touch it. The number of deaths remains the same at seven, and I wonder how many more will there be before I reach the end.

Thor looks at the monument over my shoulder curiously.

“Hey Henry. What’s this monument all about?”

“It’s a relic of the ancients or something. We’re in a dungeon right now, and there’s a lot of information on it.”

“Is this some kind of magic thing? Fuuh…… Orya!”

Thor powerfully smacks the stone monument. The screen is filled with letters she has never seen before.

What she sees is a list of rewards. The list goes on and on, and when she traces her finger over it, she finds various items. Her eyes widens at one of them.

Reward for completing the “Trial of the Beginning”.

“What the!? What is this!?”

To my surprise, Sheila comes next to me.

“This dungeon is amazing. Are there any other dungeons like this?”

The answer to Sheila’s question is no, of course not. It’s possible for monsters with extraordinary intelligence to have their own dungeons.

It is also common for adventurers to make a fortune by defeating dungeon masters and obtaining their treasures.

But there is no such dungeon as this. Even if you die, you will be returned to the entrance, and your items will not disappear. In addition, you can even choose your reward.

“Impossible….. But I guess for now I’ll have to rely on you.”

“Umm, o, onii-san?”

“Ah, sorry. This dungeon is indeed very unique. Though, as expected of the ancients.”

It is indeed the ancients. That’s my boy.

The dungeon’s magical environment suggests that it was created by someone with a terrible personality, but the rewards are perfect for us.

In fact, I can think of it as “preparing rewards that suit us.” Are they trying to lure me into this labyrinth and make me do something?

Thinking about it won’t give me an answer. The only thing to do is to act.

“Uh-huh. Listen up!”

I give the order and everyone gathers in front of me.

“I’m going to go down to the dungeon and get what we need for the village. You two stay here with Gabriel and keep quiet.”

Sheila’s eyes were wide open.

“It’s dangerous, onii-san! If something happens inside … you will…!”

I can’t say that I’ve already died seven times.

“Yes! What about your promise to take care of Sheila!”

Thor also disagrees. I did say that I would make her one of my own people, but I did not say that I would take care of her.

“This is a final decision. If this continues as it is, we will all die together…”

I don’t want to use the word “die” lightly. These children have had their village burned to the ground. Their families and friends are probably dead.

“We’re at a dead end. So I’m willing to take a gamble.”

I’ll say it outright.

“Gabriel. You have to protect them both.”

Gabriel stares at me worriedly, but I stroke her to coax her.

I stand up and descend the stairs leading to the dungeon.

My seven attempts so far have not been in vain. I gained a lot of experience, status, and knowledge before I died.

I’ll make it through the next round.

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