
Chapter 1025 It’s better to dissolve enemies than to end them

The room was crowded with people. Compared with the deserted streets, it was as lively as a market. Everyone rushed to talk and argued with each other. When one person expressed doubts, several people immediately gave explanations at the same time.

The Talisman Master of the Yun Xing Hui notified the arrival of "General Mu", and Luo Xiaoliu'er immediately went out to greet him. Before leaving, he specifically reminded his companions not to agree to any conditions.

The two of them stood at the door for a while before they were noticed. Dozens of people in the room turned to look, mainly looking at Mu Xingqiu.

The Ancient God Sect has developed rapidly in the past two years, but Mu Xingqiu has not participated. Most people in the sect do not know him. Yao Xiaowei is the protector, and Luo Xiaoliu'er is a follower, who is usually on the road. The leader is named Lu Guizhen. He is in his forties. He used to be a talisman master. After the Five Elements Tribulation, he took off the sixth crown. After seeing the way of the weak, he joined the Ancient God Cult. He is good at organization and has a wide network of contacts. Therefore, he quickly received support from the congregation and was elected as the leader.

Mu Xingqiu had heard of this person, and today was the first time he met him.

Luo Xiaoliuer stood on tiptoe and shouted through the crowd: "Jiao leader Lu! Leader Lu! General Mu is here!"

After shouting several times, Lu Guizhen turned around. He had a sallow face, a square head and big ears. He was taller than everyone in the room by at least half a head. He nodded to the person opposite and turned to admire him. Xingqiu smiled.

It's a friendly smile that shows they are one of their own.

This was also a perfunctory smile, indicating that we would talk about it later, and that the current matter was more important than the arrival of General Mu.

Mu Xingqiu returned the smile, but Luo Xiaoliuer didn't think too much and shouted with a louder voice: "What are you talking about? General Mu is here, we don't need the protection of Yun Xinghui, casual cultivators and these children "

It was this voice that attracted everyone's attention.

The people of the Ancient God Sect, all with green clovers embroidered on their chests, about twelve or three of them, clenched their fists at Mu Xingqiu and held their hands in front of him. Their attitude was similar to that of the leader Lu Guizhen, neither cold nor particularly enthusiastic. Several talisman masters who were dressed like Mao Bupo quickly looked away, looking a little impatient. There were also some casual cultivators wearing Taoist robes, their eyes scanning the basket on Mu Xingqiu's back.

The scene was a little awkward. Luo Xiaoliuer also felt it, but didn't know why. Just as he was about to introduce the powerful General Mu again, a clear voice sounded in the room, "Where does General Mu come from? Let me see."

Several children pushed aside the adults in front of them to make way for the speaker.

It was a child of five or six years old, with fine features and handsome eyes. His hair was combed into a small bun. He was wearing a demon-style leather armor. The other children were also dressed similarly to him. He stood on the table, still looking better than those around him. The adult was shorter, and standing next to him was an even stranger guy. He clearly had the appearance of a child of several years old, but the body of an adult. He giggled at Mu Xingqiu.

"Hey, you look...so much like my desperate biological father." The child's words made everyone in the room laugh. This child has been arrogant since he came to Fuhuang City. He often boasts that he is not afraid of Taoist priests and negotiates. No one would have thought that he would say such a thing.

"He is Mu Dong'er." Luo Xiaoliu'er whispered.

"Why are you laughing? It's just a look." Mu Dong'er was angry. The adult stopped laughing, but still had a smile on his face, "Ah, I remembered, you are Jin Cuo."

Mu Dong'er jumped down from the table and walked over with a smile, "Your demon soldiers have gone to Zhifeng Mountain, why didn't you go? We thought you were dead... What's your expression? Let's do it anyway We have gone through hardships and adversities together, so it would be better for you not to visit me. Why do you act like a stranger when we meet?"

"General Mu lost his memory due to an accident and can't remember what happened two years ago." Luo Xiaoliu'er explained.

Mu Donger suddenly realized, "It's probably the trouble left by the demon species. It doesn't matter. I know everything about you. When I finish my work here, I will take you back to Zhifeng Mountain. There are many of your old subordinates there. They If I can help you recall the past, Aunt Xiao Hao and my mother may be able to cure your illness. By the way, Feifei, you are the best at curing illnesses. Show it to Jin Cu."

The adults in the room were even more surprised. They thought that the newly arrived General Mu was a member of the Ancient God Cult, but it turned out that he became a member of Mu Dong'er's side and was connected to the Zifeng Mountain in the land of monsters.

A thin voice came from the corner of the room, "Well, I'll take a look later. If it's the trouble left by the demon species, it may not be easy to cure."

"If you can't be cured, I guess no one in the world can." Mu Dong'er nodded solemnly, indicating that he was responsible for everything, turned around and jumped back on the table, saying loudly: "Okay, okay, no need to argue. It turns out that the Ancient God Religion is full of treasures, so it’s easy..."

A believer immediately retorted: "This is wrong. The Ancient God Religion has existed since ancient times and has existed for at least 50,000 years. Regardless of General Mu's previous identity, he was not the founder of the Ancient God Religion. We have a leader. There are also ancient religious sects in other places, each with its own leader..."

"General Kemu brought the way of the weak, and our ancient god sect relied on it to grow." Luo Xiaoliu'er couldn't help but defend.

The argument soon became heated. Upon seeing this, a Talisman Master said: "We will not participate in the internal affairs of the Ancient God Religion. Let's talk about it tomorrow. You must make a decision by then. When the Taoist priests come, now There’s no use begging for mercy.”

The Talisman Master and the San Xiu said goodbye, and Mu Donger led a group of children away. When he passed by Mu Xingqiu, he said, "Come with us, I can protect you."

Mu Xingqiu smiled and said, "Not at the moment. I will visit you all later."

Mu Donger shrugged, "We live next door."

These were really a group of weird children. Mu Xingqiu had a good impression of each of them. Although he had been reminded not to know too much about his past, he would indeed visit them later to clear up a few doubts.

He also noticed that several children had obvious ring marks on their foreheads, which were the same as Jiang Huoer's, except that they did not turn red. However, they were all children over five years old and could not have been born two years ago. That batch of Nascent Souls.

After all the outsiders left, a member of the Ancient God Religion breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The world is really upside down. Have you noticed that several of those children are obviously monsters?"

"What's wrong with the demon clan?" Luo Xiaoliu'er glared angrily. In his eyes, General Mu was born as a horse demon. "It was not the demon clan that caused the catastrophe of the Five Elements."

The man also remembered the rumors about General Mu and remained silent. Lu Guizhen walked over and laughed and said: "Yes, at this critical moment, what kind of distinction is there between humans and monsters? It is not easy for the Ancient God Sect to rise in the south and north of the Yangtze River. In just a few years, I have angered the Taoist priest. Alas, Lu is so immoral and incompetent that he has already been devastated by such a thing. Finally, when General Mu comes, I have nothing to say. Yes, since General Mu has arrived, he is the undisputed leader of the Ancient God Religion. Come and pay homage."

Except for Luo Xiaoliu'er, everyone else groaned and delayed.

Mu Xingqiu smiled and said nothing, neither accepting nor objecting. Lu Guizhen rolled his eyes and said angrily to his subordinates: "You blind guys, do you doubt my sincerity in giving up my position, Lu Guizhen?"

More than a dozen believers saluted General Mu, but they were somewhat perfunctory.

Mu Xingqiu said, "I can't be the leader. Just keep everything as it is. Where is Captain Yao?"

Lu Guizhen realized that General Mu was not a good person, and he no longer dared to be humble. He sighed and said, "I asked him to hide temporarily to avoid the limelight. Fu Huangcheng said it was safe, but I can't believe it. It's all Principal Yao. Wei caused this disaster. The Ancient God Sect is still weak at the moment. How can it have the confidence to compete with the Taoist priests for the treasure? Just give in. He actually wrote to General Mu for help. It’s really..."

"The Ancient God Religion does not participate in the struggle between the strong, but it cannot help but be on guard against others. The Nascent Soul is with me. If the Taoist priests want it, let them find me." Mu Xingqiu turned slightly to one side and carried the fake Yuan in the basket. The baby moved a few times.

No one saw what Yuanying looked like, and no one dared to come up and lift the cover to check. Lu Guizhen laughed and said, "General Mu's words are enough, but it is better to dissolve enemies than to end them. If there is a way to resolve this Isn’t it better to be in a storm?”

"Of course, what can Leader Lu do?"

General Mu actually gave in so easily. Lu Guizhen was a little surprised, but he felt really at ease in his heart. He said seriously: "We were discussing this matter before General Mu arrived. Yun Xinghui has a strong background, and it is said that there are high-level Taoist priests supporting him. Maybe You can make peace with them, but the price they ask is too high. Just open your mouth and get a hundred pieces of sixth-grade or above magic weapons. How can the Ancient Divine Religion have so many treasures? The Ancient God Sect can gather the magic weapons, but I don’t know if they can be trusted.”

"Where are the kids?"

"They are just here to cause trouble. Fighting is not allowed in Fuhuang City. They are talking nonsense here. They want to teach the Taoist priests a lesson. They ask for a strange price. They don't want magic weapons. They only want children under ten years old. They say they want to organize a children's army. How could I possibly Leave the children of the Ancient God Religion to them?"

Lu Guizhen shook his head. He didn't say anything, but his meaning was very clear. He still disliked those children who were too young and had too many monsters among them.

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while, "Okay, you continue to negotiate with Yun Xinghui and those casual cultivators. It doesn't matter if the price is high. If the magic weapon is not enough, I will find a way, as long as they really know the Taoist priests. I will go talk to those children They talk and explore the truth.”

"Magical weapons of the sixth grade and above are rare things." Lu Guizhen said in disbelief.

"Just accept the asking price and come to me after the negotiation is complete."

Lu Guizhen was stunned for a while, then bowed to Mu Xingqiu and said, "General Mu saved us by providing help in times of need."

"Don't agree too much." Mu Xingqiu pointed to the basket behind him, "With him here, maybe I can persuade the Taoist priests to retreat without the need for others to make peace."

The people of the Ancient God Sect were really relieved this time, and they gathered around to express their gratitude. At the same time, they did not forget to remind General Mu that he and Captain Yao had caused this disaster together, and everything they did now was in Make amends after a lost cause.

Mu Xingqiu didn't argue and left quickly, going to meet the children next door.

Luo Xiaoliu'er led the way and said embarrassedly after leaving the courtyard: "They have never seen the majesty of a general. Captain Yao and I have. In our minds, you are the Ancient God Sect."

"Don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing. Spreading the ways of the weak is a hundred times more important than being in charge of the Ancient God Religion."

Mu Xingqiu turned around and saw Feifei, the little demon sitting on the threshold of the courtyard next door. He stood up and said, "I recognize you."

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