
Chapter 1079 All living beings are possessed by demons

A bonfire was lit on the bank of the Jie River and near the Patriarch Tower. This was not a flame created by magic, but an ordinary natural fire.

Mu Lie and a group of monkeys picked up the scrap wood that was not used by the Holy Talisman Army, lit the fire, and dug ice in the river to catch fish. After cleaning it, they put it on the fire to make delicious grilled fish.

Mu Lie was very happy. This was the first hot meal in many days. Although these monkeys were small in size, they were very powerful. They could only break through the ice with their help. The monkeys are also very happy. When night falls, they take off their stuffy armor and let their hair relax. Fishing therefore becomes a very interesting game. When the smell of grilled fish fills the air, they not only find it interesting, but also Crazy about it.

Yin Buchen stood on the shore shouting and giving orders. As the night got darker, he looked at the cheerful and busy monkeys. Yin Buchen proudly said to the officers: "You are loyal to the emperor. You are honest on the surface, but you are slanderous on the inside." , It’s not as good as these monkeys of mine, who are determined and consistent on the inside and outside.”

The officer was lying near the fire. All the clothes he wore were provided by Mu Lie. He didn't eat any fish and looked at the stars with gritted teeth. "Why did you save me?"

"In order to make you suffer, do you think I have any good intentions?" Yin Buchen took a hard bite on the freshly grilled fatty fish. It was hot and fragrant. He chewed quickly while inhaling the cool air and sending it to him. The fish monkey also imitated him and winked and salivated. The fish was roasted and delivered by him himself.

Yin Buchen ate the fattest fish belly and threw the rest of the grilled fish to the eager waiters. The monkey jumped up, grabbed it with both hands and bit into it with his mouth, regardless of whether the fish was meat or fish. Bones, he ate them wholeheartedly, and he was so happy that he did some somersaults.

The local monkeys lined up to offer grilled fish to Yin Buchen. He would either take a few bites or take a look at them, and then send the local monkeys to eat by themselves, glancing triumphantly at the officer to show off the treatment he received.

The officer finally couldn't bear it anymore and said: "They are just a group of ignorant beasts."

"Hey, first of all, how many beasts have you seen that can be so obedient? Well, this fish is not bad. Second, are the soldiers of the Holy Talisman Army knowledgeable? I think you are no better than ants... Bah, burnt fish You dare to give it to me?"

The officer was silent.

Yin Buchen had a small appetite and was full quickly. He still insisted on taking a look at and eating the grilled fish offered by each monkey, and then allowed them to eat freely. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

The more than forty monkeys have a clear division of labor. One group packs the ice fish, another group grills the fish, and the other group squats on the shore like Mu Lie and wolfs down. After eating, they go to replace the first group of companions. This cycle continues. It's fair to say that Mu Lie refused to take advantage and joined in the cycle. Yin Buchen felt more and more that he was a stupid boy.

The aroma spread far away. Across the wide Jie River, countless pairs of eyes in the military camp on the other side shone slightly in the dark night. Yin Buchen could see with his crystal eyes even the clusters of upright wooden piles on the pier behind him. They all seemed to come to life, staring greedily at the fireworks.

There was only one person who was not affected. Mu Xingqiu was still circling the Patriarch Tower, pressing his hands on the tower in turn. When changing hands, the direction of the circle had to change.

"Oh, Taoist Master is also confused. Can 33,000 Taoist talismans defeat Kun Chaos? I think it is difficult to even deal with Zuo Liuying. Why not sit down and eat fish, and then think of other ways." Yin Buchen speak loudly.

It was the officer who answered him, "There is no other way but to die and keep fighting..."

"Stop, don't do this again with me. You want to insist on fighting and go to the ancient god's territory after death. I just want to get rid of the demon body. I can live for one day, no matter whether it is a ghost after death, or there is really another world. I don’t care, and neither does my earth monkey.”

Yin Buchen waved his hand and called over a monkey who had just grilled the fish and was about to feast on it. He took the fish from its hand and ate it, "Since there is no hope in the future, let's put all hope in the present. It's so good." Eat as much fish as you can.”

Yin Buchen threw the fish tail and fish bones out, and the monkey caught it, ran to the shore, squatted in a row with his companions, and ate happily.

"Look, this is the right way to live." Yin Buchen fell in love with these ugly and small monsters more and more.

"What a 'correct way' to live." King Huaibi didn't know when he arrived, and he strode over. Just as another monkey came to offer fish, he was not polite. Without waiting for Yin Buchen to stretch out his hand, he first He took the fish, took a few bites, and gave it back to the monkey. He took a deep breath and said, "It has been more than two years, and I have almost forgotten what delicious food is.

"You should continue to forget, who invited you?" Yin Buchen said contemptuously.

"You just said that all hope lies in the present, and enjoying yourself is the right way, so why do you need an invitation? That was the way before Kun Chaos appeared, and it is no longer necessary now."

Yin Buchen was speechless for a while before saying, "Does anyone who can be an emperor have to be as shameless as you?"

"It's like this when necessary." King Huaibi sat next to the officer, stretched out his hand to warm the fire, and ate any fish brought to his hand. Yin Bu Shen said nothing, and the monkey didn't care, and continued to grill and serve fish happily. , eat fish.

King Huaibi had almost eaten and asked Di Monkey to give the grilled fish to the lying officer. The officer seemed to understand something and finally took the fish and ate some.

"How much weight can the human heart bear?" King Huaibi asked.

"Hey, only people who are well fed would ask such things. I don't know about the human heart. The demon heart must be more tolerant. We have been hunted by Taoist priests for hundreds of thousands of years, and we are still alive and well."

"Things are different now. How long has it been since you last been to the land of monsters?"

"No wonder."

"Speak directly if you have anything to say."

"The demon clan is no longer what it used to be: some attack the Holy Talisman Army like madmen, claiming that the Five Elements Tribulation is specifically used to punish humans, and that the era of the demon clan has arrived; others, like you, only live in the present, But what they like is not grilled fish, but killing. They will kill anything, humans, monsters, beasts... As long as they see moving things, they will kill them until they themselves are killed. It is said that in this way, they can gain the appreciation of Kun Chaos. "There are also some monsters who tried every means to hide themselves. I have seen a cave that was more than a hundred feet deep. It was dug out bit by bit by nearly a hundred monsters. In the end, they all died at the bottom of the hole."

"Did they kill each other?" Yin Buchen guessed.

"No, there are no fatal injuries on their bodies. They are all exhausted."

Yin Buchen was quiet for a while. He understood the demon clan and knew that what King Huaibi said was true. "Humans are not much better." He said, "When I heard that Zuo Liuying might be the spokesperson of Kun Chaos, everyone jumped at him. When he came up, he said a word, and thousands of casual cultivators came to join me, but their loyalty was worse than that of a reptile. When they saw that I lost power, they dispersed in a hurry. And he——" Yin Buchen pointed at Mu Lie.

Mu Lie had already eaten and was squatting nearby to light a fire. He said in surprise: "What's wrong with me?"

"In the past two years, you have traveled to many places in search of Yuanying's whereabouts, right?"


"Have you seen many human beings whose relatives and friends died in the Five Elements Catastrophe?"

"Of course, that's pretty much everyone I meet."

"Do they want revenge?"


"Are they willing to work with you to find their missing relatives?"


“Are there more people helping you, or are there more people trying to harm you?”

Mu Lie was silent. For more than two years, he encountered more bad people than good people, so that he rarely approached towns with slightly more people, and only walked in the wilderness.

"But there are still good people and good monsters." A smile appeared on Mu Lie's young face. "Except for this knife, everything on my body was given to me by kind people. I have been to the Country of Sacrifice, and there are also monsters there. The clan gave me something.”

"Did you give it as a gift, or did you peel it off the dead body yourself?" Yin Buchen showed even more disdain.

Mu Lie stood up and said loudly: "I would rather starve to death or freeze to death than rob a dead body. Let's stop here..."

"Stop it, I made a mistake." Yin Buchen stretched his waist. The nearby monkeys were also full and were fighting for the remaining sticks and fish bones. "By the way, you come out of Zhibu State. , why didn’t you go to Zifeng Mountain with King Ling?”

"Most of the people followed, and some of the remaining people didn't want to leave Yelin Town, which is our hometown. But I didn't expect...my mother often regretted it, saying that she would have gone with everyone."

"It's not much better. I was in Zifeng Mountain during the Five Elements Tribulation. There were still heavy casualties, and a lot of babies were robbed. It was all thanks to the Spirit King and the Beast Master, plus the Holy Mother of Ten Thousand Sons... and me. Save a group of survivors." Yin Bushen sighed, no longer in the mood to boast about his achievements.

"This is the burden I'm talking about." King Huaibi stared blankly at the flames. He was still young, but his face was full of vicissitudes of life, and there were frostbite on the back of his hands. "It is more terrifying than the calamity of the Five Elements. It destroys people's hearts and demons' hearts. They were all deformed by the pressure. Perhaps this is the purpose of Kun Chaos, to make all living beings become possessed by demons."

"Becoming a demon? That's a matter for Taoist priests. Mortals and monsters are not possessed by demons. At most, they are invaded by demons, but the demon species is gone." Yin Buchen corrected.

King Huaibi shook his head, "We are all possessed by demons. All humans and demons are no exception. Some are obvious and some are hidden. There are some things that you would never do before, but you have to do them now, regardless of right or wrong. Victory or failure, isn’t this similar to a Taoist being possessed by a demon?”

"Ha, I'm not what you said..." Yin Buchen frowned, "In the past, I didn't dare to challenge Laojun. Is this a change? Mu Lie, in the past, you didn't dare to go alone in the world. , seek revenge from the Taoist priest?"

"In the past? There used to be a father and uncle, and they wouldn't let me take risks alone." Mu Lie looked sad. He didn't know what it meant to be possessed, but he did "have to do" certain things now.

"All living beings are possessed by demons and the world is possessed by demons. What does Kun Chaos want?" King Huaibi couldn't figure it out.

"Perhaps he wants to eradicate the devil from the world." Mu Xingqiu came over, and a monkey immediately brought up the remains of the last grilled fish. There was not much meat on it, and it was already cold. Mu Xingqiu took it in his hand, Gnaw the last bit of meat and return the fish bones to the monkey.

"I think he is the devil, the biggest devil. Isn't the devil's seed in his hands? He may have been invaded." Yin Buchen was indirectly working for Kun Chaos not long ago, but now he is following the wind and following the Taoist system. The ancestor is the enemy.

Mu Xingqiu knelt on the snow with one leg, took out a paper talisman from the lying officer, threw it into the flames and burned it, then said to King Huaibi, whose face changed slightly: "As long as you still have a heart that can bear it, , sentient beings are not completely possessed by the devil, and Kun Chaos is not successful.”

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