
Chapter 114 The Art of

Like most spells, the effects of the spell are not fixed and become more powerful as the caster's power increases. Xiaoqiu recited the spell loudly to make her momentum stronger. After having the inner elixir, the spell made substantial progress.

It's just that this kind of flying is still too weak for a Xingluo Taoist priest.

In the black smoke that filled the room, a red lightning bolt shot out from Xiaoqiu's fingertips and headed straight for the target's chest. Shen Zhun raised his right hand and caught the end of the lightning in his hand. He was not afraid of the spell at all, but he was furious at the disappearance of the "devil seed" and shouted loudly: "Come out!"

What came out was a head. The bald man bit Shen Zhun's neck and sucked the blood crazily. Shen Zhun seemed to have lost consciousness and did not resist. He allowed half of his body to be soaked in large amounts of blood.

Xiaoqiu's lightning technique seemed to hit the diamond boulder. Not only did it not cause any damage, it bounced back. Xiaoqiu stepped aside and continued to recite the spell silently - this was the only spell he knew how to use. Even if it was ineffective, he would still shoot at the enemy. , in short, he will not give up.

Shen Zhun's bloody left hand showed a small oil lamp, and with a commanding and majestic tone, he shouted again: "Come out!"

The art of soul control has the same effect as the art of controlling the mind. Both are most effective for the weak. Xiaoqiu, who has the inner elixir, has increased her resistance several times. She shook her body for a moment and continued to punch the Mei Xin Fist. The young demon did not appear.

With just one move, Shen Zhun can kill the disciple of Ningdan in front of him, but what he wants is the "Demon Seed". He once used the magic to hold the "Devil Seed" in his hand, but seeing that the soul-linking technique is ineffective , becoming more and more angry, added a lot of mana, and issued the order for the third time: "Come out!"

Xiaoqiu's mind suddenly jumped, something was about to jump out. Xiaoqiu had not yet learned the protection spell, so she could only concentrate her will. Chun used the power of the inner elixir to defend the three Dantians. No matter what the thing was, it returned to the Upper Dantian Niwan Palace.

This extremely asymmetrical fight intensified and finally alerted the guardian outside the house.

Guan Shen Yue opened the three fields, and his eyesight and hearing were among the best among the six, so he was the first to notice the abnormality, "Something's not quite right. There seems to be a fight over there. Could it be that Brother Xiaoqiu and I are fighting?"

"Did Brother Xiaoqiu practice his heaven-defying skills too much and offend me?" Zhou Ping asked worriedly. When I think about what I said just now, my mother likes Xiaoqiu, my heart skips a beat and I regret my garrulousness.

Several teenagers watched quietly, feeling incredible at the lightning dancing in Xiaoqiu's room.

"Even if Mu Xingqiu offends me, it has nothing to do with the heaven-defying technique." Xin Youtao thought that Xiaoqiu's condensation tonight was just a pretense.

So he was not in a hurry. He looked up at the sky and suddenly pointed at the northwest sky and said in surprise: "Look, there's a shooting star."

"What's there to see in the shooting stars?" Xiao Qingtao was short. In order to see Xiaoqiu's house clearly, I had to jump up and down.

"No, look, the meteors are very weird. One...two...many meteors are flying together...flying towards us!"

Xin Youtao's voice became panicked, and the other five disciples turned around and looked. They were all as stunned as the prince: a meteor instead of one was flying at a high speed, passing overhead under their gaze. He went straight to Xiaoqiu's house and smashed it.

"That's the Taoist Priest of Ancestor Peak!" Guan Shenyue was the first to recognize it, "At least ten of them!"

Guan Shenyue took the lead, and several disciples ran towards the house. Only Xiao Qingtao stayed behind. She was deeply afraid of the Taoist priests and did not dare to get too close. It was for this reason that she was able to see another vision this night.

A star lights up at the position of the Ancestor Peak in the northwest. Looking from a distance, it is almost as big as a fist, far exceeding the stars in the sky, and its brightness exceeds half a clear moon.

In the room, Shen Zhun was still trying every possible means to force out the demon species again, but his magic power was gradually weakening. He showed no resistance to the blood-sucking demon head, and blamed the lack of magic power entirely on his bad mood. He was becoming like never before. Even when he was just a child who had not yet condensed his core, he had never felt like this before.

He wanted to kill someone. He wanted to kill Mu Xingqiu who was jumping around and shooting lightning with one move. This boy was like a fly at night, a cicada in summer, the itching on his back, and his strength. It is pitifully weak, but it can bring countless troubles, enough to make even a Taoist priest in the Xingluo realm lose his patience.

"Demon species, demon species." Shen Zhun muttered to himself, trying to fight against the urge to kill. He still remembered that his original purpose was to find the demon species and prove his right to the entire Pangshan Tradition, but this thought Getting weaker and weaker.

"Shen Zhun." A familiar voice came from outside the house.

The Grand Law Enforcer turned his head and smiled, completely unaware of how weird and terrifying his image was: there was an extra head on his shoulder, and the bald man was bleeding while sucking blood, dyeing the left half of his body bright red, surrounding his body, A large amount of black smoke was moving quickly, like poisonous snakes entangled with each other and mating.

"You guys came just in time." Shen Zhun's annoyance subsided slightly, "Come and look, I'm about to force the demon species out. I succeeded once, but it was a pity that it escaped. This time I will hold it firmly catch."

A total of fifteen Taoist priests stood outside the house. Their gazes could easily penetrate the wall. They all took a breath when they looked at the great law enforcer shrouded in black smoke.

Shen Zhun is possessed by a demon. The demon in Mu Songxuan's head is eager to leave his old master and combine with a more powerful and comfortable new master. It has not yet succeeded, but it has already had an obvious impact on Shen Zhun: The most elegant Taoist priest in Pangshan was beyond recognition. He couldn't feel pain and was indifferent to physical injuries. The place where he was bitten by the monster continued to bleed. He refused to cast a spell to stop it. He even felt very comfortable. In his eyes, he didn't feel the slightest bit. Unchanged.

Yang Baozhen took out the Green Jade Ruyi and glanced at Yang Qingyin and Lin Sa on the ground. The possessed person was her husband, but she was calmer than anyone else and said calmly: "Come out, things can still be rectified."

"I'm here to help you, we are all here to help you." Yang Baozhen stepped forward slowly, "Come to me, Shen Zhun, and let me deal with the demon species. You have done enough."

In the corner of the room, Xiaoqiu finally got a chance to breathe. He knew himself and did not continue to attack. Shen Zhun's obsession was exposed. Where is his little devil? Was it also discovered by Taoist priests?

Shen Zhun seemed to be convinced. After seeing his wife, his fatigue became more and more intense, and he even felt drowsy. This was something he had never experienced in hundreds of years, "You deal with the demon species..." Come on... don't let it escape, it's here, it's in everyone's body in Yelin Town, Shen Hao, Mu Xingqiu... Mu Xingqiu!"

Shen Zhun suddenly stopped when he reached the door. His voice also became louder, "No, I am the great law enforcer, and I have to separate the demon species. This is my responsibility, Mu Xingqiu is mine, and all those who carry the demon species will be killed as long as they enter the Pangshan area. Be mine!"

He turned around. Facing the young man in the corner, the oil lamp in his hand was lit again, this time emitting a small ball of black light. It was the same color as the black smoke surrounding it.

His last bit of defense has been eliminated and he is completely possessed.

Xiaoqiu was on full alert, knowing that she was vulnerable, but did not want to sit still and wait for death, let alone rely solely on the protection of the Taoist priests outside the house. Yang Baozhen and others were obviously wary and would not take action easily.

A hundred steps away, several disciples of Zhiyongsuo stopped. They could not see what was going on in the room. They only knew that more than ten Taoist priests of the Five Elements and Discipline disciplines surrounded the house. They all showed their magic weapons, as if facing a formidable enemy. .

More than a dozen Taoist priests moved, but Yang Baozhen's voice became softer, "Shen Zhun, look, Chief Yang Xi has arrived. It is also his responsibility to separate the demon species. You can rest now."

Another meteor flashed by, and a short middle-aged man stood next to Yang Baozhen. He looked around the room for a few times without speaking.

Shen Zhun turned his head and looked at the leader Yang Xi fiercely, "Ah, here comes the weakest and most incompetent leader of Pangshan Taoism. It's because of you that Pangshan is full of loopholes and actually let a group of people with demons sneak in. Ning Qiwei wants to Be responsible, and Yang Xi will be even more responsible. I will put the demon species under your nose later so that you can understand what it is."

Yang Baozhen sighed slightly and took a step back.

Faced with the disparagement of the Grand Law Enforcer, Chief Yang Xi did not refute and only said, "Shen Zhun, you are possessed by a demon."

"Haha." Shen Zhun laughed, and the black smoke around him was followed by snakes dancing wildly, "Am I going to be possessed by a demon? Everyone in the Nine Avenues is possessed by a demon, but I won't be possessed either. Yang Xi, wipe your dim old eyes, you You are no longer worthy of being the head of the Discipline Department, you should give up your inner elixir and repent of your sins!"

Yang Xi still didn't refute, turned to the northwest, pointed his finger and popped up a weak light in the air, which rose to a height of more than ten feet and disappeared.

The star of Laozu Peak a hundred miles away flashed, and a bright light as thick as a thumb shot quickly. When it passed over the Muma Valley, the horses stirred, and Xiao Qingtao lay on the ground shivering, feeling an instinctive fear from the bottom of his heart. , she didn’t know who was emitting the light, and how powerful it was. She was just simply afraid, like an animal accustomed to the dark night being suddenly exposed to the sun.

The eyes of Guan Shenyue and others have been following this beam of light, their mouths wide open, full of awe. Although the obvious spells are usually very low-level, the most profound spells that span time and space will also show traces to mortals.

Yang Baozhen and others, including Yang Xi, the head of the Discipline Department, all stepped aside, like ministers greeting the king, and bowed to the beam of light with Taoist rituals.

Shen Zhun still laughed. He no longer knew what fear was. Anger was like a fire, blinding his eyes. "Zuo Liuying! Zuo Liuying! Zuo Liuying, who has no eyesight! Have you been deceived as well? Demon?" The seed is in Pangshan, but you want to attack me? Come on, let me see the magic of the forbidden secret department!"

All the black smoke around Shen Zhun condensed into one, transformed into the shape of a giant dragon, and faced the beam of light.

A few dozen feet away from the house, light and smoke met. The speed of the light slowed down significantly, but did not stop. It moved forward foot by foot, ww.nh. The cm black dragon kept being split apart and then reshaped.

The divine Taoist priest who is qualified to leave his name on the Patriarch's Tower still casts spells from hundreds of miles away, which is still difficult for Shen Zhun in the Xingluo realm to resist.

After a moment, Shen Zhun gave up and opened his arms, "I have a clear conscience, and there is no magic for you..."

The beam of light hit Shen Zhun's forehead, paused for a moment, and then completely disappeared.

Shen Zhun smiled. The obsession did not make him panic, but made him more confident.

Suddenly, the black smoke surrounding the body penetrated into the owner's body in panic, like a small beast that smelled the scent of a natural enemy.

Then, a drop of black blood seeped out from Shen Zhun's forehead, shook slightly, and fell to the ground.

The bald man screamed in joy, let go of Shen Zhun's neck, and rushed towards Heixue. Xiaoqiu jumped up and held his head tightly in his arms.

The Grand Law Enforcer's smile froze.

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