
Chapter 125 Collapse

The path of spiritual practice is full of disasters. Even with the patient guidance of the best forerunners, there are still a considerable number of people who are unable to survive the disasters. At least they stop moving forward, at worst they go astray, and even lead to the tragedy of destroying their elixir.

Shen Shang, a disciple of the Taoist sect, was defeated by Bengjie.

He is the eldest son of the Shen family. He has shouldered the great expectations of his parents since he was a child. His life's spiritual path has been well planned: he grew up patiently in the first ten years, learned about Taoism, and had a clear idea of ​​the future path early on. He entered the Yangshen Peak at the age of eleven and returned to the Ancestor Peak at the age of fourteen. He condensed his energy into elixirs within a month. From the first level of inhalation to the seventh level, every step was done step by step. At the age of twenty, he was ready to move towards the Swallowing Smoke Dao Fruit. A small miracle was created.

At this moment, disaster struck unexpectedly, and Shen Shang suddenly became disheartened and lost all confidence in his future. Shen Zhun and Yang Baozhen looked on with cold eyes at the plight of their eldest son. They had provided all the help that parents in the aisle should give, and there was nothing they could do at this time. They could only hope that Shen Shang would be able to overcome the disaster on his own as soon as possible.

This hope lasted for more than eighty years.

"Can you understand this feeling?" Shen Shang pulled the chair and sat down, changing his face again. It seemed that the person standing in front of him was not a disciple who had just condensed the elixir, but an expert who could answer questions and give guidance at any time. Realm Taoist priest, "You are walking on a road. This is your first time on the road, but you know every fork, every turn, and every mountain and river ahead of you. You go on. Let's go, we finally crossed a hurdle. For ordinary people, this is a good thing worth celebrating, but for you, this is just the first of countless hurdles. There are more to come, all There may be almost no one left. Then you think, what’s the point of stopping earlier?”

Xiaoqiu couldn't understand. He found it ridiculous that Shen Shang used "you" instead of "I" to talk about his problems, as if this could reduce some sense of failure. So he said: "So what? I know that sooner or later I will die, but I will not wait for death from now on. One more step is one step, and if possible, I still want to run away and run forward." Woolen cloth."

Shen Shang was slightly stunned, not expecting that the other party would actually say something that made his heart move. Then he smiled and shook his head. "You still don't understand. Let's put it another way, like you and Qin Lingshuang.

"What happened between me and her?" Xiaoqiu didn't like others mentioning Fangfang, so her tone was a little harsh.

"Don't be embarrassed, Qin Lingshuang is your wife, and most of the people in Pangshan know it." Shen Shang waved his hand indifferently.

Baldy crawled along Xiaoqiu's back. Two eyes appeared from above the shoulders, showing a ferocious expression like a beast, "Fangfang is Brother Xiaoqiu's wife, Qin Lingshuang is not."

Shen Shang ignored the bald man, "Have you ever thought about it, you can only choose one between mortal fate and Tao fate. Choose mortal fate,

You can only cultivate to the realm of swallowing smoke. If you want to take a step forward, you must cut off your fate; to choose a fate, you have to wait dozens or even hundreds of years, and you have to form a mortal fate before that. Of course, mortal fate can be replaced by fake love and identity, but can you wait? When you pour your love into another person, can you still think about Qin Lingshuang? Or will she still remember you? If you are a disciple of Taoism like me, you will understand how illusory "fate" is. If you miss it, you will miss it. As time goes by, you will never feel the same as you do today. After knowing all this. Can you still love Qin Lingshuang with peace of mind? "

No one has ever talked about the future of Xiaoqiu and Fangfang so frankly. Xiaoqiu couldn't answer for a while. Bald Man whispered in his ear: "Don't listen to the liar. We don't care about Qin Lingshuang, Brother Xiaoqiu. You just need to marry Fang." Just Fang.”

"Fangfang is Qin Lingshuang, just like you are called Bald Zi and Mu Songxuan." Xiaoqiu said.

"Oh." The bald man suddenly realized, "Then it's even simpler. Marry Fangfang when you are destined to be mortal, and marry Qin Lingshuang when you are destined to be destined."

Shen Shang laughed, his eyes still fixed on Mu Xingqiu, knowing that his words touched the other person's heart. He was over a hundred years old this year, and his childish face concealed a sophisticated heart.

Xiaoqiu shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed with his bald man. He had never told anyone his plans for the future. This time he would make an exception, "I like Fangfang, and Fangfang likes me. If this feeling is strong, When the time comes that we must be together, then we will form a mortal bond. If it is not that strong, then we will go our separate ways. As for the relationship in the future, of course we will talk about it when the time comes. If a sheep falls on the cliff, I will think about it. Whether it's roasted or stewed, there's nothing on the cliff, so why should I bother?"

Shen Shang was stunned again and sat on the chair and thought for a while, "We are two types of people. It has nothing to do with our birth status. We are two completely opposite types of people. I envy you very much. You may never meet me." Bengjie, just like Zuo Liuying, is not born to fall in love with anyone, and does not even need to consider mortal or Taoist fate."

"Zuo Liuying has a wife." Xiaoqiu reminded.

"Haha, the one named Huanyue? It seems you don't know anything about Zuo Liuying. He is a genius who was born with Taoist roots and started practicing before he was born. There are countless geniuses in various Taoist traditions, but there are only a few geniuses. This kind of person's thinking is completely different from that of you and me. His so-called wife is just a title, indicating that he is very interested in this imaginary woman, just like he is interested in demon seeds and new spells, just like you are interested in this imaginary woman. Qing Lingshuang's feelings are not the same at all."

"We are talking about you. You have never survived the crisis."

"It's all your fault for interrupting." Shen Shang passed the responsibility to Mu Xingqiu and sat in his chair, lost in thought again, "Anyway, I haven't wanted to practice since I was twenty years old. I don't understand what's the use of practicing so hard. What’s the point of prolonging life? I’ve given up practicing. I still have to spend at least two or three hours a day thinking about it. Is it possible to kill demons anyway? Clean ones, what impact will the few I kill have? "

Shen Shang exhaled a long breath, but his child-like face showed a negative expression that had gone through many vicissitudes of life. "The most important thing is that I felt too tired. At first, I just wanted to sit down and rest for a while. It turned out that after more than eighty years, I never stood up, and the more I sat, the more comfortable I became. Taoist priests who breathe at the seventh level usually live for one hundred, thirty or forty years, and will never grow old. For Taoist priests, I can live for twenty or thirty years. , but I’m not anxious at all, I even think it’s a relief.”

There are a lot of such disciples in Zhiyong, but they have not yet condensed the elixir and cannot be called "Bengjie". There is no way to explain it in such detail as Shen Shang.

Xiaoqiu looked at Shen Shang and did not regard him as a senior who was more than a hundred years old. He was just a teenage Taoist priest. "Taoist priests can keep their appearance at a certain age. Why are you getting younger and younger?"

Shen Shang picked up the mirror on the table and looked at it for a while. The bald man behind Xiao Qiu made a series of threatening sounds.

"I didn't mean it. I shrunk unknowingly. Maybe I regretted condensing the pill." Shen Shang held the mirror and couldn't put it down. The bald man's screams became louder and louder, "Looking back carefully, I miss not being able to cultivate the spirit the most. Life before Feng. Dao disciples can see the hidden animals in the courtyard without opening their eyes. I still like to play with them. This is probably the only similarity between me and Zuo Liuying. "

The bald man jumped out suddenly, Xiaoqiu held a strand of hair tightly, and his head still jumped a few feet away over his shoulders. He grinned and shouted: "Mine! The mirror is mine, don't touch my mirror!"

Shen Shang stood up and held the mirror in front of the bald man. "Cheapskate, as if I would snatch your broken mirror."

"Look, I really hope that I can be like him, particularly interested in something, and even willing to fight for it. As long as I do this. Maybe I can survive the disaster and continue to practice."

Shen Shang's tone was full of envy, "I said I like animals, but I'm just sorry that the spirit beast died. If it were Zuo Liuying, even if Tan Yang fell into the fire by himself, he wouldn't Leave you meat-eating guys alone.”

"It's just a spiritual beast, is it more important than Pangshan's disciples?"

"You don't understand. The importance of disciples is related to practice. Ordinary disciples reach the realm of dining rosy, and Taoist disciples are important people only when they obtain the smoke-swallowing Taoist fruit. Before that, haha, there were less than 600 spiritual beasts in Pangshan. There are one or two thousand "unimportant" disciples, which one do you think is more important?"

Xiaoqiu still felt that people were important, but he did not argue, "Now that you want to survive the disaster, what are you interested in? Demon species? Or avenging your father?"

"Responsibility." Shen Shang's face turned so fast that even his seriousness seemed like a joke, "The Dao family also has the concept of ordinary people. If my father is here, I can be a child. If he is taken away from the pill, as the eldest son, I will Gotta show up.”

"Shen Zhun made a mistake. I don't have a demon seed. No one in Yelin Town has a demon seed. It's the same if you show up."

"It's not important. The key is that I care about my identity as the eldest son. This is something that has never happened in more than eighty years. Maybe I can use this to survive the collapse, so I have to do something to you to make you admit defeat." , let you acknowledge the Shen family’s status with all your heart.”

"You can just do it at any time. Why talk nonsense?" Xiaoqiu let go of the bald man's hair and became alert again.

"Because I have a very good impression of you, .nsh.com Really, I never thought you had a devil. You have courage, enthusiasm, and daring to take on responsibilities. These are all very good qualities, so I have to remind you in advance. And You are too weak now, and if revenge is too easy, it will be of little help in overcoming the tribulation. You have to work hard, at least to reach the third level of inhalation, to be qualified to be my opponent."

Xiaoqiu snorted. The Shen family were all very strange. This Shen Shang seemed normal at first, but now he has become the weirdest one. "Has anyone ever said that you are shameless? I would rather you attack when you come up than Talk a lot of nonsense.”

"Shameless? Haha, I like this title. It's better than incompetent and waste. Okay, let me be a little more shameless."

The two of them attacked at the same time, but Shen Shang was already prepared. He cast the protective spell in advance, took Xiao Qiu's Mei Xin Fist, and launched an attack at the same time.

Xiaoqiu, who was fully on guard, could not avoid it. A whirling white light penetrated directly into his heart, passed close to the hairline of the bald man, and shattered the mirror he was admiring.

Shen Shang laughed and left, "If you're not dead, practice quickly. I can't wait too long!"

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