
Chapter 180 Cave

Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang had no blood on their bodies. Even so, they were the first to leave the island by boat after being inspected by Yashan Taoist priests. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

The two of them took Bald Man directly to the island where the Instant Stage was located, waiting for their companions to arrive.

Most of the people on the island are disciples of various Taoist traditions. They have heard about what happened at the market and are talking about it.

"Asan is in trouble this time. There are at least a thousand people in the market. It won't take more than a month to absorb all the spiritual energy from the bottle of sword-washing water."

"I heard that Qishan may temporarily lift the ban on the Central Five Islands, so that he can freely cast spells and recover spiritual power much faster."

"Du Fangfeng's move... is really amazing."

"But how could he self-destruct? Qishan Islands clearly cast spells without knowing it, especially in the market, where the restrictions are the strongest."

"What's even more strange is why he treats Asan like this? There is no grudge between the two parties."

Everyone's doubts were also Mu Xingqiu's. The person Du Fangfeng fell in love with was Luan Jingshan Feng Ruhui. This act of self-destruction brought great trouble to Yashan, but it may not attract Feng Ruhui's attention. None of the high-level Taoist priests would care about this kind of thing.

He and Fangfang were discussing in a low voice when Lan Qizhang came back from the market. There was only a drop of blood on his clothes, which was quickly sucked away by the Asan Taoist priest.

"I don't plan to go with you anymore." He said, looking only at Qin Lingshuang.

"Do you want to go back to the Forbidden Secret Tower to practice in peace?" Fangfang asked.

Lan Qizhang nodded, "Traveling is meaningless to me, it's just a waste of time, and -" He finally glanced at Mu Xingqiu, "It seems like you won't change your mind, so so be it, I hope The two of you can break away from the mortal bond early and make rapid progress on the path of spiritual practice."

"Break mortal fate early" sounds like a curse, but to the Taoist priest it is the most sincere blessing. The two sides exchanged Taoist gifts, and Lan Qizhang stepped towards the instant stage. Never look back.

"Go slowly. I won't send you off." The bald man stood on Mu Xingqiu's shoulder and said happily loudly. He found a female Taoist priest not far away looking at him curiously and making a fierce face at her.

"What a weirdo." Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but say, "He's looking forward to severing our mortal bond before we even have it."

Fangfang pursed her lips and smiled. Just as he was about to speak, Yang Qingyin and others also came back.

There wasn't much blood on their clothes, but they were in a very unhappy mood. You and I scolded Du Fangfeng as an "old bastard".

"You two are running too fast. There's going to be a big commotion on the island." Yang Qingyin was still slapping the blood-stained area on her clothes, "Yashan Taoist Priest is busy. That Hong Futian's He has the most blood. Everyone said that Du Fangfeng actually wanted to give him the spiritual power of Chi Shui, and others were just a cover-up. Hey, where did Lan Qizhang go? "

"He has returned to Pangshan."

Yang Qingyin laughed twice. "It's okay to leave. He doesn't even participate in killing monsters. It's really boring. It just so happens that Shen Jiyi has become a blood man and can't leave on the island. The six of us are the only ones left -" The bald man let out a series of coughs , Yang Qingjian had to change his mind, "Seven of us - the seven of us will continue to refine the magic weapon, and then kill and rush to Jingshan Mountain. The sea monsters must not take action too early."

Several people walked towards the instant platform in the center of the island. Xiao Qingtao was the fastest and had a strange look on her face. She seemed to be frightened by the self-destruction scene. While waiting in line, she kept turning her head and looking back, "What on earth is going on?" she said. He looked at each of his companions in confusion, "The demon king Qi Wuxia a few years ago, today's Du Fangfeng, the demon clan and the casual cultivator's spells are getting more and more weird, and even the Taoist order can't see through it beforehand."

"It's all related to Mr. Yishi." Mu Xingqiu said. He knew a little more about this mysterious half-demon. A high-level Taoist priest like Yang Baozhen must know more about the inside story, but he was not qualified to ask more questions. Even the Taoist sect His daughter Yang Qingyin is also like everyone else. Although she is curious about Mr. Yishi, she knows very little about him.

They returned to Hongshan and could not go to the next stop immediately. Instead, they left the instant platform and waited in line again. Several people met Lan Qizhang who was in the front and greeted each other politely, but no one said anything.

If Du Fangfeng's goal was just to become famous all over the world, it can be said to be very successful. Hongshan Instant Platform is the transit place for the Nine Dao Traditions. There are many Taoist priests gathered there. They have heard the news and are discussing with each other seriously.

Mu Xingqiu was very confused: Granny Feng probably didn't know about Du Fangfeng's secret love. What would happen no matter how big Du Fangfeng made things?

Hongshan is the highest peak of the Taoist system. The summit is a huge momentary platform, surrounded by a flat land covered with gravel. There is no vegetation planted. The view is excellent, but the situation below the mountain cannot be seen.

The way several Pangshan disciples looked around attracted the attention of a Hongshan Taoist priest, who came over and said with a smile: "What are you looking for? Lost something?"

"Nothing." Everyone responded casually. Only the bald man couldn't tell the situation and said loudly and excitedly: "We are looking for demons. I heard that the northern demons in the land of demons are going to attack Hongshan."

The Bald Man was originally hidden in the big gourd, but after passing through Yashan and Qishan, Mu Xingqiu discovered that Taoist disciples were very capable of accepting strange things, so he allowed the Bald Man to stay on his shoulder. When everyone was talking last night, the bald man was obviously "sleeping", but he didn't expect that he heard a few words and didn't know how to keep it secret.

"Hello, my name is Mu Songxuan, and I am a disciple of Pangshan." The bald man said loudly to the Taoist priest's leaving figure.

It was Hong Futian's theory that Hongshan was going to be attacked. Because of Du Fangfeng's weird self-destruction, the credibility of the non-demon cultivator was also greatly reduced.

"This is the formation of suspicion." Yang Qingyin concluded, "The demon clan wants the Nine Dao System to disperse its power so that they can concentrate on attacking Luanjing Mountain."

Everyone thought it was reasonable. Mu Xingqiu also nodded, but he was still a little confused: he was just an ordinary Taoist priest who did not even have the qualifications to speak within the Taoism, let alone influence the decisions of the masters. Hongfu Tianxuan He sent the message, but it was completely wrong.

It was finally their turn to use the Instantaneous Platform. The next stop for Pangshan disciples was Xingshan.

Xingshan is one of the three Taoist islands located in the far north sea. Except for Yang Qingyin, everyone else came here for the first time, although they already knew about it. What they saw after arriving still surprised them.

There was darkness in front of them. From the high and vast Hongshan Mountain to a place like this, even people with third eyes had to adapt for a while. Soon they discovered that this was an extremely large room. Although there were hundreds of candles and torches burning all around. Still not enough to light up the entire room.

For such a big house, the instantaneous platform occupies a very small area. Six people plus one head already seemed a bit crowded.

A Xingshan Taoist priest with a cold face came over and said, "Are you here to pull out the magic cave?"

"Yes!" The bald man was very energetic today. The scene of Du Fangfeng's self-destruction was very attractive to him, if Mu Xingqiu hadn't run so fast. At that time, he really wanted to rush over and open his mouth to receive a shower of blood.

Taoist priest Xingshan took out a book. He had received notification from Pangshan a long time ago, so he knew the identity of the visitor. He ran his finger across, "Qin Lingshuang, Mu Xingqiu, Shen Hao, Xin Youtao, and Pei Shurong, a total of five Pangshan disciples. He looked at Yang Qingyin and said, "You thought about it a few years ago. You can't go again today."

"I can just wait here. It's a small cave. I don't want to go there a second time."

The Taoist priest pointed at the bald man and said, "You can't bring this thing in. You have to keep it."

"Thing?" The bald man was angry, his hair was wrapped around Mu Xingqiu's neck, and his head rushed in front of the Taoist priest, "Mu Songxuan, a disciple of Pangshan, can talk and recite poems, you call me a 'thing'? Can I still It’s biting.”

The bald man showed two rows of teeth. The Xingshan Taoist priest was startled and leaned back, "Uh... that won't work either. You don't have inner elixirs and can't refine magic weapons, so you still can't go to the magic cave to think."

The bald man wanted to say more, but Yang Qingyin reached out and brought him over, "Just wait here with me. Xingshan is a prison, and the Taoist priests here are all jailers. Be careful to lock you up."

The bald man fell silent, and all five of them said goodbye to him and followed another Taoist priest out.

It's darker outside, the wind is biting, there is ice and snow everywhere, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and the stars and moon occasionally flash, revealing a little light. Without opening your third eye, there is no way to tell the direction here.

The Taoist priest who led the way made an introduction almost every day, so his tone was very casual, "Xingshan has only night and no day. Be careful not to freeze. Now you can look back. We just walked out of the Star Collection Tower. It is five hundred and fifty feet high, and all the Xingshan disciples live in it. The top of the tower is the Eternal Pearl, which echoes Wangshan Mountain. The weather is bad today, so you can't see it..."

Several people walked against the wind and glanced back quickly. No one could clearly see the appearance of the Star Collection Tower. They could only vaguely see a very tall building, like a strange mountain peak. As for the appearance of the entire Xingshan Island, no one can see it.

The wind was strong, but fortunately the road was not long. Taoist priest Xingshan led five people into a cave.

The cave is semicircular, no more than ten feet high, and a little over three feet wide at its widest point. There are more than a dozen sunken niches evenly distributed on the cave wall, but nothing is placed inside.

"Ba Mo Cave is a prison of the Nine Dao Traditions. It is specially designed to imprison those who are not possessed by demons but have violated the important precepts of the Dao Tradition. So you should be careful. It is enough to think about it here once. Don't come here a second time."

Taoist priest Xingshan looked seriously at the faces of the five Pangshan disciples and said, "Choose a niche yourself and sit in it. I will wake you up later."

The Taoist priest turned around and went out. anssh.m

The five of them were a little uneasy. Xin Youtao said, "I really miss Yashan. Although the Taoist priests there are hypocritical, they are at least very enthusiastic. They are the same in Qishan and Xingshan. It seems that other Taoist traditions owe them favors."

Pulling out the magic cave is the first step in refining the magic weapon. It is just a ritual, but it cannot be omitted. It is used to show that the Taoist priest is very clear about his future responsibilities.

Several people each chose an alcove to sit in. Although Mu Xingqiu's training was mainly boxing, he was also good at thinking. Today, for some reason, he couldn't get into the state. He always felt restless. Why? It's not comfortable to sit on.

After a while, he finally understood that the source of discomfort was the treasure bag hanging on his waist.

Mu Xingqiu took off the treasure bag, opened it and took a look. He actually saw a small red dot inside. He reached out and took out the magic scroll. He could see a drop of bright red blood on it without opening it.

Apart from Du Fangfeng, Mu Xingqiu couldn't think of anyone else who could leave this drop of blood.

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