Now I'm running. That's also at fierce speed!
Some, because I ran into a freak. Yes, with that weird guy.
things happened early in the morning.
Sometimes I got up early and was free, and I met a very pretty woman on the road trying to stop at the center of interest because I was concerned about the field being in the castle. I know it would be rude to pry into a woman's age, but I'm pretty sure she's not her age. I think she's about my mother's age, but she has a strangely youthful beauty. Instead of being forced to make it young, I felt that there was a beautiful figure alive as I wished.
I don't know, I've been watching that guy for a while. It was viewed... a little different. I don't know, the guy, he's a little crazy.
It enters a field of herbs, a field lined with herbs that Toto is likely to grow, sniffing around one after another. Pick the herb and sniff it close to your nose, what an elegant trick to show. He himself is bending over and pressing his nose against the herb and sniffing it. It's a gentle behavior for herbs, but not for myself. Especially for a beautiful woman who seems to grow up as well as she does.
I can't stop, I got a voice.
"Um, what are you doing?
"Huh? What... I'm sniffing herbs?
They said something strange about this one. I mean, in her, it's normal to sniff herbs, and she thinks I'm crazy for questioning it.
"Oh, really? Why do you sniff in such a position? I don't think it's very ladylike behavior."
"If you've been a lady for as long as I have, you can do this much. You can't yet."
Level issues? You think my experience as a nobleman is still low?
"It was information I didn't know yet"
"Right? That's all we're talking about here?
They shouldn't spread this beautiful story. I'm not even going to spread it out. Spreading it won't be popular though.
"Do you like medicinal herbs? Just a little, but I'm familiar with it, too."
"Oh, I don't like herbs at all. Rather, this field feels like an enemy position."
I can't see the story at all!
"Then again, what are they doing?
"That's why you're sniffing the herbs, isn't it?
I can't go on!
"... that this field is an enemy formation is possibly even a hostile inspection? Compared to my herbs."
"Heh heh, you derived it without a lot of haste. But you're only half right."
I felt like I was in a hurry... How about that? It's my fault I got tangled up in this gorgeous freak.
"The herbs here are really good growing up. You can honestly ask the guy you're raising for the trick, don't you regret it? That's why I came here early in the morning to reveal my secrets. By the way, it's not the herbs I'm raising. It's even better."
"Well, it's the vegetables you're growing. What is this, Mr. Tsukimi??
Finally she turned to me.
If you look seriously at his face from the front, there's a shadow of him. I mean, there is, pretty much the same thing. It's like this is what happens when you get old as it is.
"Eliza's mother......?
"Yeah, that's right. That's what you are, Kurli, isn't it?
"You know what?
"Absolutely. Half the letters from my daughter are your information."
"Oh really..."
It's information that's difficult to react to. It stinks a little.... it stinks so good. Geez.
"Are you taking care of Eliza?
"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter... and it doesn't matter. Friend? Yes, as a friend, we are getting along very well! Yes!!"
"Yes... you're here..."
Keep your eyes closed and don't come packing the distance! And keep your face away from me! I feel like I'm gonna be spotted!
I can't stop sweating. Hey, it's close!! Close, close, close!
"Let's just leave it at this, shall we?"
"Ha, thank you......"
I felt like a jerk. Thank you. Why are you thanking me?
Shit, this guy's quite a crook! Really, I feel like I'm having a different year doing freaks.
"Kurli, you're free now, right? Give me a hand."
"Fine. I was just going to see the fields that Tsukimi does, because it's not a big deal."
They pulled my ear. Well, if you're busy, you can't.
"You're familiar with herbs, aren't you? Then we'll explore secrets together."
"I'm not a master enough to know just by the smell..."
The two of us sniffed around bending to the ground. A good little herb growing up here. Secret? There's no way I know what it is. Yeah, it smells like dirt, or something like this herb tung.
"How's that, okay?
"No, it's reckless. Let's go ask honestly. If you don't want me to, you can ask."
"No! This is a fight. There is a fool who asks the enemy general the secret of the strength of the soldiers!?
What is that analogy...... Are you rivalry conscious?
Isn't it nice in the sun or something?
"Ah! Mr. Tsukimi, the guy you're sniffing right now, you can eat him for food."
"That's the one my friends who are familiar with medicinal herbs often hang on to when they're hungry. They're polypoly and delicious."
When I go to the vinyl house, I have often seen Toto twitch polypolypolypolypoly. Is it delicious? And when I asked, well... that's normal. They say so, but let's make it delicious.
"Oh, I heard good things about that."
Mr. Tsukimi broke his stem pompously. Keep going, another bottle. When I held the herb in my hand, I grinned and turned my face to this one.
"I'll eat it. Maybe we'll find out the secret."
"It was originally like a thief, but it turned out to be real"
"It's okay, it's okay. I've split the carrots for you in the meantime, so this is Evan."
I don't know if it's Even, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm above guilt.
"Then why are they herbs if they can be eaten for food?"
"They need special treatment to use it as a herb."
Mr. Tsukimi came to see how unexpectedly she could use it. It's my discretionary image, and I don't know if that emotion is true, but it's probably true.
Then I'll head to the kitchen.
The agility of the action from there was amazing. I don't think she's a very aristocratic woman. I don't think it's a very age-appropriate move.
Her terrible speed as she ran off.
"Hey, wait! Quick!!
Occasionally the distance goes away again. If I don't run this one as hard as I can, they'll leave me. I don't know where the kitchen is, so I'm in trouble when they leave me!... you in trouble?
Think later. I have to go after him now.
It's so fast. I wonder why she's running.
I think I understand why Mr. Tsukimi is being told that he is a disgrace. I ran. I ran desperately. That's also at fierce speed.
"Ha-ha-ha, why are you running!
"Ha, come on, ha, 'cause I want to eat!
Kitchen finally reached. I'm not in the mood for a snack.
"You can even eat it raw, that"
"Right. I'm going to eat one raw. I thought I'd fry the other one."
... Is that what I took the two bottles for? I thought you took more than one for me. Ha... Ha.
"Wash him beautifully with water and chop him into bite sizes with a knife"
Speaking alone, he handily arranged himself on a plate.
Eat with Polypoli. She has a cute mouth. Perhaps being cute is rude.
"Oh, you're not eating?
What!? Do you have my share!?
I don't want to eat anything, but I was so happy.
I ate while polypolizing, too.
... Yeah, that's normal.
I knew you would, didn't I? I should have told you it was delicious.
"Maybe we should try some fried food."
Mr. Tsukimi cooks handily as usual. I thought I was pretty good at cooking.
"Eliza, too, are you good at cooking?
"... you should make it. So we'll see, huh?
"... right"
To, to, meat potatoes please!!
The fried food was also finished and this one had my share properly. Cover with salt, I'll have it. The polypoly is gone and the texture is dusty. Still......
"That's normal."
"A good growing secret, do you understand?
"Not at all"
That's right. If you just find out to eat it, that's a great talent.
"Well, if this happens, I'll have to ask you directly."
"You ask the enemy general how strong the soldiers are!?
"I'm not going to say business!
You said it!
"Kurli, you're free after this, right?
"Yes, because I only have business of no significance enough to see Mr. Tsukimi's field"
He was there, and he pulled my ear again.
"Then come to us. Eliza's here too."
Are you sure? But I'm nervous. Do you mind?!? Really.
"You're close to Prince Larser, aren't you? You two, come on."
"Right, let's go then..."
"Yes, today, then. I'll wait."
Your mother approved it. If your mother invites you, then you'll go. Right? Nothing else, though. If my friend's mother invites me, I have to go.
That's why I decided to lure Larser to Eliza's house.
"Actually, this is your first home, isn't it? My father works face-to-face with each other every day, because we're not close to each other. Still, I've seen the Chancellor's house a few times from the outside, but it's a lovely house."
What kind of house would that be? Sometimes Wang capital has a lot of nobility, and I've seen it many times as a luxurious house, but I guess it would be awesome to have a house as complimented by Larsser.
As far as I'm concerned......, normal.
The arrival of the Eliza family, but in a mansion of a size not very different from ours, the garden is not even large.
What's so awesome? I felt that. It's Wang Du, so it's expensive or something?
"Aniki, you're kind of wondering. You still don't know what's amazing."
Larser asking pleasantly. Tell me quickly.
"This is a mansion handed down from generation to generation by the First Chancellor. Don't look fancy, this is a mansion where only those who hold the office of Chancellor and their families are allowed to live. Even if you're royal, it's a forbidden area to enter without permission. It has the weight of history. It's beautiful."
Heh, heh, cool. Some kind of brand-force guy? So brilliantly impressed by its awesomeness...
"Like a call bell... can I touch it?
"Of course it is. You don't have to refuse visitors."
Okay, then...
I'm kind of nervous about ringing the bell when I hear so much talk earlier.
..., the ringing bells are really normal, and the galangarans and metal ring, but it doesn't sound like they call the fairies, it really sounds mediocre. Maybe I'm using something better at home.
"Which is it?
There is a voice coming from the inside of the gate. Male... who would be serving this house.
"I'm probably a butler who serves the Chancellor's house for generations. He's very talented and famous."
Larser said he's never been here, but I'm familiar with you. Is it a famous thing in Wang Du?
"My name is Kurli Helan. Master Tsukimi invited me to dinner..."
Somehow, suddenly, a bad feeling flashed back.
"I'm sorry. Master Tsukimi hasn't been back in about another week, so I don't know what he's talking about."
It's not telling!!
Second tragedy after coming to Wang Du! Visit a friend's house but can't get in, Act II!!
"Well, Master Tsukimi..."
I'm saying something that Larser realized with a bitter laugh. We've been through this! Has Larser already been tutored by that guy......
"I don't know what to do"
"Why don't you change that to mean you've come to visit Aniki's friend Eliza? Your friends are coming to see you, and you don't have an appointment or anything, do you?
Huh? Nothing. I'm fine with that, too?
But, hey, just a minute. I have a period of mind preparation. Just a little bit.
"You know, with a change. I'm here to see my alumni, Eliza."
"Dear Tsukimi, This often happens. I'm sorry. Please wait while Eliza comes back."
He's a polite man. Is that guy swinging by Mr. Tsukimi, too?
After a while, the butler from earlier came back. The gate still won't open for me.
"Lord Kurli, Eliza says you're welcome, but we need some time now, so please wait outside a little longer. I have a message for you. I was making chiffon cakes, and I failed, so I got my clothes dirty. I'd like to welcome you in formal clothes, so please wait."
That's why I still can't get you in.
"Aniki, I think I smell sweet potatoes from the mansion, but do you even make something delicious"
"No, I smell sweet potatoes, too. Probably baked potatoes. It seems Eliza can't believe it's baked potatoes on such a cold day. And I envy you."
"Aniki, you're rude to Eliza on the boulder. Isn't it decided that someone else is baking? I can't believe Eliza baked potatoes like she mirrored that deep-window warrant. And the butler said he was making chiffon cakes."
You're young, Larser.
"Yes, you're right. My Lord Eliza makes“ chiffon cake ”. It's the servants who do" baked potatoes. "
Wow, the butler who said Larser was competent pushed me just in case. I'm too suspicious. It's covered. The smell pumps.
"Eliza likes potatoes, so I'm pretty sure it's Eliza doing baked potatoes..."
"... I didn't think it would be a good idea to find out from the butler's standpoint, but it was actually this me who was baking potatoes. I was savotage at work. I said something ugly about rubbing a sin on a servant earlier, but hehe, I was the one eating it."
You finally cut yourself off!? Competent, this guy's like a butler's mirror.
I'm sorry, I'm stuck deep down.
"... the butler is quite tearful, too"
"Yes, boys. I don't want to forget all the pranks."
I'm sorry, I let you downgrade me to an unscrupulous butler.
"Aniki, you were surprisingly familiar."
Larser has whispered that to me. I don't know if that's okay anymore.
Floater, open the gate.
I thought I heard a rush from behind the gate, and Eliza's beautiful voice sounded instantly. After all she's done, she's finally here. Haven't we seen each other for a long time?
A floater would mean a butler. The gate opened at the same time that the go-sign came out.
In front of the mansion, a beautiful woman wrapped in a white haired butler with low hips and a red dress standing about three steps high in front of the front door at the back. There was Eliza with a lovely atmosphere that was gorgeous, sophisticated, dazzling and somewhere gentle.
"Welcome, Master Kurli. Oh, even Prince Larser. You're both welcome.... I just don't think it's much of a gentleman's business to visit a girl's house all of a sudden. Girls need time for discipline, right?
Maidens are secretive.
I'm sorry, but it was your mother who set you up. Now I'll come where the potatoes have been treated.
After a polite gratuity, Eliza turned a rare, bright, girly smile on me.... are you welcome... is that okay? You don't hate me, do you?... Is that all I need to know?
Step by step to Eliza.
What shall we talk about? Glad you had Larser. If we were alone, we could have had legs. It's ringing, it's my heartbeat.
As the excitement intensifies, so does the distance from Eliza......
Is that it?
Eliza's outfit, which also seemed perfect... is that it? There's something on your mouth...?
Is that it? I knew you were following me. This is... a potato meal!
You ate!?
I knew you were in a hurry to clean up the baked potatoes, but you ate them!? It's unexpected!!
If you dress so perfectly, watch your mouth too! No, I ate it after wearing it back!? Wasted and ate in that beautiful outfit!?
Hey! Looks like Mr. Floater finally noticed that he would have weakened his eyesight a little!?
You look so pale! Someone who feels so calm is shaking like a rattle.
My hands keep scratching my cheeks unnaturally regardless!!
"Floater, what's wrong with you? Soften up like you."
Is that where you're going to say it? Mr. Eliza, notice him! To the sincerity of his actions!
I can see Mr. Floater being struck by despair. I don't know, I'm sorry, I want to say.
"Eliza, you have a chiffon cake eating cuss on your face. Surprisingly, you have a little something."
LARSER!! LARSER worked like an angel for me. That's potato eating cunt, though. Thanks for mistaking me for a chiffon cake. That innocence saved everyone here.
Eliza rushed into the mansion immediately.
Mr. Floater stands in front of us at the same time.
"Please wait," I won't say any more. I won't tell you, but the pressure is terrific.
I heard it for a moment, but I feel like I've been whispering about my whole life's unconsciousness. It's not your fault. Bad eating Eliza. No, the public perception that potatoes don't deserve a lady is bad. Sinners on this occasion!
Eliza is back. Turn your face bright red.
I think it's perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned, but even if I say it, no, she's going to care. Well, now we're still immature. It doesn't necessarily get round to maturity, but someday I want to tell you if I knew. Yam, you can eat until you feel comfortable.
"Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
Mr. Eliza!? I was laughing that way!?
"Ma'am! Not at all, someone named you. Though I knew Chiffon Cake had no eyes!
What!? What's the breathtaking radish play between this butler and the lady?!?
"... Eliza likes chiffon cake! It's a big admirer, so don't do it at school!
The cause is that we came all of a sudden, and we should probably stay on this play here.
"Ha-ha, you're the best! Ma'am, be careful!
"Oh ho ho ho, yeah. I will!
"... isn't that enough, gentlemen? Me, it's getting cold. Why don't you go inside?
In a word of an angel named Larser, Hell's play didn't have to be prolonged any longer.
But the air couldn't be changed, it was coarse tea, and everyone quietly drank the fine tea served. The conversation is not as exciting as the sound of even swallowing it with a trickle.
Hand dishes are to be disturbed by Eliza's spiritually demanding and exclusive cock delicious dishes.
Thus, the coveted visit to the home of her lovely daughter closed in an unfortunate way.
Let me finish by saying, nobody's bad. Said the world was bad.
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