Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith
Five, five stories.
"Boss, don't go! What are we gonna do without you!" "Boss!" "Please, boss!" "Say something! Boss."
I was supposed to come out to stand trial, but at the end of the day, I was sobbed like this. I didn't know you were going to get so much hope in such an underground......
"We need to fight outside.... If I lose there, I'll be back here again"
"Then you lose!" "Boss, lose!" "Lose for us!
What are you talking about! I'm gonna get in trouble for that.
But life here was certainly not a bad thing. I don't like being around for the rest of my life, but it's not as bad as it comes sometimes.
"If I lose, I can't. It's not just me, I even get involved with the people I care about. So I have to fight, and I have to win. I have feelings here... but I still have to go."
"Boss...... you have a lot outside too. I knew you were awesome. If that's the case, shouldn't we make any more noise... Just go! And protect what really matters to you."
"I'm sorry. Make good use of the plan. Okay, I'm coming!
As the prisoners watched, it was a lot noisy, but they went up from the lift to the ground. The atmosphere has changed considerably since I arrived. Kudan prison, which was not as dirty as death, has disappeared from there and turned into a proper place to live. From above, I can see it very well.
"Boss, the sweep of those acquired within the guards is complete. I'll let you know when I know everything."
On the lift, I thought they even called me boss because of my mind.
Is that what it's like to be hard when his expression does it?
"Oh, do a rigorous investigation. I need a detailed report."
"Ha! Whatever the boss says."
At some point, I was the boss of this whole prison...... I didn't know the frog in the well had overflowed that well to derive its effects outside. Maybe I'm a man who can show you out.
The lift reached the ground with a rattling, intense sound and impact.
On the ground, the guards were lined up in a row, all standing in salute.
"We're gathering everyone to drop off the boss"
Huh? Really? How could you do this to me?
"... good. so as to refine in the future. Gradually, it's better to get more involved with the prisoners down there. Don't think it's okay as it is."
"Ha! Like that!
As the guard walked past the line, he headed to the carriage ahead. A pick-up carriage... I didn't know what was coming, but now you're even a little lonely. Bye bye, Kudan prison.
"Boss! We look forward to your return!
Finally, voices were raised simultaneously by the guards.
... That means you want me to get arrested again? Is that... what do you think?
"You... what the hell is going on?"
When I got in the carriage, there was Prince Ark and Iris looking like he said he was impatient. I'm sure you'll be worried about picking me up. I have good friends.
"I've lost you worried. There's cheer coming from the basement, the guards are hand named, what were you doing here!? Didn't they catch you?
"Yes, but we were all sweet, so it was no big deal. I got a couch or something."
"Really? You have a good conscience. What's a boss? Looks like I'm referring to you..."
"Oh, well. I'm the boss here. If you ever come in, don't forget to say hello to me."
"I'm not going in. Well, you won't be here anymore."
So is that. Then let's say no greetings and be good.
"Kurli was kurli wherever he was, it feels like. Yeah, I was worried, but if I believed in Kurli more, I guess I would have been right to have a cup of tea and wait and relax."
"You're right. Iris is finally getting to know me."
"Yeah, we've had quite a relationship already. Right?
"What a pretty good relationship. Hey, Kurli! What do you mean?"
"I think so. We'll have a longer relationship than Prince Ark."
Well, I could tease the prince, and I could talk to my adorable Iris for a long time. As far as I'm concerned, I feel full of this already, but things don't seem to forgive me for that.
"We can only ride along the way. You will go alone during the trial. It's okay, we've got a lot of evidence. Your innocence will be proven at some point."
"I heard it from Rayle, too. I hear you've been working hard. Thank you, tell Larser too."
"You should say that yourself. It will soon return to boring school life anyway. You'll have as much time before then."
Is that true? That's fine. Until you go say hello yourself.
Speaking of which, didn't Larser come? Why? You're one of the people I wanted you to come to... I wonder if there were other priorities.
"... didn't Larser come?
I didn't have to ask, but I asked why. It was a really whimsical word that came out, but I could see that the prince flashed his face for a moment.
"Larser is feeling a little sick. Well, I'll see you soon."
"Is something wrong?
"No, it's really nothing. I just got a little sick. True..."
What a bad tooth cut. Something on Larser's body? Doesn't even seem like it. But obviously it also feels like you're hiding something. I don't know, what is it? Is something going on?
Maybe you're both hiding something from me? I wanted to ask you something like that, but I also thought I would hunt down two of my friends who came all the way to pick me up, so I decided not to.
After this, as much as I appeared during the trial in a super healthy body and surprised the Dartanelles, the trial itself continued to prevail by the time it was one-sided. The testimony of "Money Geva" gave me a decisive beating, and in the end I was acquitted. Blau Dartanel, who came to me with a claim, even gave me an apology. Around the corner, where he changed his attitude and had no hesitation in apologizing, it can be seen that the skin on his face is quite thick. Finally, they even pay compensation, so I got it right around there.
"Such a stiff money... I thought it would be rejected..."
"... this is a matter of feelings. It's just like the triumph trophy. In the meantime, can I win this fight? It's only a matter of time before your name comes out of the bought guard.
"... yeah, fine. Your victory, let's say."
It still feels like there's a back... I don't like it, but I take it whenever I want to do it again. I don't know, back when I felt confident in my own accomplishments.
Peaceful royal life has returned. I've been cut off a lot of vacation time, but it was almost like a vacation time inside Kudan prison, okay?
But the only time I could relax was actually for a little while.
Where the story leaked from, I learned that this disturbance has been made the best pinch of booze among Wang Dumin. The reason I found out was because a reporter came to visit.
Sometimes Larser was free without showing up, and he decided to respond to the reporter with interest.
"This, the brawl between the big nobles, I'd like to brand it as an article with details, can you talk to me?
"A little bit, I guess. I'm free."
"We have heard rumors from the Dartanel family side that they set it up, but what was the beginning?
"Beginning? Hmm, woman... I guess"
Will the Iris thing begin?
"Ho, was it a women's relationship? Again..."
I knew it. Maybe that's how this hand story starts.
"Was there any way that the women's issue even developed into a frontal clash between prestigious aristocrats?
"Development? Mm-hmm. Kim... I guess"
The one in Fragen. He used his injured front teeth as gold teeth and evidence that he was subjected to violence, and I think that made the story easy all at once.
"Ho, was it a gold relationship? Again..."
I knew it. Though it seems to be in this hand story.
"I'm sorry about the rumors, Lord Helan was imprisoned in Kudan prison or something..."
"Yeah, it's true."
"Well, if you have any thoughts,"
"It was comfortable."
"Comfortable...... and. You're a big guy everywhere. The boulder is the only winner of this commotion. It's boulder."
The only winner...... It was a curious way to put it, but I didn't even think about it that deeply.
"So what do you think of the defeated Dartanelle family and the Dorville family who resigned as prime minister after being presented with numerous pieces of evidence of wrongdoing to that Dartanelle family?
"What now?
"Um, so say something to the Dartanelles and the Dorvilles..."
"Eyan Doville quit the Chancellor!?
"Oh, yeah, but wasn't it in your ear?
I got up unexpectedly.
I was in the mood to run somewhere, but where the hell are you going? Is the evil of Eyan Doville finally on the table...... And it's quick.
And most importantly, why didn't anyone tell me such an important thing?
Did Prince Ark know? I don't know why. What about Iris? Of course you know.
That's right! Where's Larser? Where's Larser?
"I'm sorry. We have an emergency. Now excuse me."
I left a reporter and searched for Mr. Spatifila. Even though she was always tight, I was concerned that she was slightly invisible today.
"What about Larser?
"Master Larser is ill. I need to see you..."
"No. I need to see you ASAP. Let me see him!
"... don't blame the prince too much. Prince Larser couldn't help it."
"I don't know what it is. Anyway, I need to see Larser and ask him what happened."
Mr. Spatifila finally lifted his heavy hips and led him to Larser's room. I knocked one gently on the door.
"Prince Larser, Lord Kurli is in sight."
I haven't heard back. The room is quiet.
"Larser, it's me. It's Kurli. Why are you pulling?
A little while opened and my voice rang through the door.
"... I don't have a face to show Aniki"
"Why? What more do you need to carry in between me and you?
"I couldn't do anything. While Aniki was being disparaged, I worked desperately hard, but everything was powerless. What an apology to Aniki..."
"What are you talking about? This is how I got out safely, and look at that. I don't have one scratch on my body. There's nothing to be sorry about. This is how we met again."
"... failed to protect one of Aniki's precious things"
"Something important? What's that?
Also, no reply.
Mr. Spatifila, who refrained behind me, won't even look me in the eye.
"What happened? Talk to me. In this halfway state, I don't even know what I'm going to do... please, Larser"
Time later, the heavy doors of Larser's room opened.
Larser, whose eyes swelled bright red, stood there.
"Aniki, I don't know where Eliza is. I'm sorry. It's all about my bluntness."
"... Eliza disappeared of her own free will?
"... Yes"
"Is that what you set out to do?
"... no"
"Then why are you apologizing? Where's your downfall?
"I couldn't protect Eliza in anticipation of this."
"It's such a pride. No one can expect that, and even if you can, you're not responsible. You don't have to apologize, you don't have to."
"But I..."
"Larser, you did your best, didn't you? That's all I'm so happy about is filling my chest. Hey, my disciple Larser, who is smart, driven, and cute. I'll go find my daughter Eliza, who disappeared without saying anything. Can you help me with that?
I don't know why Eliza disappeared, but she's not that brittle. I just need to find you, that's all.
"Ha, bye... I'll take Zembyog and Odezdie!
Desperately overflowing tears, he still uttered his words to his temperament. Larser, why do you have to suffer for me? Always laugh at me. That makes me happier, too.
I heard a lot about the Dorvilles.
The evils of Eyan Doville vary in size, and once the plug fell out, information came out to overflow. No longer could it be concealed, so many cases were represented that they could not be sheltered.
The king acquitted him with amnesty in order to reward him for his work so far, but also in view of public opinion, the household belongings were to be confiscated.
The Dorville family, who lost their homes, jobs and property.
Especially since the damage to Eyan Doville is huge, and you didn't listen to Master Tsukimi and Eliza trying to start over?
There was a devil's whisper there.
Blau Dartanell talked about wanting Eliza to be engaged to his son Fragen. If you take it, you'll give me property and a job. Originally, Fragen was concerned about Eliza or something...... Eliza refused, and Master Tsukimi disagreed. However, Eyan Doville, who was physically and mentally weak, couldn't stand the smell of poisoned sweet honey, and arbitrarily acknowledged this.
Master Tsukimi was furious at this, and originally from another country, she decided to take Eliza back to her country by boat. But on the day of his departure, Eliza disappeared from the sight of Master Tsukimi. That was informed by a letter from Master Tsukimi, which is what is happening now.
In this way, the Dartanelles have all fallen apart, not only as assets, but even as important families.
"... thanks for talking to me"
"Yes, I should have told you sooner, but I didn't want to disappoint Aniki... I was scared"
"I don't want to disappoint Larser either. So scary. So I know how you feel."
"... thank you. Now my brother and Mr. Rail are exploring my whereabouts. But I don't have a clue."
"... All right, when we get dressed, let's go find him too"
"Any clues?
"I don't know. But it's much better than waiting."
I've changed my mind, and I'm taking a tempered Larser and we're both going to follow Eliza's footsteps. I wanted to visit Eyan Doville, but I didn't know where he was. Master Tsukimi has already left this country after boarding the ship.
Then there seems to be only about a clue left in the house...... That may have already been investigated, too. But I have to go. Go!
"This doesn't belong to the Dorville family anymore. Now no one else can take it personally."
"Really? Mr. Butler Floater, can I ask that guy something?
"... yes, let's just do it"
I knocked on the gate, but no one comes out of it.
A house that has lost its landlord, but this house is a little special and only a historical prime minister is allowed to live there. While the position of Chancellor is vacant, the management here is left to the butler. If he cannot open it, it is the gates of this House that can only be opened by force.
"Open up!!
"Open up!!
I was with Larser, and I peeled and kept knocking on the gate. I just have to slap it. Until you open it, you have to slap it!
How long would I have been doing it? I suddenly feel the gate is lighter. It wasn't my fault. The gate was unlocked and opened.
"You're hurting my fist."
"Mr. Floater!! What about Eliza!? Eliza's not here?
"This house does not already belong to the Dorville family. Even if I served you before, I don't already have the right to cross this cottage to her"
"So have you heard anything!? Something from Eliza!
"... butler doesn't do anything to break his mouth lightly. It's about credit."
"I don't care about that! Let me know if you know anything about Eliza!
"I don't care. It's important to me, the butler."
"Ahhh!! All right, man! You're a fine butler who doesn't have any feelings for the people you used to serve and who does his job faithfully! At best it's about being careful not to let the machine take your job!
Words flooded with passion. I regretted it a little.
Because even though Mr. Floater has no responsibility whatsoever. He's only working seriously. I don't take the liberty of replacing one of these children. It's just sprinkling with anger.
"You won't listen to me. Will a butler work for a machine or something!
"You work! If it's your job now, I'll work for you!
"Yes! I won't keep my mouth shut when they insult my butler position! All right! Even deacons have feelings! Especially if the person you were serving is an excellent one! What I'm going to say now is, because of this floater's solitude, don't you ever listen! Ok!? My former husband, Eliza, very fond of chiffon cake, said this on the morning of his disappearance. Even the potatoes at the end of the east were whining so secretly about going to eat them. You liked chiffon cake!
End of East potato......?
"Aniki, what's that!?
"Oh, speaking of the end of the east from the king's capital..."
As long as it is domestic, the end of the east refers there in this country.
"It's Helanese territory! Eliza is going for Helan!
"Aniki, let's go! If we go after him now, we might make it."
"Right.... Let's go!
Let's hurry. To catch up with her.
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