Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 154 - 117 Siege Of The Pink Queen

"I have seen this Giant Earth King before; it lives in a cave not far from here. If I am not mistaken, it should have a partner, a Pink Queen, whose cultivation base is between 3,500 and 4,000 years. It's just right for Oscar, besides, none of us are sleepy now so we might as well go find it." Chen Feng said to Tang San and the others.

"What kind of Spirit Beast is the Pink Queen?" Ning Rongrong asked.

Tang San informed everyone: "The Pink Queen is a variant of the Pink Maiden. The Pink Queen looks like a Scorpion and has a transparent pink body. It can produce a kind of toxin, the poison stimulates and makes a person excited, when too much toxins are inhaled, it will overdraw the host's vitality, killing them."

"For ordinary Pink Maiden's to mutate, not only is a cultivation base of 3,000 Years required, but the Pink Maiden also needs to have eaten more than 100 of the same species. Only then will the Pink Queen appear, when it does though, a large number of Pink Maidens will flock to it, creating a colony."

"Oscar is a Food-Type Auxiliary Spirit Master, even if he absorbs a poisonous Spirit Beasts' Spirit Ring, it is likely his food will not carry a toxin, rather, it should only have a stimulating effect, which should increase a person's strength for a short time, similar to the Auxiliary Spirit Master's Ability from the Savage Combat Team."

Hearing that it would improve all attributes, Oscar's heartbeat in excitement, his eyes as he asked Chen Feng: "Brother Feng, can you take us there quickly?"

"Of course, but before that, you should plan how to kill the Pink Queen, oh, and I will continue to not help you as per the rules of the assessment." Chen Feng stated.

Oscar turned his gaze to Tang San again. Tang San knew the Pink Queen best, he would have a way.

"A single Pink Maiden can't even cause damage to a Rank 10 Spirit Master, but a large number of Pink Maiden's gathering together, with a Pink Queen commanding them, as well as their dangerous toxin, even a Rank 50 Spirit King may die." Tang San frowned.

"Can my *Small Detoxification Sausage* treat their poison?" Oscar asked.

"The *Small Detoxification Sausage* can only suppress it for a short while, I'm afraid it would lose effectiveness as time passes." Tang San shook his head.

"Do we have no way to resist the Pink Maiden and Queen's poison?" Oscar asked, it would be a shame to miss out on a suitable Spirit Ring.

Tang San stretched out his hand and swiped his Moonlight 24 Bridges, he took out a large pink flower. The flower had no leaves, its stem was three feet long, its flower was huge, and each petal was crystal clear.

"The Immortal Herb in my hand is the Aromatic Silk Beauty, it is the bane of all poisons and can neutralise every toxin. Within 10 metres of it, any toxin loses its effect, without its poison, the Pink Queen is not that powerful, using this to our advantage, we can rush into the Pink Queen's lair, take Oscar's *Small Detoxification Sausage* and kill it." Tang San said.

"This is a good idea." Dai Mubai nodded.

"Then let's hurry up," Oscar said impatiently.

Tang San cast his gaze on Flender and Grandmaster. They both had listened to what Tang San and the others said just now. With Chen Feng there, they would not have to worry about the Students' safety, so, the two nodded.

"Follow me."

Chen Feng jumped towards the dark forest.

Although it was late at night, everyone was a Spirit Master, and through the moonlight, they could see the surroundings, but they could not see as far away as during the day.

For Ning Rongrong and Oscar to keep up, Chen Feng did not move very fast.

After walking for more than half an hour, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, he turned and said to everyone: "The Pink Queen's lair is not far, from now on, it's up to you."

"Move quickly but lightly, it would be best if we could get close to the Pink Queen without being noticed." Tang San stated.

The others nodded, and following Tang San, they headed towards the Pink Queen's lair.

Less than three minutes after advancing, everyone heard a rustling sound. Tang San used his *Purple Demon Eye* to take a look and discovered that the Pink Maidens were all gathering in one location.

"Have we been discovered?" Xiao Wu whispered.

"We just got here, even if we were discovered, they wouldn't be able to gather so quickly, it must be the Pink Queen who ordered them to assemble long before we got here." Tang San answered.

"It's night now, ordinary Spirit Beasts would be resting now, so why are they gathering?" Ning Rongrong frowned.

"Brother Feng said, this Pink Queen is the Giant Earth King's partner, maybe, the Giant Earth King had left a means of communication to the Pink Queen and when he died, the Pink Queen was somehow notified. As a result, the Pink Queen is currently gathering its subordinates to exact revenge." Tang San guessed.

"Then what should we do now?" "Oscar asked.

"Keep going, as long as we solve the Pink Queen in a short period, the other Pink Maiden's should disperse." Tang San thought about it slightly, before quickly making a decision.

Walking hundreds of meters forward, crystal clear pink scorpions appeared in everyone's sight, each of them was about two feet long.

Wandering on the ground. Among these Pink Maidens, there is a larger Pink Queen. The pink colour on her body is not only deeper, but she is also covered with a layer of fine scales. Her head has six small dark red eyes. Glowing with a faint cold light.

"Ready. "

Tang San released his Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit, separated five Blue Silver Grass, and wrapped them around everyone's waist, this ensured that everyone would not leave the range of the Aromatic Silk Beauty, and at the same time, he will be able to rescue them from any danger.

"*White Tiger Intense LightWave*. "

Dai Mubai was the first to move, he released his Second Spirit Ability, the white energy light wave blasted the dense Pink Maidens, knocking out seven or eight of them.

The Pink Queen made a sharp cry before many Pink Maidens rushed towards Tang San and the others. They began to surround the Shrek students from 3 directions.

Each Pink Maiden exuded light pink gas, the gas drifted towards Tang San and the others. However, when they came within 30 metres of them, it disappeared.

"First, Second and Third Day's of the Nine Treasures, Power, Agility and Spirit*!"

Nine colour light bloomed from Ning Rongrong's body, her Martial Spirit, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda surfaced on top of her right palm, her left hand gently struck it, causing 3 lights to enter Mubai's, Zhu Zhuqing's and Xiao Wu's boy.

Seven-eight Pink Maiden's suddenly leapt at them; their sharp tail hook pointed towards Zhu Zhuqing.

"*Hell Hundred Claws*. "

The second Spirit Ring on Zhu Zhuqing's body burst into yellow light, her sharp claws quickly attacked, leaving several shadows around her body, the seven or eight Pink maidens who attacked were immediately smacked flying away at the same time.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing lead the way, in a few minutes, they had arrived in front of the Pink Queen.

"Oscar, your sausage!" Tang San shouted towards Oscar.

"*I, Your Father, Have A Little Sausage!" Oscar chanted a spell and quickly created six *Small Detoxification Sausages*, he ate one himself and threw the remaining 5 to Tang San and the others.

After everyone took the *Small Detoxification Sausage*, Tang San withdrew his Blue Silver Grass from everyone's waist.

Dai Mubai used *White Tiger Vajra Transformation* and rushed towards the Pink Queen first, the Pink Queen spewed out a thick pink mist, but Dai Mubai who had taken the Small Detoxification sausage knew this mist could not affect him.

Just when Dai Mubai's sharp tiger claws were about to hit the Pink Queen's head, the Pink Queen flicked her tail, its tailhook pierced towards Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai could only give up the attack and used his *White Tiger Shield Body Barrier* to resist.

"First Spirit Ability, *Waist Bow*." Xiao Wu seized this opportunity and moved to the side of Pink Queen. She activated her first Spirit Ability, and she threw Pink Queen away.

A Green Ball of Light Tang San had previously prepared was thrown out by Tang San before the Pink Queen fell, the green light stretched instantly, turning into a huge cobweb, tying the Pink Queen tightly, restraining its movements.

(T/N: For those who are not aware, the Green Light was Tang San's 3rd Spirit Ability, *Spider Web Restraint*)

"Fourth Spirit Ability, *Hell Triangle Kill*." Zhu Zhuqing's figure quickly rushed forward, dividing into three while rushing, the 3 got into a triangle formation, trapping the Pink Queen in the middle, a light array lit up beneath the feet of the three Zhu Zhuqing. A huge beam of light rose into the sky from the centre of the light array, and the Pink Queen who had just landed onto the ground was swept away again.

The three figures moved again at the same time, they appeared above the Pink Queen. Their sharp claws hit, scratched, lacerated, and wounded the Pink Queen one after another. Finally, the three figures merged into one, they merged into Zhu Zhuqing who promptly kicked the Pink Queen away.


The Pink Queen's body fell heavily onto the ground, her crystal-clear body had a dozen or so holes from the short but rapid confrontation.

Tang San hurriedly said: "Oscar, kill it quickly, its eyes are its weakness!"

Oscar quickly moved, he drew a dagger from his waist and stabbed it straight into its eye, ending the Pink Queen's life.

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