Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 170 - 133 Intense Bidding

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. In these three days, Shrek Academy had a Match every day, but their opponent's strength was very weak, Chen Feng did not even have to participate in the Match, they won the Match easily.

Tonight, the Spirit Bone will be Auctioned, Flender lead Shrek Academy to the Heaven Dou Auction House.

It is hard to see something like Spirit Bone Auction happening in a lifetime. Thus, Flender and Grandmaster as well as all the Shrek students are interested and want to see it.

Chen Feng also followed Flender and the others. This afternoon, he had gone to the Auction House and handed the Spirit Bone to Director Feng.

However, when they came to the entrance of the Heaven Dou Auction House, they were stopped by a guard at the gate.

"Sorry, only VIPs with Black and Red VIP Cards can enter." Explained the nearby tall, female server.

"Why?" Flender asked slightly angrily.

"There are too many people participating in the Auction tonight, and the Auction House cannot accommodate them all. To ensure the Auction happens smoothly, we can only do this. Please forgive us." The girl elaborated.

"It seems that we don't even have the qualifications to even go in let alone bid," Flender said mockingly.

"Dad, Grandpa Sword!" Ning Rongrong saw Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin and ran over immediately.

"Rongrong." Ning Fengzhi pampered and touched Ning Rongrong's head.

"Greetings, Clan Head Ning." Flender, Master, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji bowed and saluted.

"You are all Rongrong's Teachers, there's no need to be polite, let's go in and have a look, shall we?" Ning Fengzhi smiled, his smile was very friendly and made him seem approachable as well as down-to-earth.

Flender would naturally not refuse Ning Fengzhi's invitation, so the group walked into the Auction House together.

Following the reception staff, the group soon arrived at the Auction centre.

The current Auction centre is a little different from the one Chen Feng saw the last time he came here. The Red area had been divided into VIP Rooms with one-way glass. Every time an important Auction happens, the Auction House does this.

Ning Fengzhi, as the Head of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan, naturally has a VIP room.

The space of the VIP room is not small, despite accommodating so many people, it was still not crowded.

"The Auction House is livelier than the last time we came here." Xiao Wu spoke as she grabbed a piece of fruit and placed it in her mouth, she was speaking while eating.

"Of course, everyone has come for the priceless Spirit Bone," Tang San stated.

"Each Spirit Bone is extremely rare. Even if the Spirit Bone does not suit one's Attributes, it can still greatly improve the strength of the Spirit Master." Grandmaster added, although he is a direct descendent of the Blue Lighting Tyrant Dragon Clan, but because his Martial Spirit mutated in the wrong direction, he had never had the opportunity to come into close contact with the Spirit Bones of his Clan.

"Is Clan Head Ning here to bid and obtain the Spirit Bone for Rongrong?" Flender aksed.

Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly. He felt that there was no need to hide such a thing, he answered: "This Spirit Bone's Attributes are very suitable for Rongrong. If Rongrong can obtain it, her strength will surge."

"Thank you, Dad." Ning Rongrong said happily.

"If Clan Head Ning is the one bidding, then I'm afraid that everyone else has lost hope in obtaining this Spirit Bone." Flender smiled. If Ning Rongrong can obtain this Spirit Bone, her strength will rise which is a good thing for Shrek Academy.

In front of this precious Spirit Bone, the major forces will not give up competing because the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan is the ric.h.e.s.t power. They may not be able to compete with the Clan in terms of riches and wealth, but they sure can compete when it comes to strength.

There was still some time before the Auction of the Spirit Bone begins. During this time, some other treasures are being Auctioned on the Stage. After finally attracting so many VIPs, the Heaven Dou Auction House had taken this opportunity to make a big profit.

"Your Royal Highness, since the Heaven Dou Auction House has the words 'Heaven Dou' in it, then it must belong to and have the backing of the Royal Clan, right?" Chen Feng looked at Xue Qinghe.

"The Royal Clan has a 50% share in the Heaven Dou Auction House and therefore, obtains half the profits." Xue Qinghe nodded. This is not a secret; most nobles of the Heaven Dou Empire know this.

"Since the Royal Clan is behind it, why do they then Auction slaves? Doesn't this trample on the laws of the Empire?" Tang San frowned.

"The interests behind the Heaven Dou Auction House are too great. The other half of the shares belong to the Nobles. Because of this, there is not much that the Royal Clan can do." Xue Qinghe sighed helplessly.

"Little San, the matters regarding such things can't be explained in a short period, it is better to focus on this for now." Grandmaster commented.

The Heaven Dou Auction House has prepared a lot of good items for the Auction. In addition to the Spirit Bone, they have auctioned some other precious Items. Even Ning Fengzhi bid for them several times.

The Auctioneer on the Auction Stage held an Amplification Spirit Guidance Device, he announced: "Next, is what you all have been waiting for and what every Spirit Master dreams of. "

While the Auctioneer was speaking, a young girl came up with a tray. Two elderly men were walking with the young girl. These old men were not weak, they should be Spirit Saints.

Hearing the words of the Auctioneer, many of the attending Spirit Masters' eyes became fierce, they stared closely at the tray in the girl's hand. If it were not for the strong backing of the Heaven Dou Auction House, some anxious people may have already made a move and stolen the Item.

"It's finally about to start." Chen Feng also looked at the Auction Stage in anticipation.

"I don't know when I can obtain my first Spirit Bone?" "Ma Hongjun wondered with some envy.

"Fatty, stop dreaming, unless you obtain a Spirit Bone from hunting a Spirit beast, you have no chance of obtaining a Spirit Bone." Oscar patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder. People like them can only rely on themselves since they have poor backgrounds and do not have the wealth to purchase precious commodities and treasures like Spirit Bones.

"The chance of obtaining a Spirit Bone is extremely small. Most people immediately use it. If the Attributes do not match, they will choose to exchange it with others, few will put it up for Auction." Grandmaster added.

On the Auction Stage, the Auctioneer's voice sounded again: "Presumably, many know what this is in advance, yes, this is the Spirit Bone that will be Auctioned next."

The Auctioneer lifted the red cloth, and colourful light suddenly radiated out.

"This Spirit Bone is a rare Cranial Spirit Bone. It is around 10,000 years in age. The seller has a request. They stated that they will not accept Gold Coins and they will only accept various treasures since a Spirit Bone is precious. The biding will begin in 3,2,1, now." Seeing that the atmosphere has almost frozen, the Auctioneer directly began the bidding.

"A piece of Inner Armour made by Master Lou Gao!"

As soon as the Auctioneer's voice fell, someone made an offer.

"Hmph, a mere Inner Armour, I will exchange the Spirit Bone with 3 Spirit Guidance Devices with a storage space of 50 cubic meters!"

"I offer Spirit Douluo powerhouses who can help the seller hunt and kill Spirit Beasts. They can choose any, they only need to be below 50,000 years of age!"

" .... "

"A Nobility Rank of Marquis of the Heaven Dou Empire." A faint voice could suddenly be heard from a VIP room.

"It's Prince Xue Xing."

Many heard the voice and immediately identified the voice. Except for Emperor Xue Ye, not many dares to bid for a Spirit Bone with a Nobility Rank.

The Nobility Ranks of the Heaven Dou Empire from high to low are Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, and Baron. Marquis is the second-highest Nobility Rank, and the number of Marquis in the Heaven Dou Empire is small.

"They are willing to even bid with a Marquis position, it seems that the allure of the Spirit Bone is great," Flender said.

"If the seller agrees, not only can Prince Xue Xing obtain a Spirit Bone, but he can also recruit a powerful Spirit Master for the Heaven Dou Empire," said Grandmaster.

"This Prince Xue Xing is thinking wishfully." Hearing what Grandmaster said, Flender understood what Prince Xue Xing's goal is.

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