Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 177 - 140 Clear Sky Hammer True Body

Chen Feng ignored his opponent's words, he looked at the Referee and said, "Referee, I request the Match to be suspended."

The Referee gave Chen Feng a surprised look: "Can you state why I should do that?"

Chen Feng replied flatly, "The opponent's Seven-In-One Fusion Technique should have a great backlash in case it is broken. The backlash may even turn them into idiots, so before the Match proceeds any further, I hope that they state that they are responsible for any unforeseen circ.u.mstances and that they are accountable for the results. If they do not assume accountability, then there is no point in the Match happening."

The Captain of CangHui Academy said angrily: "Bullshit! How can you crack our *Seven Asura Dreamland*?"

Chen Feng said disdainfully: "You frog at the bottom of a well, even a Seven-in-One Martial Spirit Fusion Ability, may be cracked, not to mention your Seven-in-One Fusion Technique."

The Captain of Canghui Academy became gloomy, he roared angrily: "Referee, I suspect they are deliberately delaying time and consuming our Spirit Power!"

Chen Feng responded: "Referee, we can wait for them to fully recover before starting the Match again, but before we start the Match again, we must ensure that we will not be held accountable for what happens afterwards, otherwise we will refuse to play."

The Referee pondered for a moment and said: "We will discuss this matter; the Match will be halted while the Referee Team makes a decision. You cannot leave the Stage before that nor can you communicate."

Chen Feng smiled. He killed Shi Nian and naturally would not give Canghui Academy's Contestants a chance to retaliate against him. It would be best if Canghui Academy's Contestants disappear from this world, but then again, he does not want to tangle himself with Salas afterwards if he accidentally kills the Contestants or the backlash kills them. Therefore, it would be best if they are not held accountable for what happens from breaking the *Seven Asura Dreamland*, preventing Salas from finding any fault with him as well, not that he is afraid of Salas finding fault with him, he only finds dealing with Salas a hassle.

Colourful rays of light converged, the seven Contestants of Canghui Academy sat cross-legged and began to meditate to restore their Spirit Power. They had all used their Spirit Ability just now and keeping the technique activated consumed their Spirit Power as well.

The Contestants of Shrek Academy had nothing to do and began to meditate.

On the Viewing Platform of the participating Academy's.

"What does Xiao Feng want to do?" Flender asked in a puzzled way.

"He is probably planning something," Grandmaster said.

"I'll go to the Referee Team to see. No matter what Xiao Feng wants to do, I must ask Canghui Academy to agree to Xiao Feng's request." After Flender finished speaking, he hurriedly left.

As time passed bit by bit, the Matches in the other Arenas ended, and now the audience in the entire Arena was waiting for the Shrek Academy and Canghui Academy's Match to begin.

"After discussing amongst ourselves, we have agreed to Shrek Academy's request. Shrek Academy will not be held accountable for the damage caused by the Seven-In-One Technique's backlash."

The Referee announced their decision and then he looked at the seven Contestants of Canghui Academy, he asked: " Do you still need time to recover your Spirit Power?"

The Captain of Canghui Academy answered: "No, we have recovered our Spirit Power."

Currently, he just wants to hurry up and let everyone from Shrek Academy admit that their *Seven Asura Dreamland* is powerful after losing terribly to its might.

The Referee announced: "Let the Match continue!"

"You all can get down from the ring. I will deal with them alone." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Brother Feng, my *Purple Demon Eye* can restrain them, I will remain and help you." Tang San said, his *Purple Demon Eye* is the nemesis of all illusions.

"No, I can deal with them." Chen Feng said.

"Be careful." Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Chen Feng before turning around and walking off the Stage.

"Are you preparing to surrender?" The Canghui Academy Captain laughed playfully.

"To deal with you trash, I alone am enough." Chen Feng said coldly.

"Stop talking big, prepare to endure the pain of your nightmares!" The Canghui Academy Captain appeared savage as he released his Fourth Spirit Ability.

At the same time, the other six Contestants of Canghui Academy released their Third Spirit Ability, seven beams of light rose into the sky, they merged into a huge colourful beam of light that enveloped the seven of them.

Then, the colourful rays of light instantly converged, In an instant, the entire Arena was completely enveloped, naturally, Chen Feng was also covered by the light. The luminous light illuminated the entire Arena.

This prevented everyone from clearly seeing what was happening on the Stage, they could only see a dazzlingly bright light.

The voice of the Captain of Canghui Academy rang in Chen Feng's ears: "We have waited so long for this day, for too long we have waited, but we will enjoy this, suffer under your nightmares! The nightmares will make you go crazy. This… is the price to pay for insulting us!"

Chen Feng replied faintly: "I don't know where your confidence came from. Compared to Shi Nian, your *Seven-In-One Fusion Technique* is nothing."

"How could you have not fallen into our Dreamland? Wait… What did you do to Teacher?!" The Canghui Academy Captain's voice contained a hint of panic.

"Don't worry…It won't be long before you see him again." Chen Feng said lightly.

As soon as his voice fell, seven dark golden rays of light gushed out from Chen Feng's eyes and shot towards the seven Contestants of Canghui Academy, and several screams sounded almost simultaneously.

The colourful rays of light dissipated everything on the Stage became clear again. Currently, the seven Contestants of Canghui Academy were lying on the ground, their bodies were convulsing, foam was emerging from their mouths, their eyes had rolled up, it was almost as if they had gone crazy and died.

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. The seven Contestants of Canghui Academy had all become idiots, and it will not be long before they die.

Because Chen Feng's Mental Power attack has a trace of his *Netherworld Domain's* devouring power, this devouring power is extremely small, it is impossible to be detected. If it is a normal person, this devouring power can be easily removed from them, but the seven Contestants of Canghui Academy have already become idiots, they can only wait for this devouring power to slowly devour their Souls.

At the end of the Match, several senior experts from the Spirit Master World came to the Stage to check the Contestants of Canghui Academy, they concluded that the Spirit Ability backlash was too severe and made them turn into idiots, and because they had been held accountable for this backlash, Chen Feng will not be responsible and therefore, could not be criticised or attacked for it.

When Chen Feng returned to the Contestant Resting Area, Tang San could not help but say, "Brother Feng, you are too cruel."

Although he did not know what just happened, he was certain that the seven Contestants of Canghui Academy became idiots because of the backlash from their Fusion technique, which was caused by Chen Feng.

"Did I do something?" Chen Feng looked puzzled. He would deny any accusations that he caused the backlash.

When Flender and Grandmaster came over, Flender could not help but state: "You little monsters caused trouble for me again, come back to the Academy and train more!"

"Yes, teacher." Ma Hongjun replied.

Back at the Academy, everyone was about to start their training, but Chen Feng called them to the back mountain.

"Little San, you saw the Seven-in-One Fusion Technique of Canghui Academy, do you have any ideas about it?" Chen Feng said.

Tang San thought for a moment, and said, "The seven of them have very strong fusion Technique. If it is not a control technique, then it an attack Ability, I think none of the participating Spirit Masters can resist it apart from Brother Feng."

Chen Feng responded, "I'm not asking you this. Since they can use a Seven-in-One Martial Spirit Fusion Technique, can't we?"

Xiao Wu frowned and said, "The seven of them can use a Fusion Technique because all of them had Gemstone Martial Spirits, making their Spirits and Attributes are similar, but for those of us who have different Spirits, how can the technique work?"

Chen Feng smiled: "If we don't try, how will we know it doesn't work?"

Tang San asked, "How do we try?"

He learned from Grandmaster the theory about Martial Spirits, and that fusing different Spirits is possible, albeit it is a little harder to do.

"Rongrong watch by the side first. The six of you stand in a line, with Xiao San at the front and Zhuqing at the back. Don't think about anything and completely relax." Chen Feng instructed.

Chen Feng released his Martial Spirit, his six Spirit Rings flashed at the same time, dark golden light condensed in Chen Feng's palms.

"Spirit Ring Fusion Technique!" Ning Rongrong covered her mouth in surprise. She did not expect Chen Feng to have such an ability.

When the dark golden light condensed to a certain extent, Chen Feng places his hands on Zhu Zhuqing's back, the dark golden light then merged into the latter's body.

Zhu Zhuqing raised her arms and put them on Xiao Wu in front of her.

The dark golden light poured into Xiao Wu's body from Zhu Zhuqing's hands. Xiao Wu's situation was the same as Zhu Zhuqing's, she then poured the dark golden light into Ma Hongjun's body.

In this manner, they passed it one by one, and as they did, the dark golden light became richer and more powerful.

When it was injected into Tang San's body, Tang San's body trembled violently, and a huge pressure radiated from him.

Tang San spread out his left hand, unconsciously, his Clear Sky Hammer appeared.

A surging black light radiated from it; the Clear Sky Hammer's hammer body became the size of a water tank. Tang San grasped the hammer's handle but did not feel the slightest strain from using it.

Tang San felt that he had merged with the Clear Sky Hammer. The original black hammer body had turned dark gold. He raised the hammer, the hammer suddenly expanded, it became so large that its shadow covered everyone.

Tang San swung the hammer down, causing a crash to resound through all of Shrek Academy, the had hillside cracked, dust was all over the place and several large trees had been broken and fallen because of the wind from the swing.

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